Powers, Origin & Walking Dead Connection

Powers, Origin & Walking Dead Connection

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol Episode 3.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon has introduced a variety of new zombie variants to the franchise, creating questions about how they were created and what kind of powers they possess. Although zombies have been portrayed as The Walking DeadThe main threat since the franchise began, the survivors quickly found ways to adapt to them, limiting the impact of the undead. However, that all changed when the show introduced variants. The deadly forms of walkers created new challenges for the main characters and raised more questions about the true origins of The Walking Deads zombie virus.

Despite adding to the franchise's drama, zombie variants have been created walking dead Plot holes that are hard to ignore, but it doesn't stop there Daryl Dixon of continuing to use them. They were a key part of the spinoff's first season, and have only become more crucial in season 2, reinforcing the pivotal nature of the mutated zombies in the franchise's new direction. While Variants are undoubtedly an exciting addition to the seriesSome viewers may be confused about what they can actually do and how they even exist, but thankfully, Daryl Dixon seems to have provided the answers.

The Daryl Dixon variants were created by Genet's Pouvoir Du Vivant Group

The spinoff showed Genet experimenting with zombies to create variants

Although Daryl Dixon has kept some details hidden about the zombie variants, the show has confirmed that Genet is responsible for creating them. Although she didn't create every unique zombie type, her experiments seem to have played a large role in transforming normal walkers into modified versions of the undead with enhanced abilities. Daryl Dixon has helped explain the origins of the virus in more detail by showing flashbacks to the outbreak in France while confirming that zombies originated in the country. As a result, Genet and Pouvoir naturally had advanced knowledge about the virus, which her experiments helped to highlight.


Genet's leadership, along with her scientists' expert understanding of the outbreak, has led to the faction trying to create stronger zombies. Although there was probably a large amount of trial and error involved, Daryl Dixon Season 1 showed that Pouvoir's attempts to create variants were a success since Daryl and Quinn had to fight multiple zombies that were modified by Genet. Even if Pouvoir Du Vivant is not responsible for every variant, it seems that they have created a large number in France, and their presence will likely continue to grow stronger as Daryl Dixon Progress.

What we know about how Pouvoir scientists create variant zombies

American zombies appear to be a key part of creating variants

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon lives a zombie with planet Earth in the background
Custom image by Ana Nieves

Pouvoir's method of making zombie variants may not be the most ethical, but it sure was effective. For unknown reasons, the villain faction rounded up zombies of America, which seems to be a key part of the process when it comes to creating variants. Whether it has to do with the DNA or another potential variable, American zombies are clearly needed rather than the undead of France. In addition, traveling across the ocean would also indicate that most of France's neighboring countries and potentially all of Europe's walkers are not eligible for the experiment, although the specific reasons remain a bit of a mystery.

Using American zombies, Pouvoir managed to create some kind of substance that was injected into the test subjects. Season 1 showed a walker being shot with the chemical and instantly transforming, and season 2 highlighted that the injection could also be used on dead humans before they turned. Although there are still mysteries surrounding some of the specifics about Pouvoir's experiments, Daryl Dixon Showcase zombie variants against each other in season 1, proving that the substance modifies the behavior of the undead significantly, making the creation of variants a complicated but highly successful process.

What powers and abilities Daryl Dixon's variant zombies have

Some of Daryl Dixon's unique zombies have acidic blood, enhanced strength, and glowing skin

Zombie variants have different abilities and distinctions over multiple walking dead Points, however Daryl Dixon Has some of the most interesting types. Burners were the first new addition to the spinoff, which are essentially zombies with acidic blood, making them very dangerous. Daryl experienced their power first hand when one grabbed him, leaving a burn on his skin. Strong zombies have been the most commonly used variant in Daryl DixonAnd they are as advertised. The stronger, more aggressive walkers are less predictable than the infected that survivors are used to, and they even attack each other.


Powerful zombies seem to be the type of variant Genet favors, and she looks to build an army of them to attack L'Union. They could fall under the category of cohorts, as they regenerate quickly and appear faster and more durable than regular zombies, making them some of the deadliest types of undead in the entire franchise. Although they haven't released yet, the season 2 trailer has been teased Daryl Dixon Introducing glowing zombie variants, which could be yet another new form.

The glowing zombies still have unknown abilities as of now, but their unique design suggests they may possess some unexpected abilities. It is possible that these variants are like some of the grassy variants seen in season 2, episode 2, or the stone zombies spotted in Those who livewho have no real abilities. Still, until Daryl Dixon Revealing the full extent of the glowing zombies' powers, they remain an ominous threat.

Daryl Dixon's variants could explain the variant zombies in The Walking Dead season 11

Genet's involvement in the US it. May be why America has started to see a rise in variants

Variant Zombie and Ross Marquand as Aaron in The Walking Dead

While zombie variants have been used heavily in Daryl DixonThey have appeared in several other shows, including The Walking Dead Season 11. Given that variants were made in France, it may seem confusing how they were shown in America, but Genet's trips to the US it. Can explain it. Her need for American zombies has led her to set up a ship that regularly travels across seas, meaning Pouvoir has a subtly large presence in the US. Therefore, it is possible that some zombies were injected with the variant chemical while Pouvoir was in America.

Pouvoir's ships also docked relatively close to the Commonwealth, hence why there may be an increase in season 11.

Why the group would want to waste variants in America is unclear, but it could have been a possible mistake or oversight. Pouvoir's ships also docked relatively close to the Commonwealth, hence why there may have been a variant increase in season 11. While Genet and Pouvoir's villainous plans in Daryl Dixon They seem to have been years in the making, they may have only found their way to America recently, explaining why the modified zombies still feel so new. Although the connection is far from certain, it seems so Genet may be responsible for the variants of The Walking Dead season 11.

There is another major plot hole with the French zombies from The Walking Dead

Variants have been around since the beginning of the apocalypse

Walkers used for Laurent's training in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Episode 1
Image by amc+

Despite how exciting variants have been over the past few years, they create a plot hole that is difficult to explain. Daryl Dixon Has put a heavy emphasis on Genet and Pouvoir being the reason variants exist in FranceHowever world beyondThe post-credits scene contradicts this by highlighting that they've been in France pretty much since the beginning. A recorded video of Dr. Jenner suggested which scientist he spoke with, mentioned variants in their last conversation, and given that he was killed at the beginning of the apocalypse, France's unique zombies must have been around since then.

world beyondThe post-credits scene also showed a woman being killed and quickly reanimated before running, suggesting Genet's substance is not the only reason variants exist.

world beyondThe post-credits scene also showed a woman being killed and quickly reanimated before running, suggesting Genet's substance isn't the only reason variants exist. With the franchise hinting at the zombie virus starting in France, it also seems likely that variants originated there as well, long before Genet started experimenting on zombies. hope, Daryl Dixon will explain how Genet obtained the knowledge about creating variants and why they exist prior to her involvement; Otherwise, it will remain a frustrating mystery that continues to make the new zombie types confusing, despite how fun they are.