When it comes to movies about time travel, it can be hard to keep the rules of the magic system straight About timeThe often overlooked 2013 romance film, Handles this issue perfectly. With Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson, About time Tells the story of Tim, a young man who discovers that the people in his family can travel into the past. Hoping to use his new ability to improve his life, Tim uses time travel to get a girlfriend, Mary. However, Tim quickly learns that even magic cannot save him from the inevitabilities of life.
Time travel is a fairly popular trope in movies and television. Many notable time travel movies allow characters to visit places they never could before, but this ability almost inevitably causes a lot of logic and story issues. For example, characters try to change history and end up affecting the rest of the timeline. Another issue is characters meeting in the past or future, which leads to identity crises and multiverses, as well as plot holes for audiences to ponder. miracle About time Avoid all of this Thanks to one simple rule.
About time travel only involves the mind, not the body
How about time's time travel works
The main difference between About time And other time travel projects is the fact that Tim travels through time in his mind, not his body. Typically, a time traveler will physically move from the present day to the past or future. They are basically copied and pasted from one segment of the timeline to another. About time Doesn't work that way. Tim's body remains rooted in his proper time, but his mind is what is copied and pasted. Thus, he gets to embody himself at various points in his past rather than physically moving through time.
While this may seem like a subtle difference, it does About time To avoid common time travel problems. Tim never has to worry about running into himself in the past, and he's not in timelines he doesn't belong in. He can only travel through his own lived past. This may seem like a huge creative restriction, but it actually holds About time of being overcomplicated. moreover, Tim still uses his time travel in interesting waysIncluding meeting Mary at various different time periods so that their love story can move forward without external obstacles.
About Time Not actually sending Tim to the past avoided so many problems
Which makes time travel tropes so exhausting
finally, About time Time travel system helped make the movie better. Tim's time travel definitely creates problems in the movie, but it's not necessarily the main source of conflict. The great force that Tim must fight against is actually life itself. He tries to use his time travel to prevent real-life issues from happening, but he quickly learns that life will happen no matter what he does. People will make mistakes, miss opportunities and even die, regardless of how hard Tim tries to fight against it. This is a more compelling story than one focused on the problems time travel creates.
...About time Flips the script in a way that makes time travel interesting again.
About time Actually shines a light on how exhausting time travel movies can be. Because time travel is such a popular device in stories, audiences can often see exactly how a situation will play out. Rather than being invested in what the character is doing, they predict what will happen later in the story, and for the most part, the movie plays out in that exact way. Time travel became less exciting the more it was used. however, About time Flips the script in a way that makes time travel interesting again.
About Time is a textbook example of how to make time travel work
Why there needs to be more movies than About Time
total, About time is a perfect example of how non-sci-fi time travel movies should be handled today. Instead of creating a complex and confusing time travel system or falling into the same old traps, movies should have time travel secondary to the main story. It should add to the story, but not be the main issue at hand. About time It's about time travel, but really, it's about enjoying every bit of your life And accept when bad things happen. More movies should take a page from About time book.
A common complaint surrounding time travel-centric movies is their incoherent story. Principal Franchise, vi Terminatorhave found themselves overwhelmed with plot inconsistencies and logical holes, all caused by their central time travel device. However, if the movies would build their systems in less complex ways and focus on the human elements of the story, the audience might be more forgiving. About time is a prime example of how, where time travel is concerned, less can be more.
When Tim Lake learns that he, like all the people in his family, has the ability to travel back in time, he decides to use the ability to help him find love and improve his and his loved ones' lives.
- Director
Richard Curtis
- Release date
September 4, 2013
- Writers
Richard Curtis
- runtime
123 minutes