There are many ways to customize the letters Harry Potter: Quidditch ChampionsFrom picking their hairstyle and facial features to choosing their clothes and broom. While choosing an outfit usually comes down to which house people prefer, choosing the right broom for the right Quidditch player can be difficult, especially when there are already so many great ones out there. From the strong yet charming to the lightning-fast, Quidditch Champions Has its fair share of impressively designed brooms.
luckily, Quidditch Champions Has handled microtransactions well, meaning players won't have to fork over real money to unlock the incredible brooms. Instead, they will need to work hard to unlock them all, and must progress through the career mode, level up and complete the season pass. however, If they put in the effort, fans will have access to the coolest brooms of all Quidditch Champions.
Comet is a classic Harry Potter broom
A thin but powerful lightning fast broom
The comet broom in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is simple yet effective in its design. It boasts a thin curved wooden bar with a curved end, and a compact brush at the end encased in a small yet shiny piece of metal. It is a classic design, agile in nature and a perfect starting broom For most players. It's understated overall, not offering anything too flashy, but instead feeling refined and capable.
Despite its more understated appearance, the Comet is deadly fastMaking each player look undeniably cool as they roam around each map. Against the bold colors of each house, or even the World Cup teams, the brown of the broom bar is the perfect contrast and helps make it stand out more. Although the comet may not be the brightest or most impressive broom Quidditch ChampionsIt is a cool stick on which to dominate the pitch.
Oakshaft is reliable and cool
An old fashioned broom with lots of charm
Despite its old-school look, the Oakshaft Broom is perfect for all playersNo matter what role suits them Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions. Its thicker bar is crooked, with a downward curved end giving it a witchy vibe. The brush is wavy and unkempt, which makes it almost home woven, but is neatly bound together by the larger metal casing, giving it a slightly professional appearance.
The oak shaft feels homemade, and that's what gives it much of its appeal and charm Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions. It, much as its name suggests, also appears much sturdier than most brooms Quidditch Champions. This, of course, Makes it the ideal stick for bitters and keepers Who need a little more stability while flying across the pitch or defending the goal posts.
Swiftstick lives up to its name
A quick and agile broom perfect for seekers
In almost direct contrast to the oakshaft broom, The Swiftstick in Quidditch Champions Is thin and nimble, with a much more elegant design. Its green bar, a unique selling point, is almost entirely straight, curving ever so slightly towards the bottom of the shaft before the gold-accented black casing. This holds together the neatly compact black brush, which lacks the more haphazard design of the other brooms.
The broom is also perfect for seekers to use, thanks to its enhanced speed, even if the main Golden Snitch rule changes in Quidditch Champions Makes them a little less fun to play with. it's a broom, One with a much more colorful and regal design that will impress the audience from the stands. The Swiftstick is a very cool broom and one destined for the greatest seekers in Quidditch Champions.
Shooting Star Series III: Gryffindor is awesome
The perfect broom for Gryffindor students
The Shooting Star Series III: Gryffindor is a superbly designed broom in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champion. It contrasts the bold red of Gryffindor house brilliantly with the golden metal casing and light brown wooden bar. It is a thin and narrow broom with a much better maintained brush, which makes it, as its name would suggest, feel much more like an arrow shooting across the pitch than a typical broom.
While the other houses' versions of the Shooting Star Broom are also beautifully designed, it is the Gryffindor version that is most well known. The blood-red brush is as dramatic as it getsMaking for a more dynamic and most certainly cool appearance when flying around in Quidditch Champions. Fortunately, if fans who prefer a different house feel a little betrayed flying a Gryffindor-themed broom, they can always switch to another color.
Firebolt - Molten lava looks really cool
A burning sensation from a broom
Much like its name suggests, a running gear for the brooms in Quidditch Champions, The Firebolt - Molten Lava Broom takes the iconic Firebolt broom and gives it a fiery twist. The standout feature of this broom is its brush, which is a solid black and bronze package that looks like lava. It's a great effect, which certainly makes this brush much more unique than some of the other options.
Its overall design is also impressive, with a long bar with a pointed end that makes it look like an arrow, and sturdy bronze footrests to match the lava aesthetic of the brush. For players who want to look like they are flying on a broom born from a volcano, the Firebolt - Molten Lava is absolutely the perfect choice. It's a bold broom with a great designAnd easily one of the coolest in the game.
Stormrider Typhoon - Occamy is one of the best brooms
A colorful and mystical broom
Surprisingly, there aren't that many colorful brooms in there Quidditch ChampionsOut of the house specific variants. The majority of brooms tend to stick to the brown, gold and black color scheme, with the occasional bit of color thrown in to spice things up. This is absolutely not the case with the Stormrider Typhoon - Occamy Broom, Which has a gorgeous purple and blue metal casing with gold leg rests and a violet brush.
There's a lot to love about this more colorful broom Quidditch ChampionsNamely that it has a much more magical feel than the others. As the player sees everything from the back of the broom, The more dynamic and colorful design helps it stand out on the pitch. In addition, this broom has different color options per house, meaning players who choose the best house in Quidditch Champions Can still represent their house's color.
Legacy Ski Skate is fast and looks cool
This fast broom will slice through the air
The Legacy Sky Scythe broom is by far one of the coolest brooms in the gameLargely thanks to its much more complex design. His broom is the standout feature with a striped pattern along the handle and the titular scythe-esque end, while its wooden, almost saddle-like seat and green and black brush help top it all off. It is definitely one of the more unique brooms in Harry Potter: Quidditch ChampionsStraying a little beyond the general design seen in the other broom types.
Fans looking for a more distinctive broom should definitely try to unlock the Legacy Sky Scythe broom in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions. It's not the coolest broom in the game - that's reserved for a truly legendary broom - but it's incredibly unique and an impressive design. For those who feel like slicing through the air on a fantastic broom, the Sky Scythe is a great choice.
Legacy Silver Arrow is fast and flashy
A broom that shoots through the air like lightning
The Legacy Silver Arrow Broom is, like the Sky Scythe, an alternate skin for the Legacy Broom (though not to be confused with the exclusive Hogwarts legacy broom, also called legacy). much like the sky skit, The Silver Arrow is one of the more uniquely designed brooms Quidditch Champions. It features a bold bar design with a spiral end and a metal seat, with a curved gel brush at the end.
The Silver Arrow Broom, as it sounds, prioritizes speed, and its design reflects this with a nimble bar and streamlined brush. It's ever so slightly cooler than the Sky Scythe thanks to its more pronounced and contrasting color scheme And the spiral bar design. The Legacy Silver Arrow Broom is by far one of the best brooms in the world Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions From a design standpoint, it's worth unlocking.
Legacy is an excellent Harry Potter callback
Perfect for fans of the Hogwarts legacy
The legacy is exclusive Hogwarts legacy-Timed broom Which has some key features that make it really stand out. While its bar and brush are fairly generic, it's the extra details, including the lantern at the end of the bar and the satches on the seat that make it feel so unique. The best feature is the lantern, which sways in the wind as players hole and drift about the pitch Quidditch Champions.
It's a fun nod to Hogwarts legacy And the broom players have flown in this gameWith the lanterns giving it a more traditional look and evoking memories of the game's 19th century setting. It also makes the crossover with Hogwarts legacy Feel a little more refined and important, and less random. For players who own both games, this is definitely a broom worth showing off.
Nimbus 2000 is an undisputed classic
The ultimate Harry Potter cosplay roar
The Nimbus 2000 is by far the coolest broom in the world Quidditch Champions By a long shot. Despite its relatively simple design, with just a basic brown bar, clean streamlined brush and golden metal casing, This is a broom with a lot of history. It is the iconic broom used by Harry Potter himself in the first movie, with the loving shot of it in the shop window ingrained in every fan's mind.
While not as flashy as the other more uniquely designed brooms, it has a legacy behind it that players will feel as they fly across the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch in style. It is a necessity to test the Nimbus 2000 at least once while playing Quidditch ChampionsIf only to feel like Harry for a few glorious minutes. Fans can equip their favorite Harry Potter letters in Quidditch Champions With the perfect broom, or set their own players with the Nimbus 2000, so they can be as good as the youngest seeker in a century.
- Released
September 3, 2024
- developer(s)
Unbroken Studios