WITH PrometheusRidley Scott set out to write a new chapter in history Stranger a mythology he helped create, but in doing so the legendary director continued a trend that would become the defining aspect of his career. Ridley Scott is the creative force behind some of the most influential and iconic films of all time. Besides Strangerhis work on projects such as Blade Runner, GladiatorAnd Black Hawk Down won wide recognition. However, while his visionary style has made him one of the biggest names in the business, there is another, more disappointing aspect of his career, embodied by Prometheus.
Released in 2012, 33 years after the original. Stranger movie, Prometheus promised to reveal some of the mysteries of the entire franchise. Although the film's plot and narrative direction have undergone many changes, its very existence is evidence of Scott's ongoing obsession Stranger canon - obsession confirmed by release Alien: Covenantfive years later Prometheus. If nothing else it shows Scott's passion for his creations. However, it also proves one of the main trends in Ridley Scott's career - he is almost incapable of leaving his films alone once they are released.
'Prometheus' Proves Ridley Scott Can't Leave His Movies Alone
He keeps coming back to old stories
PrometheusThe story, in which a ship of scientists travels to a mysterious planet to learn more about the origins of humanity, is perhaps the most infamous example of how Ridley Scott couldn't resist remaking his previous films. The very existence of the prequel is a testament to how StrangerThe biggest enduring questions have a constant impact on the director. The film examines the so-called “space jockey“, about the origin of the mysterious alien ship from LV-426 and even about how the xenomorphs themselves appeared.
The truth is that none of these questions needed an answer. Strangerpower comes from a terrifying lack of explanation and the sudden realization that the universe is much bigger—and scarier—than we could have ever imagined. However, although this topic has done Stranger one of the greatest sci-fi horrors ever created, Scott still couldn't resist solving the mystery. IN PrometheusIn this case, his desire to return to watching led to the creation of two completely new films, both of which damaged Strangerheritage. However, while making a movie is an extreme way to show his dissatisfaction, it's not the only way Scott has acted in previous projects.
Prometheus is just part of a larger career trend
This happened throughout his entire career.
Perhaps more than any other director, Ridley Scott has shown a penchant for digging up his previous films and changing them after release.. His list of directorial credits is incredibly long and includes some of his most famous projects. As is known, Blade Runner has undergone many changes before this Final version in 2007. Likewise, Kingdom of Heaven And American gangster both received heavily modified expanded editions, and even later endeavors such as Napoleon were heavily changed after release.
...statistics show that Scott changes almost 50% of his films after their initial release.
In fact, according to Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Over the years, Scott has made no less than 11 director's cuts. - not counting multiples Blade Runner editorial (where his involvement and creative control are still a matter of debate). Considering that he has directed 29 films throughout his directing career, statistics show that Scott changes almost 50% of his films after their initial release. Bye PrometheusThe decision to graft a completely different narrative onto an already existing story is his most radical change, and the rest of Scott's career proves it's just part of a larger pattern.
Ridley Scott changing films isn't always a bad thing
Some of his best films were director's cuts.
Considering how Stranger franchise has moved forward, coupled with unsatisfactory explanations for the origins of the xenomorphs in the universe, it's fair to say that PrometheusThe attempt at revisionism failed. Although the merits of the film itself are a matter of debate, its impact on the wider Stranger the narrative was too complex and confusing what used to be an elegant story based on our primal fear of the unknown. However, while Prometheus' Stranger While the changes ultimately proved disappointing, the rest of Ridley Scott's career suggests that his changes were not always doomed to failure.
Blade Runner this is the ultimate example. When the film was released, studio interference and disagreements over the plot and tone caused the release to be compromised, severely dampening the film's impact. Although many people believed that this was a masterpiece, it was early Blade Runner the versions were so flawed that they hid the film's true potential. Perhaps it's only since Final version that the film is recognized as an undisputed masterpiece of science fiction cinema. – something that would not have been possible without Scott’s passion for change.
Likewise, Scott's less culturally resonant projects have also benefited greatly from the director's potential for retrospective. Kingdom of Heaven The director's cut, for example, took what many considered an ambitious but flawed historical drama and turned it into "epic where the theatrical release was cut"(By Empire). Likewise, in 2024, Scott extended Napoleon the publication added the same breadth to the limited theatrical release. If Prometheus shows the potential dangers of changing past films, these examples show that there can be benefits to doing so.
- Release date
June 8, 2012
- lead time
124 minutes