Quidditch champions missed a great opportunity for Harry Potter school lore

Quidditch champions missed a great opportunity for Harry Potter school lore

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Gives fans of the franchise unprecedented access to the legendary sport for the first time since the GameCube Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup. It features a full-blown single-player career mode, which sees players take part in not only the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, but the Triwizard Tournament and the World Cup. It's a compact entry in the Harry Potter Video game collection, and the perfect way to get into the storied sport.

However, while there is a lot of content available at launch in Harry Potter: Quidditch Championsincluding many letters from the Harry Potter Films and books, it is missing a crucial opportunity. Quidditch Champions Has the opportunity to do something that the books, films and games have never been able to do. Unfortunately, at least for now, it missed its chance. Fans would have been delighted if it made the most of the Wizarding World's greatest aspect.

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions does not have enough magical schools

Quidditch Champions only shows three of the magical schools

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Features the Triwizard Tournament as one of its three available career mode cups for players to compete in. This is a legendary competition between The three main European wizarding schools: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. All of these are seen in the fourth book and film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It is a fantastic inclusion in Quidditch ChampionsHow they can participate in such an illustrious tournament is a great honor for fans.

However, while the Triwizard Tournament is amazing, Quidditch Champions Missed a fantastic opportunity to finally show the other wizarding schools around the world. The wizarding world is actually home to many wizarding schools, including in America, Japan and Africa. Quidditch Champions Has a World Cup in addition to the usual House Cup tournament. The World Cup takes wizards from all over the world, but they don't represent specific wizarding schools, and the World Cup doesn't take part in wizarding schools for obvious reasons.


The ability to play against the lesser known Mahoutokoro, a wizarding school located on the volcanic island of South Iwo Jima, would be incredible.Like facing the transfiguration masters of Uagadou in Africa, or the herbology experts in Castelobruxo in Brazil. Interestingly, Ilvermorny, the wizarding school located in North America, which is mentioned in the Fantastic animals Kino, is included as a playable pitch, though not as a team. Outside of Natsai Onai, a transfer student from Uagadou who appeared in Hogwarts legacyPlayers are yet to really experience life in the other wizarding schools.

It is possible that more schools may appear in future updates

Quidditch Champions may add other playable schools as maps

A Quidditch player raises their fist triumphantly in front of the golden hoop on a goal post.

Warner Bros. has announced that there will be future updates and seasons Quidditch ChampionsThat will add extra maps and characters. Although the maps and letters will be a mystery, it is possible that they can be placed in other schools. Naturally, players won't know until more information about the maps is revealed, however It wouldn't be surprising if at least some of the new maps were set in other Magical Schools pitches.

in Harry Potter: Quidditch ChampionsThe first two cups, the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup and Triwizard Cup can only really take place in the schools, so there can't be extra maps for those. Although there could be, and likely will be, extra maps for the World Cup tournament, players would likely get bored by the same stadiums. so, It would make sense for the developers to add some extra schools in there to spice things upEspecially as they are all set in interesting locations.

There may also be a sequel to Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Could explore additional schools, expanding these Harry Potter universe even beyond. Regardless, while it's a shame that the magical schools were omitted at launch, it's hard to argue with how much content is packed into the game. Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Has a lot on offer for fans of the franchise, and will hopefully expand into deeper parts of the study in the future.

Source: Warner Bros./YouTube


September 3, 2024


Unbroken Studios