The Shantel family The star Pedro Jimeno crushed Chantel Everett, and before he left her, it is clear that he was interested in other females. Pedro always assures Chantel that she is his one and only. Then, he started to pull away from her. The icy way that Pedro detached was amazing - it showed another side of Pedro. Perhaps it showed his true self, which he has skillfully hidden from you (and viewers) for years.
Pedro is no angel - but few people are. However, the fact that his personality changed so dramatically, leaving Chantel confused and broken, seems to point to the fact that he was never who he pretended to be.
According to PreventionThere are signs that a person is cheating. The red flags are basically dead giveaways. Pedro's red flags are waving in the breeze. of becoming "to reach" To hang around new people who didn't welcome Chantel, he displayed the textbook traits of a man stepping out of a relationship. Pedro has become a different person, and while he may have some legitimate gripes with Chantel, it's likely that another relationship (or more than one) has impacted his state of mind.
Pedro's schedule changed (he worked late all the time)
What did he do?
Before he decided on his marriage, Pedro became a cipher, sleeping in dining establishments and bars after work, or just "working late." According to Prevention, These types of schedule shifts are very bad news. Instead of coming home to his beautiful wife, Pedro was burning the midnight oil, or just partying with coworkers. Many of his colleagues are attractive women. Of course, Shantel was affected by this - she felt like she was losing the man she loved. She was falling apart at the seams, and Pedro didn't seem to care. He was just MIA.
Chantel was so stressed that she showed up at a bar where Pedro was drinking with his "friends" and just got caught. It was embarrassing but maybe it had to happen. It seemed to relieve some tension. Yes, in a sense, she made a fool of herself, but before she took that step, she was just storing up sadness and anger. Once she expressed herself, she was probably ashamed, but better.
Pedro's coworkers were never on Chantel's side. In fact, the private investigator that Karen Everett hired seemed to believe that Pedro was too close to his boss, Laura Delgado. Pedro, who wants to move up in life, can use women to get where he wants to be. With his looks, it's easy for him to manipulate women who are susceptible to the slick charms of handsome boys. The kinds of women are legion!
Pedro starting criticizing Chantel
That's something cheaters do
Like countless other cheaters before him, Pedro tried to make Chantel leave him by delivering some brutally harsh criticism. If he had pushed her to run away, he would not have had to give the last blow. It's the coward's way out, and honestly, the man who let his own mother and sister brutalize his wife never had much courage. See him show the typical behavior of an unfaithful person in the TLC Clip shown above. Where Chantal compares him to his shady, womanizing father and other mercenary relatives.
Pedro used to call the hard-working nurse who cleans body fluids every day:
Because her housework was not up to his standards. If he cleaned all day, worked on his feet, instead of relaxing in the office, in his busy business casual clothes, maybe he would Also get a taste of hard work. He may be less inclined to polish tops and scrub floors. The dyed-in-the-wool chauvinist Pedro acted like his father... and he also matched the characteristics of a cheater to a "T".
He really damaged Chantel's mental health. She would lie in bed, too depressed to function. Pedro should feel bad about this. No breakup is easy, but the way he changed so quickly made Chantel extremely vulnerable. It was not a gentleman's way to leave a woman who would die for him.
Pedro was interested in Coraima Morla all along
He wanted to date her after divorce
Chantal has something that Prevention Saying is a sure sign that a person is not good - the proverb "gut feeling" That her husband was interested in Korima. His friendship with Nicole Jimeno's best friend made Chantel feel bad. A voice inside Shantel cried out - she told her to run away, but she didn't listen.
When people mute the primitive messages they receive from their own bodies and brains, they set the stage for disaster. This voice is designed to help a person survive. This is the voice of reason.
Chantel's "gut feeling" was later proven to be accurate. Pedro tried to date Corima as soon as he was free from Chantel. The whole situation was so unfortunate, so damaging. Then he added insult to injury by trying to get with someone who always aroused Chantel's jealousy. This stuff was straight out of the Creepy Show, Cheaters. Obviously, if he loved Korima after divorce, he loved her before. Also, it is rumored that Pedro and Coraima were together in the past, long before he met Chantel.
In film noir, they call the vixens who break men's hearts "femmes fatales." Pedro is just the same, but a guy. He is the male equivalent of a siren who lures bewitched victims to the rocks. Yes, he looks fantastic, with a ripped body, perfect skin and a great smile, but what's inside? with The Shantel familyPedro's, it's hard to say for sure. However, it cannot be argued that he has exhibited typical cheater behavior time and time again.
Fans can stream The Shantel family On the Discovery+ platform.
Sources: Prevention, TLC