The Cold case Reboot at CBS is reportedly not moving forward. The crime procedural aired on CBS for seven seasons from 2003 to 2010, following Detective Lily Rush (Kathryn Morris), a homicide detective with the Philadelphia Police Department who specializes in cold cases and, for most of the show, partners with Detective Scotty Valens (Danny Pino). In April 2024, it was reported that the network was in negotiations with Warner Bros. Cold case Reboot from the show’s original creator, Meredith Stiehm.
Now, months after the revival was first reported, the negotiations have reportedly reached a breaking point. According to Term, The Cold case Reboot is no longer forward at CBS. The report specifies that the project “It has not passed the stage of handling.”
Why the cold case reboot is not moving forward
The two sides were unable to reach an agreement
With Meredith Stiehm returning as the head writer, the Cold case Reboot was set 15 years after the original series ended and would have followed a All-new team of determined detectives investigating cold cases across the Southwest. Unlike the original series, which was based in Philadelphia, the new setting would offer the opportunity to introduce a fresh cast of characters. Even so, Danny Pino reportedly had informal discussions about reprising his role as Detective Scotty Valens, while there is also a possibility that Kathryn Morris could have appeared in a limited capacity as Detective Lily Rush.
At the time the Cold case Reboot was initially reported in April 2024, negotiations between CBS and Warner Bros. TV have been ongoing for a long time, and the two sides are still nowhere closer to an agreement. The two sides reportedly faced similar obstacles as they negotiated a renewal of East New York in 2023And CBS requested additional streaming rights. After months of back-and-forth, the negotiations finally fell through and now the Cold case Reboot doesn’t go ahead, probably due to similar issues.
Our take on the cold case reboot does not advance
It’s probably for the best
The Cold case Not rebooting ahead is probably for the best. There is currently an inundation of crime and police procedural shows on network television of NCIS, Law & Order, Criminal MindsAnd more. While a Cold case Reboot may have appealed to die-hard fans of the show’s original run, it would have been unlikely to have been able to stand out among the tight competition. Additionally, without the return of Kathryn Morris as Detective Lily Rush or Danny Pino as Detective Scotty Whalen, it is unlikely Cold case Reboot would have carried much appeal anyway.
Source: term
The only female detective on the Philadelphia Homicide Squad finds her calling when she is assigned “cold cases,” older crimes that have never been solved.
- Figure
Kathryn Morris, Justin Chambers, Thom Barry, John Finn, Jeremy Ratchford, Danny Pino, Tracie Thoms
- Release date
September 28, 2003
- Seasons
- creator(s)
Meredith Stiem