Rank every episode of Futurama season 12

Rank every episode of Futurama season 12

Futurama Season 12 is finally here, and here's every episode of the season, ranked. Hulu's Futurama The revival was the source of joy for many fans of the beloved animated sci-fi sitcom, with the streaming service announcing that it would be bringing the show back for two more seasons. The first of these, Futurama Season 11, is already a major hit with fans, and now Hulu is releasing every installment of Futurama Season 12. Season 12 offered a variety of new episodes, and here are all of them from worst to best.

Futurama Season 12 featured some wacky episodes, with the Planet Express crew going on adventures that involve NFT heists, bagalo fights, evil chatbots, and a planet made entirely out of books. The series is still trying to find its footing after the success of its first revival season, With season 12 using its episodes to catch up on many of the current events that have occurred since Futurama Last went off the air in 2013. Now that season 12 has wrapped, it's the perfect time to look back on the season as a whole.


Futurama Season 12, Episode 1, "The One Amigo"

Released on July 29, 2024

Unfortunately, the worst episode in Futurama Season 12 is the premiere, "The One Amigo." In this episode, Bender decides to dip his toe into the exciting new world of 31st century NFTs, creating a line of images with him in different costumes. However, Bender quickly realizes that this was a mistake, causing an identity crisis that sends him on a journey to find out more about his robotic family. Back in New York, the Planet Express crew plan a heist in order to steal the Bender NFTs, earning their friend's likeness back.

It's always nice to see the cast of Futurama Back again after some time off the air, meaning that episode 1 didn't overshadow the joy of seeing everyone return for the season premiere. However, this episode is not that interesting or original. Episodes focused on Bender's family members have happened many times beforeAnd while it may introduce new characters, they aren't interesting enough to make the season 12 premiere outshine the old ones. The Planet Express crew storyline is also largely generic, with Farnsworth overshadowing the rest of the gang.

However, the biggest problem with Futurama Season 12, Episode 1 is the theme: NFTs. Although there was a time when NFTs were a hot topic ripe for comedy, that time has long passed. South Park Made episodes parodying the NFT craze years ago, and have Futurama Doing it all the time later just makes the show seem dated. Futuramas NFT parody did not do anything new, and while being late to the game is undoubtedly a product of Futuramas production and release cycle, it is still difficult to get anything from this outdated theme episode.



Futurama Season 12, Episode 8, "Cuteness Overlord"

Released on September 16, 2024

After some great episodes, Futurama Season 12, episode 8 sticks out as a bit of a disappointment among the newest batch of episodes. The episode sees Leela and the Planet Express crew head back to Leela's orphanage, where they meet some of the new child residents. During this, Amy becomes obsessed with collecting Fuzzy Funbags, a series of highly collectible plushies that resemble real-world beanie babies. However, the gang soon discovers that Fuzzy Funbags are actually a dangerous race of aliens who are on a mission to conquer Earth.

The biggest problem with "Cuteness Overlord" is that it's not that creative. The joke of a cute thing that is really dangerous is not something newIt was done with him in all other places. Futurama's parody of Beanie Babies isn't timely or original, and it doesn't even add a fun sci-fi twist to the concept. "Cuteness Overlord" isn't the worst episode in Futurama Season 12, but it's far from the best.


There are some positives to "cuteness overlord." Futurama Episodes centered on Amy, Kif, and their kids are always fun, and it's nice to see a little more of Leela's backstory. However, this episode is still missing a lot of what makes others Futurama Episodes so much better.


Futurama Season 12, Episode 9, "The Futurama Mystery Library"

Released on September 23, 2024

Like many other seasons of FuturamaSeason 12 was supposed to have an anthology episode, with "The Futurama Mystery Library" filling that role. This time, the theme of the anthology episode is children's mystery books, with the three-segment parody series as Encyclopedia Brown And The Adventures of Tintin. Meanwhile, the framing device features Read Rainbows LeVar Burton in a space library, with him introducing each of the three segments.

The best part of "The Futurama Mystery Library" is the art style. Each of the three segments contains a different art style, making the episode a visual treat. The best of these is obviously the design of the segment that parodies The Adventures of TintinWith it perfectly recreate the style of the original comics.


While "The Futurama Mystery Library" is better than some of the past Futurama Anthology episodes, not so much. There's nothing in the episode that's particularly clever, and while fans of the stories it's parodying might get a kick out of the segments, it doesn't do anything special in the format. "The Futurama Mystery Library" is a pretty middle of the road anthology episode, with it not being nearly as good as classics like "Anthology of Interest I."


Futurama Season 12, Episode 5, "One is Silicon and the Other is Gold"

Released on August 26, 2024

The next episode in our Futurama Season 12 rating is episode 5, "One is silicon and the other is gold." A lot happens in this episode, with it kicking off when the Planet Express guys go to a Fyre festival parody known as Inferno Festival. This leads Leela to realize that she needs a friend group of her own, causing her to gather many of them FuturamaS female side characters for an adventure. The episode also contains a storyline about a vengeful chatbot, a fake funeral, and a book club with the aforementioned Planet Express guys, meaning there's a lot to dissect here.

Although "one is silicon and the other gold" is low on the list, there is a lot of good here. FuturamaThe revival episodes sidelined Leela in a major way, and episode 5 is the first to finally put her in the spotlight. It's almost as if the show is addressing that criticism with this episode, with her even talking about how she feels left out among the others. Futurama Letters. It's also nice to see some of them Futuramas lesser-seen women get some time to shine, with some of the side characters getting more development than they have in the past.

The main problem with Futurama Season 12, episode 5 is that there is just way too much going on. This episode has a lot of intersecting storylinesBut none of them are as interesting as the vast majority of Futuramas other episodes. This episode doesn't have a clever premise to hook viewers, with it instead feeling like the episode is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Any of the many ideas in this episode could have been further fleshed out and brought to episode length, but as it stands, they just feel confused and rushed here.


Futurama Season 12, Episode 4, "Beauty and the Beast"

Released on August 19, 2024

Next up is Futurama Season 12, Episode 4, "Beauty and the Beast." Acting as a sequel to Futurama Season 3 "Where the Buggalo Roam," The episode sees the Planet Express crew return to Mars in order to participate in a run of the Bagalo event, something Amy protests. The episode mainly focuses on Bender's journey to become a master boogaloo fighter, with the episode centered around this strange Martian parody of bullfighting. Bender gets a new love interest and a new costume, with the story mainly focusing on him and the Wongs.

Futurama Season 12, episode 4 is pretty middle of the road, with nothing in it being particularly good and nothing in it being particularly bad. The Bender storyline is fun, and while Futurama Having had similar episodes where Bender randomly gets super invested in hobbies like professional wrestling and folk music in a similar vein, the boogaloo fighting story feels unique enough to the show that it works. Bender's new love interest Marquita is also a fun character, with some considering her to be Bender's best Futurama Love interest still.

One of the biggest problems with the episode is the strange characterization of Leela. Leela was characterized as an avid environmentalist and advocate for animal rights throughout FuturamaWhich is why it's strange that she seems apathetic to Amy's protest against the Wong's treatment of Bagalo. Additionally, characters like Frey and Farnsworth don't have much to do in the episode, with them mostly standing around in the background throughout the story.



Futurama Season 12, Episode 6, "Attack of the Clothes"

Released on September 3, 2024

Futurama Has another great episode on his hands with season 12, episode 6, "Attack of the Clothes." The episode starts with Farnsworth making his own Frankenstein's monster, but after his experimental moths design clothes for him, he soon realizes that he can become a fashion icon. The episode chronicles Farnsworth's fashion line as it becomes immensely popular, while the Planet Express crew simultaneously deals with the fact that guest star Cara Delevingne is the one who added her head to the monster's body.

The best Futurama Episodes always use their sci-fi to explore some type of social commentaryAnd "Attack of the Clothes" does just that. The episode focuses on the wastefulness of fast fashion and the environmental damage it can cause, meaning it has a real moral to the story. However, the episode is also incredibly funny and clever, which makes it more than just a satire.

The one major problem with "Attack of the Clothes" is that it doesn't have a proper ending. The episode ends with the reveal that the clothes they sent into Farnsworth's wormhole are actually going to a future Earth, meaning that they have doomed the planet. The way they solve the problem is never revealed, though a future episode could tie up the cliffhanger ending.



Futurama Season 12, Episode 7, "Planet Espresso"

Released on September 8, 2024

Futurama Season 12, Episode 7, "Planet Espresso" is another great addition to the newest batch of episodes, with it being one of the strangest premises in the season yet. The episode sees Hermes learn of his father's death, with him traveling home and discovering that he has inherited his father's failing Jamaican coffee farm. However, he soon discovers that His father's coffee is actually the product of an alien raceWith Hermes and Farnsworth discovering a buried spaceship full of advanced coffee beans from millions of years ago.

"Planet Espresso" is a rarity Futurama Episodes centered on Hermes give the oft-forgotten Planet Express crew member even more development. This episode reveals a lot about Hermes' strained relationship with his father, adding another interesting layer to the character. On top of that, the introduction of the alien coffee and the reveals about the impact of the coffee on the lore of FuturamaEarth is incredibly interesting, with the episode including some earth-shattering revelations.


"Planet Espresso" is still not a perfect episode, with its biggest flaw being that it barely features the main cast outside of Hermes and Farnsworth. The rest of the characters go back to New New York after the coffee farm is startedLeave them out of most of the story. While not every episode can be an ensemble, it's almost always better when it is.


Futurama Season 12, Episode 10, "Different"

Released on September 30, 2024

Futurama Season 12, episode 10, "Different" is the season finale of Futurama Season 12, with it being really tough when compared to the other season and series finales of the show. The episode sees the Planet Express crew crash the Planet Express ship, with them having to take it to space to give it a proper burial. However, things go wrong when dropping the wreckage into the multiversal sea, leading to a series of strange events.

"Other" acts as a continuation to "while," the previous one Futurama Series finale, and it pulls off the continued story fantastically. Giving free visions of his past life with Leela adds the perfect level of emotion that elevates "different" above many Futuramas other episodes. The proper introduction of the show's multiverse is also a lot of fun, opening the door for all kinds of exciting stories in Futurama Season 13.


The one problem with "different" is that Most of the episode revolves around a pretty confusing mysteryWith it not making much sense until the reveal at the end of the episode. This makes the episode fun on a rewatch, but it's a little confusing the first time.


Futurama Season 12, Episode 3, "The Temp"

Released on August 12, 2024

One of the best episodes in Futurama Season 12 is episode 3, "The Temp." This episode is one of FuturamaThe most mysterious yet, with it starting with the revelation that Frey has seemingly been replaced by a completely different person. However, this raises a lot of questions, as the imposter wears Frey's clothes, and every member of the Planet Express crew thinks he is Frey, even calling him by Frey's name. Frey is nowhere to be seen and no one seems worried, with the episode slowly revealing the events that led to this terrifying situation.

Futurama Season 12's "The Temp" is by far one of the season's most fun episodes, with its biggest positive being its unique structure. Rather than being told in chronological order, "The Temp" jumps all over the place, using flashbacks, flash forwards and other continuity alterations. "The Temp" also acts as a sequel to one of Futuramas best episodes, with this mystery directly building off of a previous series storyline.

Another big positive of "The Temp" is that it introduces a whole new villainSomething that was rare for Hulu Futurama Revival. Although the episode may not work as well on a rewatch because viewers already know the conclusion of the mystery, it's a lot of fun the first time around, with it being one of the highlights of season 12.



Futurama Season 12, Episode 2, "Quids Game"

Released on August 5, 2024

Of all the episodes that Futurama Season 12 released, episode 2 "Quids Game" is the best. In the episode, Leela and the rest of the Planet Express crew throw a surprise birthday party for free, bringing together dozens of Futurama Side letters on the Planet Express ship. However, the characters soon find themselves stranded on a strange planet that contains nothing but a recreation of Frey's childhood home. Upon entering, the characters are forced to compete in deadly renditions of childhood games, making the episode a clear parody of Squid game.

Before the episode's release, Futuramas parody of Netflix Squid game Was one of the most disturbing episodes of the bunch. FuturamaThe direct parody episodes have never been the best, and ever since Squid games Is a few years old, many are worried that it is going to be dated. However, this episode is a lot of fun, with it coming up with some unique competitions for the characters to compete in. The episode also gives a lot of characters that are barely ever seen time to shine, With many of them even getting surprisingly killed off.

The best part of "Kids Game," however, is its connection to Fry's childhood. The episode is filled with flashbacks to one of Fry's childhood birthday parties, and the storyline that is revealed is truly heartbreaking. FuturamaThe stories about Frey's past have always been the show's best, and that continues to be the cast in it Futurama Season 12, Episode 2, "Kids Game."