Kemen was prepared for a dark fate in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Powerand one theory in particular would see him revealed as one of the Lord of the Rings' most despicable characters. Many of Sauron's followers in the Third Age were once mortal men, but centuries of corruption have caused them to forget their former identities. For this reason, Rings of Power You have the opportunity to take some creative liberties. It's likely that the series' original characters will end up connecting to mysterious figures from the canon – with Kemen being a likely candidate.
Kemen is the son of Pharazôn in Rings of Powerthe usurper king of Númenor. His connection to the infamous king from Tolkien's Legendarium canon is already a bad setup for his morality, but Kemen managed to prove for himself that he is a pretty despicable individual. Rings of Power season two especially saw Kemen's villain arc take off, and This has led to a variety of theories about how he could further connect with The Lord of the Rings. One theory, in particular, seems to have some significant weight.
The rings of power prepared Kemen for a dark fate
Kemen may be doomed to become Sauron's mouth
One of the most intriguing teases about Kemen's character in Rings of Power season two was the revelation that his mother had made a dark prophecy when the boy was born. She said that Kemen would come to "bad ends." Of course, this could mean many different things. After all, Númenor itself will come to a bad end, as the entire island is doomed to be destroyed by a tidal wave after Pharazôn leads his people into war against the divine Valar (a move stupid Sauron-inspired). However, Kemen's mother specifying her newborn son in her prophecy indicates that the wave is not what she meant.
Instead, this Rings of Power provocation seems to indicate that the "bad end"will be related to a story that Lord of the Rings the public already knows. One popular theory is that Kemen could become a Ringwraith, and that is certainly possible. Some of the Nazgul were Númenóreans, including the Witch-King of Angmar. However, Kemen's almost tiresome nature doesn't entirely suit the powerful and menacing villain. Instead of, the theory is that Kemen will become the Mouth of Sauron—the official herald and loyal servant of the Dark Lord.
Rings of Power Could Adjust Sauron's Canon Origin Mouth to Fit Kemen
The timeline could use some adjustments
The Mouth of Sauron was the Lieutenant of Barad-dûr in the Third Age and is best known in Lord of the Rings for delivering the Dark Lord's terms to Gandalf, Aragorn, and the rest at the Black Gate before the Battle of Morannon. Although he was cut from the stage version of Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings films, it can be seen in the extended edition. The idea that Kemen could be doomed to become this character, whose mouth is so decayed from constantly repeating Sauron's evil words, is interesting. However, some significant changes would be necessary Rings of Poweris part.
Tolkien said in Lord of the Rings that the Mouth of Sauron was a living mana Black Númenórean descended from those who escaped the fate of the island kingdom. During the events of Frodo's story, this villain would only be Aragorn's age – not immortal, but with a lifespan that extends beyond the typical Man. As a High Man of Númenor, Kemen would also have a significantly longer lifespan than those in Middle-earth, but he could not naturally live long enough to be Sauron's herald in the Third Age. Yet, Rings of Power could explain this with sorcery, which the Mouth of Sauron learns from its master.
Being the mouth of Sauron would fit Kemen's role in the rings of power
Kemen is already the mouth of Pharazôn
While the timeline doesn't match up, the most convincing argument that Kemen will end up being the Mouth of Sauron comes down to its role in Númenor. Kemen is not a powerful force and has no value as a soldier. Of course, he took a sword and stabbed Valandil Rings of Power Season 2, but that was only when the man lowered his arms and stood with his back to Kemen. It was despicable and cowardly, not the act of someone who would become the most feared of Sauron's Ringwraiths, whom no Man could kill.
It wouldn't be too difficult for Rings of Power to take the Mouth of Pharazôn and transform it into the Mouth of Sauron.
Instead, Kemen's main value in Rings of Power He is the spokesman for his father, King Pharazôn. His power comes from his master, and he just repeats the king's orders and assumes that this makes him powerful and authoritative. In the end, this is exactly what the Mouth of Sauron does for its master. He is despicable and feared, but he is an emissary and herald first and foremost. It wouldn't be too difficult for Rings of Power to take the Mouth of Pharazôn and transform it into the Mouth of Sauron. However, a lot of work would need to be done before such a twist would work.
How The Rings Of Power Seasons 3 & 4 Could Set Up Kemen As The Mouth Of Sauron
Everything will depend on Kemen's connection with Sauron
The next seasons of Rings of Power should provide a definitive answer about the "bad end" and determine whether or not this connects to The Lord of the Rings'Sauron's mouth. At the end of Season 2, Kemen is exerting his authority in Middle-earth, demanding that the survivors of Southland supply wood to Númenor. Without a doubt, his despicable nature will only get worse and worse. However, if he truly is the Mouth of Sauron, we should see signs of this when he comes into contact with the Dark Lord Sauron himself.
Kemen's position in Middle-earth provides ample opportunity for him to meet Sauron, and it may even be that Pharazôn's son will be the one to bring the Dark Lord to Númenor. Sauron is destined to begin manipulating Pharazôn, leading the king to direct his wrath at the Valar in Valinor and thus doom the island kingdom. Kemen will certainly be involved in this too. However, if he wants to become the Mouth of Sauron even after the villain destroys his home and father, then the Great Deceiver will have to slowly begin to turn Kemen against Pharazôn. Given their conflictual relationship in Rings of Powerthat wouldn't be an exaggeration.