stands out from other films Foreigner franchise in many ways, but the film skipped a crucial deleted scene that could have made it much better. More than 30 years after Ridley Scott directed the original Foreigner film, he returned to the franchise with the thought-provoking exploration of how aliens came to be. Prometheus serves as a prequel film that introduces the characters to these terrifying creatures and uncovers the secrets of the aliens who gave life to humanity.
The film is filled with spectacular scenes on an alien world, with a realistic android, a nervous crew, and the mysterious Engineers who tower above them all. These pale white creatures are the centerpiece of the film, but remain mysterious due to their stoic and silent scenes. However, one scene that was filmed and later deleted from the theatrical version adds more context and dialogue for the mysterious Engineers to be further explored.
Prometheus' extended engineer dialogue scene recontextualizes the film
Engineers are a vital part of Prometheus
One scene that remains in the final cut shows the elderly Weyland approaching an engineer, asking that his life be extended due to his incredible achievements in business and industry. However, the theatrical cut shows the Engineer wordlessly decapitating David the android and ruthlessly kill Weyland as he attacks and runs away. But that's not how the scene originally played out when it was filmed. Instead, the Engineer and David talked, while David tried to get more information from the powerful creature.
The dialogue is brief, but it helps add context and meaning to the Engineer, who otherwise appears to be a mute and impulsive creature. The reality is that these titans are deep thinkers, who place themselves far above the creations they made. Despite having created humans, and Weyland trying to relate how he was also responsible for creating new creatures, the Engineer is repelled and angered at the request of a feeble old man who won't have long in this world.
David talking to the engineer should have been the culmination of the Prometheus story
Engineers become less important without the deleted scene
As the final moments of the film and its sequel show, Alien: AllianceDavid becomes the focal point of this duology. Although humans are emotional, impulsive and occasionally act without thinking, David is a more refined creature who seeks to learn and understand their environment. This conversation between the android and the original creator creates such incredible nuance and intrigue that it could easily have been the film's crowning moment. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, and the film went in a different direction, making the Engineer more mysterious and seemingly less intelligent.
Without conversation, the Engineer stops being a thoughtful and intelligent humanoid and becomes more strange and unknown. Although he could speak of his total hatred for humanity, adds nothing to the character of the Engineer and your race. If the dialogue had been left in, these creatures would have been more imposing, more terrifying, and more powerful than anything in the franchise thus far. Instead, they look stupid and are easily outmatched by a single alien that Shaw forces him to escape from.
Prometheus Was Almost a Very Different Film (And Its Deleted Scenes Prove It)
Prometheus had a totally different story beneath the surface
In addition to this deleted scene, there were many other moments that made it through initial recording, editing, and polishing, only to be cut at the last minute. A reel of deleted scenes from the film runs a total of 14 minutes, showing how much of the original story was left out. This amount of content could have drastically changed the course of the filmand the underlying graph. Instead, they were abandoned in favor of making a film that was less thoughtful and more scary and sci-fi horror.
A reel of deleted scenes from the film lasts a total of 14 minutes.
If Scott had chosen to take the film in a different direction, he would have had a lot of footage to reshape and alter the film's overall plot. It seems like at one point the film had a different reason for moving the story forward, but in the end, these edits removed much of the project's soul. When Scott had the opportunity to make a deeply introspective sci-fi thriller, the film was reduced to a space horror film. Ambiguity can provoke feelings of nervousness, but in a film that was built to be an original story, it can't help but I feel like important pieces of the story are missing in favor of just doing something scary with little else going on.
Alien has a long history of deleted scenes that would have changed everything
Alien repeatedly cut important scenes
The question is that Foreigner the franchise tends to delete huge scenes that can completely change the direction of the films. Movies are full of stories that are added to with each subsequent entry, and it's easy to add things that can change the course of the movies forever. However, it is possible that sometimes the studio or producers intervene to maintain part of the mystery, or even just redirect the focus back to the roots of horror. The films can be engaging and thought-provoking because of their depth of lore, but the series' popularity largely comes from its success as a sci-fi horror franchise.
Most horror films keep the details light, avoid concrete origin stories, and try to focus more on the things that make the monsters intense and terrifying rather than humanizing the villain. As a result, the Alien franchise is probably trying to avoid anything that is too big or too detailed and that might cause the rest of the films to have implications that make it harder to avoid those important details. The task is to be scary and intense, not too deep. While the scene could have added a lot of context and interesting lore to PrometheusIt wasn't meant to be.