Power Rangers' scrapped plans for season 11, which would then become Power Rangers Ninja Stormwould have given the show its biggest team of heroes ever. Writer Amit Bhumik, who worked on Power Rangers Wild Force And wrote the "Forever Red" crossover, was appointed to work on the adaptation of the franchise Ninpu Sentai Hurricane. However, once the IP went to Disney, all plans for the next season were put on hold, and the show was reinvented. Power Rangers Moved production to New Zealand, and Hurricane was adapted as a relatively standalone series called Ninja Storm.
Although Ninja Storm it was a great time Bhumik's original design for Hurricane was exciting and remains one of the biggest "what if..." in Power Rangers History. The idea was for season 11 to bring back Jason David Frank as Tommy Oliver, who would serve as a mentor to a new team of Rangers as part of a larger initiative known as the Hexagon. There were also plans to bring back Austin St. John as Jason, who will most likely lead the Gurigers. The season would build to a Power Rangers Civil war centered on the hexagon.
Tommy Oliver's Hexagon would be a unified Power Rangers Force
Multiple Power Rangers teams would operate under the hexagon
Power Rangers Hexagon Never moved past the thought process. However, the idea was that Tommy Oliver would create a public organization known as the Hexagon that would serve as a unified base for all. Power Rangers Teams. Much like the Justice League's Watchtower or the Avengers compound, The hexagon would be a massive base of operations in which Rangers all over the world would be able to join forces. Inspired by Zordon and the original Command Center, Tommy would be the mastermind behind it all, assigning Rangers missions and overseeing their actions.
Presumably, the three Hurricanes - Red, Blue and Yellow - would be the main heroes of the Hexagon and would be mentored by Tommy. The location of the hexagon would be known to the public, and there would be a significant number of rangers and employees in it at any given moment. While Tommy would have been more of a Zordon figureHe would also gain new Green Ranger powers at some point based on HurricaneS Shurikenger. It is unclear what inheritance Power Rangers Letters would be part of this story.
The original Red Ranger would have played the role of an outsider in the season, with Jason versus Tommy being a figure who wasn't all-in on the idea of a unified team of Rangers. Although it never happened, It is interesting to imagine how Power Rangers Hexagon would have been able to draw a story that ambitious. Every scene not featuring a Hurricane Character should be original American footage and not from Super SentaiWhich in itself would be a major challenge. In addition, some actors from previous shows would have to return.
Power Rangers Hexagon would have built itself from the eternal red crossover
Tommy assembles a team of 10 Red Rangers in "Forever Red"
The most ambitious Power Rangers Crossover during the first 10 seasons was "Forever Red," which featured every single Red Ranger but Rocky de Santos as part of the show's 10th anniversary celebrations. "Drive Forever Red" made the Power Rangers Universes feel more interconnected than ever, with characters from different generations finally sharing the screen. For example, Tommy Oliver and Andros interacted for the first time in the series, even though they were both Zordon disciples. interesting, Tommy and Andros acted like they had known each other for a while.
"Forever Red" was a gift for fans who enjoy continuity, paving the way for something like Power Rangers Hexagon to happen.
Perhaps the most important lore decision in "Forever Red" was to establish that some Power Rangers are somewhat aware of other teams, even if they have never interacted on screen. Andros and Tommy were able to assemble eight other Red RangersThus planting the seeds for a unified team of heroes. Power Rangers Hexagon Would have built up from these ideas, especially as Tommy is known experienced, and well-connected enough to assemble Rangers from different teams and generations. "Forever Red" was a gift for fans who enjoy continuity, paving the way for something like Power Rangers Hexagon to happen.
Hexagon would have made Power Rangers feel more interconnected
"Forever Red" teased that Rangers are in contact with other teams
Most show in the Power Rangers Universes feel very disconnected from each other Although the majority of them take place in the same universe. That's because, still Power Rangers in placeThe show began to rotate its cast and change its motif every season. On the one hand, this allowed Power Rangers To expand the scope of the franchise and to be more creative with how to cover each Super Sentai Time. Lost Galaxy Has nothing to do with Time ForceBut they are both fantastic times. On the other hand, the sequel has become an afterthought.
Time |
Release year |
Great morphine |
1993 |
Zeo |
1996 |
Turbo |
1997 |
in space |
1998 |
Lost Galaxy |
1999 |
Lightspeed Rescue |
2000 |
Time Force |
2001 |
Wild Force |
2002 |
Ninja Storm |
2003 |
Dino Thunder |
2004 |
2005 |
Mystic Force |
2006 |
Operation Overdrive |
2007 |
Jungle fury |
2008 |
rpm |
2009 |
Samurai / Super Samurai |
2011 |
Megaforce / Super Megaforce |
2013 |
Dino Charge / Super Dino Charge |
2015 |
Ninja Steel / Super Ninja Steel |
2017 |
Animal morphers |
2019 |
Dino Fury |
2021 |
Cosmic fury |
2023 |
Apart from the annual crossover episodes, Most Power Rangers Seasons could be watched in any order and they would still make sense. Compared to the interconnected stories of the Zordon era, Power Rangers Could have used a more consistent universe regardless of how standalone the seasons were designed to be. "Forever Red" fixed this mistake and made us believe that all the characters actually existed in the same universe. Power Rangers Hexagon would have done something similar on a much bigger scale, with multiple previous teams operating under Tommy's influence.
There is one way Power Rangers Hexagon could still happen
The comics may revisit some of the scrapped hexagon ideas
Although Amit Bhaumik has since shared what his plans for the 11th season were, the writer made sure to point out that Power Rangers Hexagon would never happen. The show has undergone some major changes since then, and while Power Rangers Crossovers continued to happen, nothing on the scale of Hexagon was ever attempted. That said, the late Jason David Frank returned as Tommy Farr Power Rangers Dino ThunderDuring which he mentored a new team of Rangers And also suitable as the Black Ranger.
There is, however, a reasonable way to revisit some of these Power Rangers Hexagon Ideas that never made it to the screen - the comics. BOOM! studios Power Rangers Comics featured a level of interconnectivity that the show never achieved, meaning they would be the perfect way to tell a story like Hexagon. The comics have become known for filling in the gaps between episodes and seasons and expanding on ideas that the show only hinted at, which is why I would like to see their opinion on that Power Rangers Hexagon Could have been like.
The comics entered a new phase with Power Rangers Primewhich is apparently still determined during the Great morphine Era. If so, it may still be a while before BOOM! studios Power Rangers Universe catches up with the events of Forever Red. Even if stories based on the scrapped Hexagon ideas never happen, I hope the comics continue to connect characters and locations from different episodes of the franchise in a way that the show rarely did outside of the crossover episodes.