Rebuild the Galaxy's 100 Easter eggs, references and explained changes

Rebuild the Galaxy's 100 Easter eggs, references and explained changes

Warning! This post contains spoilers for LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy

LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy is the latest special franchise, taking a more comedic approach to Star Wars Filled with Easter eggs and certificates. In an era where "what if..." concepts and multiverse stories are more popular than ever, Rebuild the galaxy Is exactly what many Star Wars Fans have been looking for. The LEGO setting allows the creative team to explore the galaxy in new ways and take a different approach to iconic characters, all while telling a fun story that fans of all ages can enjoy.

Despite only four 20-minute episodes, Rebuild the galaxy Works an impressive number of callbacks to the previous Star Wars Movies and TV shows. The story also finds a way to work the many changes in the plot and still tell a compelling, emotional story for the main character. Over 100 Star Wars Easter eggs, references, and changes appear throughout LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the GalaxyMaking the series a must-watch for both casual and hardcore fans.


A quick recap of the Skywalker saga

From the prequels to the sequels

A combined poster of the Skywalker Saga

Before the galaxy is rearranged, Sig Greebling tells his friends an abbreviated version of​​​​​​​​​the Skywalker Saga, condensing several characters and events into a two-minute story.


Vader trying to kill younglings

Anakin is not good with kids

Anakin Skywalker fires his lightsaber into a room full of young people in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.

During Sig Greebling's recap of the Skywalker saga, Anakin Skywalker changes into Darth Vader and chases some nearby kids, referencing the younglings he killed in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.


The Senate has some familiar faces

Several recurring minifigures throughout

The Imperial Senate in Star Wars

Here's a list of characters that can be spotted in the Galactic Senate during Sig Greebling's Skywalker Saga recap:



Ponda Baba

The Aqualish, who attacked Luke Skywalker in the Moss Eisley Cantina and had his arm cut off by Ben Kenobi.


The red eyes suggest that they are those of The Mandalorian.


Two Chewbacca minifigures appear, wearing the Wookiee's trademark bandolier.

Bib Fortuna

Jabba the Hutt's Twi'lek Majordomo in Return of the Jedi.

An IG camera.

Possibly IG-88 of The empire strikes back or IG-11 from The Mandalorian.

Garinden Ezz Zavor

Known as "Long Snot," he was the cloistered figure who led the storm to the Millennium Falcon in Mos Eisley.

A bit

Possibly a band member of Figurin Don and the Model Nodes who played at the Moose Eisley Canteen.

An Ewok

First published in Return of the Jedi.


A small Chadra fan that appeared in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

A Gamaran guard

Keep Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi.

A Kovacian monkey-lizard

Possibly salacious bee crumb from Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi.


Returning/notable voice actors

Star Wars legends are back in action

Mark Hamill gives a big smile for the camera with a storm trooper standing behind him

Some voice actors in LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy appeared in Star Wars Previous or have other notable movie and television roles:

Voice actor

Previous roles

Anthony Daniels

Daniels played C-3PO in almost every one Star Wars movie and countless other projects.

The Bradley Baker

Baker called in the clone troopers Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Bad BatchAnd Star Wars Rebels. He is an accomplished voice actor known for his talent with animal and creature noises.

Trevor Devall

Devall said Emperor Palpatine and Admiral Akbar in some LEGO Star Wars Projects.

Kevin Michael Richardson

Richardson has voiced letters in multiples Star Wars projects, including Jabba the Hutt.

Matthew Wood

Wood voices General Grievous and the battle droids in the Star Wars Prequels. He is also a health editor for some Star Wars Movies.

Mark Hamill

Hamill is best known for playing Luke Skywalker and returns for a special guest appearance. He also featured Darth Bane Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 6, but his most famous voiceover role is the Joker in several Batman projects.

Ahmed Best

Best portrayed Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars Prequel trilogy and returns to make Darth Jar Jar a reality. He also played Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in The Mandalorian Season 3.

Sam Witwer

Witwer is best known for voicing Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He also provided Starkiller's voice and motion capture for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Kelly Marie Tran

Tran played Rose Tico in the Star Wars Sequel trilogy and returns to play her Sith counterpart.

Phil Lamar

Lamarr called Jedi Master Kit Fisto and other characters in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. His notable roles outside the Star Wars franchise include the title character in Samurai JackVirgil Hawkins / static in Static shockand Hermes Conrad in Futurama.

Matt Sloan

Sloan has voiced Darth Vader in video games and LEGO Star Wars Specials since 2006.

Billy Dee Williams

Williams played Lando Calrissian in the Star Wars movies and returns to play his evil doppelganger "The Landolorian."


"Time for a War in the Stars"

No need for subtlety

The Star Wars logo that appears at the beginning of each episode film

Luke Skywalker says this line during Sig Greebling's Skywalker Saga recap, and it's probably the closest the franchise has come to saying "Star Wars" out loud.


Walkies or YWKS?

They are both furry aliens who save the day

Chewbacca and two Ewoks command an AT-ST in Return of the Jedi

Sig Greebling gets Wookiees and Ewoks mixed in while telling his story, a nod to George Lucas' original plan to use Wookiees in Return of the Jedi.


"The dead speak!"

And we hear it this time

The full opening crawl from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

During Sig Greebling's Skywalker Saga recap, Emperor Palpatine says "I'm back, baby! The dead speak."A line taken directly from the opening crawl of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.


Rey is... kind of Skywalker?

Let's not take this debate over

Rey looks down seriously in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Sig Greebling mentions Ray, "...who was kind of a Skywalker." Possibly as a playful nod to the fan debate about Rey taking the Skywalker name at the end of the sequel trilogy.


Luke is cranky now

The old man Luke in a nutshell

Rey reaches out with her hand while Luke looks frustrated in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Sig Greebling also notes as Luke Skywalker "...was, by this time, pretty moody." When he trained Ray, something Mark Hamill and many Star Wars Fans took issue with.


"But I did leave some stuff out."

There is much more to it Star Wars Like the movies

Thrawn standing in a base in Ahsoka with storm troopers in the background

Sig Greebling told his friends "Next time I can tell you about Grand Admiral Thrawn, or, oh, we can turn the pages of Boba Fett's book..." And their head shaking reflects how difficult it can be for Star Wars Fans to sell stories outside the movies to newcomers.


"JD good, sit bad, we get it!"

The Star Wars Movies are cyclical

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader battle with lightsabers on the cover of Jedi vs Sith The Essential Guide to the Force.

Star Wars is ultimately about the battle between good and evil, and George Lucas wanted the movies to rhyme like poetry, but Dev Greebling's comment reflects how repetitive some Star Wars Stories can be.


"Who are you calling a scruffy looking Neff herder?"

This time they are Nerf listeners

Han Solo looks confused while Princess Leia angrily calls him a Nerf herder in The Empire Strikes Back.

Dave Grebling comments on how he and his brother are Nerf herders, a callback to Princess Leia Organa insulting Han Solo in The empire strikes back.


Young farm boy who dreams of adventure

Luke Skywalker's story began on a farm

Luke Skywalker looks out for the twin sons of Tatooine in Star Wars: A New Hope

Dev and Sig Greebling are young farmboys who either dream of leaving home or love stories about the larger galaxy, a nice parallel to Luke Skywalker in A new hope.


Use the Force to open a Jedi Temple

A Star Wars Rebels Parallel

Ezra and Kanan unlock the Jedi Temple on Lothal in Star Wars Rebels

Sig Greebling using the force to open an ancient Jedi Temple is similar to Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger doing the same on Lothal in Star Wars Rebels.


Key Star Wars scenes that were changed

From Hoth to Jakku

Imperial AT-AT in the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back.

Sig Grebling removing the cornerstone of the Jedi Temple sets off a montage of specifics Star Wars Moments have changed:

Star Wars moment that changed


The Battle of Hoth

The empire strikes back

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Battle Droids

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

The Battle of Krait

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Yoda vs. Palpatine

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

The Death Star Trench Run

Star Wars (aka A new hope)

The Battle of Geonosis

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Rey and BB-8 go across Jakku

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Each moment leads to some new events in the Altered Star Wars Timeline.


The Empire now uses the Rebel Alliance symbol

And vice versa?

AT-AT walkers with the Rebellion symbol on a lava planet in LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy
Image via Disney+

Although the Galactic Empire still exists in the new galaxy, it now appears to use the Rebel Alliance's symbol, rather than the Imperial crest.


Hot is now a lava planet

Is this called "cult"?

Mustafar in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

On top of the Empire's AT-ATs sporting a new symbol, Hoth transforms from a snow planet to a lava planet like Mustafar.


Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi don't exist?

They literally disappear

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon prepare to fight the Separatist droids sent by the Trade Federation in The Phantom Menace

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi's fight with the battle droids is replaced with a calm game of dejarik (aka holosches), and since they do not appear again, it may mean that they do not exist in this new timeline.


Krait is a pepper planet

- Salt.

Ships flying on Krait in The Last Jedi

Krait is perceived as a salt planet in Star Wars: The Last JediBut now a resistance trooper tastes pepper and sneezes because of it.


New government leader on Coruscant

As if the leadership of the galaxy wasn't shady enough

Jar Jar, Palpatine and the Jedi stand in Palpatine's office with Obi-Wan as a hologram in Attack of the Clones.

Salacious B. Crum is the new Supreme Chancellor and is in a meeting with others Star Wars letters:



Babu Frick

The tiny mechanic who wiped C-3PO's memory Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.


Anakin Skywalker's podracing rival of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.


The man sad keeper in Return of the Jedi Who cried when Luke Skywalker killed the beast (although it's hard to say if it was really him).

Unknown character in black robes

This can be a number of evils Star Wars Letters.