Power's 10th best episode, ranked

Power's 10th best episode, ranked

Power Might be one of the most underrated TV shows of the 2010s, as the series provided some classic episodes over its six seasons. Following the story of Jacob "Ghost" St. Patrick, the crime series was full of high-stakes action and drama as the protagonist's double life constantly led to problems. Ghost owned a successful nightclub and became a popular figure among his community, but he is also a secret drug dealer, making him one of the Power Universe's best letters. Additionally, his complicated lifestyle helped introduce a plethora of quirky personalities that made the show so entertaining.

Although many viewers are unhappy with Power The season 6 finale, the show has more often than not missed, producing some absolutely thrilling episodes of television. Most seasons have incredibly strong conclusions, with the finales often providing captivating drama, suspense, and narrative resolutions. moreover, Power Is not afraid to provide some unexpected twists and huge character deaths, adding to how memorable some of ​​​​his best moments are. Although the spinoffs did a good job of continuing the franchise's quality, the original series was one of the best shows on television during its era and provided some truly unforgettable episodes.



"deal with the devil"

Season 6, Episode 8

Season 6 has been a rollercoaster for PowerAs despite some unpopular episodes, it also produced some of the best shows. "Deal With The Devil" was a standout, as it had a lot of key moments that helped set up the last few outings for the series. Cooper Saxe was on a warpath, trying to get confessions from anyone he could, often crossing the line in the process. His desperation to capture Ghost and take down his operation spirals out of control, making for some great scenes, while Ghost finally cuts ties with Andre, confirming the antagonist's death.

Ghost and Rashad Tate's relationship also crumbles beyond repair, as the two pull on each otherresulting in the Queen's Child Project being shut down. However, Kisha is by far the most important character of the episode, as she is manipulated into signing a cooperation agreement with the FBI, which Tasha finds out about. Their confrontation leads to Keisha being killed, which is another one of Powers most shocking deaths. The final moments of Tommy discovering her body are truly heartbreaking, and the emotional episode perfectly demonstrates how brutal and unforgiving Powers final season really was.


"In my best interest"

Season 3, Episode 10

The finale of Season 3 was a crucial episode in the Power universe, as it completely altered the trajectory of the show. In the episode, Greg and Milan seem like the biggest threats to Ghost's operation, but that completely changes by the time the credits roll. Greg was an incredibly flawed character who wanted Ghost to see justice, and he was willing to do almost anything to make it happen. After finally getting the evidence to send him down, he talks to his boss, Mike Sandoval, but Greg finds out Mike is secretly involved in New York's drug trade.


This leads to Mike shockingly killing him. Meanwhile, Ghost and Tommy are able to hatch a plan that perfectly lures Milan into their trap, culminating in a satisfying ending for the villain, who takes several gunshots to the face. While the episode looks to end positively for the protagonists, Angela arrests Ghost on suspicion of Greg's murder, which significantly shakes the series. The episode was full of twists and suspense that made it hard to predict where the show was going, and Power Had a lot of surprises that made "In My Best Interest" an all-time great episode.


"a friend of the family"

Season 5, Episode 8

After Kanan teaches him about the drug game, Tariq becomes his protégé

"A friend of the family" was the end of one of PowerBest antagonists - Conan Stark. 50 Cent's character has been a threat since he was introduced to the show, and his close relationship with Tommy and Ghost made him unpredictable. However, despite all the altercations he survived, it was Tariq who caused his death. After Kanan teaches him about the drug game, Tariq becomes his protégé, and the two form a close relationship. However, in order to avoid being taken away for Ray Ray's murder, Tariq frames his mentor, leading to a shootout with the cops.

While Kanan is able to outgun the police, he suffers a gunshot wound in the process and subsequently bleeds out. This shocking scene is by far the highlight of the episode, and while other interesting things happen, such as Ghost and Tommy trying to frame Dre alongside the FBI grilling Proctor, Kanan and Tarik's scene is the most crucial. It proved to be cold and cunning Tariq could be along with how hard Kanan is to killAnd the whole meeting seemed like it could potentially backfire on Ghost's son, highlighting how much was at stake throughout the action-packed episode.


"Time's Up"

Season 2, Episode 9

With the confirmation of Power Book IV: Force Season 3, it's clear that Tommy is still one of the franchise's most important characters a full decade after debuting, and the penultimate episode of season 2 shows why he's so great. After being arrested in the previous episode, Tommy goes to jail and is questioned by multiple FBI members, such as Cooper Saxe, Mike Sandoval and Angela Valdes. Despite this, he does not break and his talented lawyer, Joe Proctor, manages to find several legal loopholes to buy his freedom.

"Time's Up" also marks the end of Shawn's journey, who is tasked with killing ghosts by his dad, Kanan.. Despite managing to lure the protagonist into a trap, Shawn is unable to pull the trigger, allowing Ghost to disarm him before telling him to leave town. Shawn confronts Kanan and tells him he's gone, but the antagonist surprisingly kills his own son, proving how cruel he is. Along with great drama and action, the dialogue is also fantastic in this episode, as evidenced by Ghost and Tommy's healthy interaction after the latter is released from prison, which perfectly captures the duo's friendship.


"The Right Decision"

Season 3, Episode 6

After the aftermath of Holly's death, Ghost and Tommy manage to get back on the same page, which is a huge problem for their enemies. The duo is incredibly dangerous when working together, which Felipe Lobos finds out the hard way. During his transfer to Washington DC, the villain is intercepted by a bunch of his henchmen alongside Tommy, in a planned attempt to free the antagonist. However, this is part of Tommy and Ghost's plan, who kill any surviving henchmen so they can take down Lobos, with Ghost eventually pulling the trigger.

Despite being part of the FBI group transferring Lobos, Greg manages to survive after being shot and gains first-hand intel on what happened, adding more stakes ahead. Milan also reveals his true nature as a drug dealer and forces Ghost to work with him, since he has leverage over his businesses and family. "The Right Decision" has all the clever plans, twists and suspense that made Power So iconic during its peak, and it contained the kind of action typically reserved for finales, which helped it leave a lasting impact on audiences.


"It's all your fault"

Season 6, Episode 13

The last few episodes of Power There was a mystery surrounding who killed Ghost

Although season 6 ended in underwhelming fashion, "It's All Your Fault" was the main show's last big episode, and it centered around Tommy. The last few episodes of Power There was a mystery surrounding who killed Ghost, with everyone focusing on a potential suspect. Tommy's episode not only highlighted how great Joseph Sikora is in the role, but it also cemented Tommy's status as Ghost's true replacement, as he ends the series riding off to Chicago. However, season 6, episode 13, was also Full of great character interactions that gave Tommy the best sendoff of any character.


He had a one-on-one with Tariq, a final shootout alongside Ghost, and a surprisingly healthy relationship with Elisa Marie Proctor, despite kidnapping her along with killing her dad earlier in the season. Although he has a heartbreaking final encounter with Ghost as he watches his best friend bleed out, he at least gets a satisfying conversation with 2-Bit, one of the show's best-supporting characters. Watching him tie up all the loose ends by killing Vincent and Spanky was the perfect ending for Tommy, and his last episode certainly didn't disappoint.


"You can't fix this"

Season 4, Episode 10

Raina's shocking death in season 4, episode 9 proved that no one is safe PowerBut "You Can't Fix This" also highlighted why you should never mess with Ghost's family. The central characters are still trying to deal with the death of the daughter of the St. Patricks, but no one is opposed to action, with Ghost showing his brutality as he tortures Uriel for information. The villain confesses to killing Julio but explains that he had nothing to do with Raina's death before being quickly gunned down by the protagonist.

Tommy finds out Ray Ray is the killer, but Tariq already knows this since he witnessed his sister's death and begins to try to find his location. The finale ends with Tariq, Tommy, Ghost and Tasha all pulling up to Ray Ray's place, with Tariq getting their first and killing the bandit, starting his dark path in the franchise. The episode was filled with emotion, allowing Naturi Naughton to deliver a phenomenal performance proving that Tasha deserves her own Power Spinoff.

Her heartbreaking acknowledgment that her daughter is gone because of Ghost's lifestyle is a powerful scene that makes this episode a must-watch. "You Can't Fix This" is the perfect demonstration of how innocent people always suffer Due to the actions of the protagonist, and no matter how kind they may be, they are still killers and criminals. The episode is a reality check for the main character, and a reminder of the brutality involved in the world of drugs, placing it among the franchise's best outings.


"ghost is dead"

Season 2, Episode 10

While "Ghost is Dead" may be some early foreshadowing of the character's season 6 fate, Ghost has come seriously close to dying in season 2, episode 10. His confrontation with Kanan during the episode's climax sees the two have a brutal fight that is apparently to death. While Kanan is able to overpower the protagonist and nearly suffocates him, Ghost stops the villain and leaves him for dead in a burning building. While the entire episode and season has been building up to this moment, the season 2 finale has a lot more going on.

Dre informs Ghost of Shawn's death, and the two begin working together. Lobos is also stabbed in prison while Greg is fired from the FBI, which only makes his obsession with Angela worse. Additionally, Ghost and Tommy's argument pits the two against one another, creating an intriguing third season. While season 1 started building the universe and characters, season 2 utilized them to perfection, Shows just how exciting this series can be. With the finale masterfully tying everything together, "Ghost is Dead" proved Power Was easily one of the best shows on television during its heyday.


"King's Gambit"

Season 6, Episode 5

"King's Gambit" makes a strong case for being one of the show's best episodes because it has so much going on. Cooper Saxe intensifies his investigation, with his desperation for a confession growing stronger. Along with blackmailing Andre for information by showing that he has custody of his daughter, Saxe also closes the door on Proctor. While Tariq has an interesting subplot around selling drugs on campus while Tasha begins to build her own empire, Proctor's story is by far the most compelling, as is his final stand against Tommy.


After Tommy finds out Proctor intends to give vital information, he discovers that the lawyer is staying in Ghost's room and tells Tariq to leave the door open for him and to get out of the house. The two have a shootout that leaves Ghost's apartment destroyed, and Tommy eventually guns down his own defense attorney. Because there is nowhere to runThe doctor goes out with his head held high and even says goodbye to his daughter. In a powerful scene.

While it was sad to see one of the show's best characters killed off, his exit was handled perfectly, in one of Powers best episodes. The build-up to their confrontation was excellent, as both characters seemed to have strong plans in place, but despite how cunning Joe has been throughout the series, he can't avoid his fate. Thankfully, his battle with Tommy was the dramatic and thrilling end the character deserved, helping the episode rank so highly among stiff competition.


"When It's Over"

Season 5, Episode 10

Power Has a plethora of great episodes that could be considered the best of the showBut "When It's Over" takes the top spot. The last few episodes of season 5 are arguably the peak of the series, and the finale contains everything that made Power A hit show. As Angela is facing the FBI for her involvement with James St. Patrick, she hatches a plan along with Ghost, Tommy, and Tasha to evade the FBI. The plot focuses on the four main characters trying to get alibis, while the FBI chases the same people for confessions.

It showed how every character is willing to cut corners and get their hands dirty, including law enforcement. The episode includes Dre having a shootout with Tommy that eventually leads to him signing Angela's confession, along with the FBI pressuring Kisha to flip. however, The turning point comes when Saxe visits Tommy and tells him the truth about what happened to his father. Saxe informs Tommy that his father never intended to snitch and that Ghost was the one who provided Vincent with intel about his father's disloyalty, which Vincent confirms.

This moment changes the series forever, as Tommy then tries to kill Ghost but shoots Angela instead, which proves to be fatal. The full-circle moment of the show's four most important characters being forced to work together was great and watching them all play their roles before their secrets were revealed was fascinating. "When It's Over" was filled with action, betrayal, and some surprise deaths that always make it a thrill to rewatch, and it epitomizes why the main series will always be the best. Power book show, making it the strongest episode of the series.