Warning: Contains Spoilers for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #15
When Tommy Oliver is finally freed from Rita Repulsa's mind control, he chooses to atone for his sins and join the Power Rangers
. However, in an alternate world, a different version of the Green Ranger chose to stay alongside his queen, taking a much darker path. On his way to conquest, he crossed one critical line that fans watching the original show in the '90s would be afraid of.
BOOM! studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series is a massive eight-year saga that expands and transforms the stories of the original Power Rangers lineup. However, while the main continuity of the Angel Grove Teens remained mostly the same, in an alternate timeline,
Tommy Oliver's transformation to Lord Dragon
Spelled despair for both timelines.
The beginning of his world's fall, Drakon coldly killed the franchise's beloved sage, Zordon. With a twist so uncharacteristically violent for the franchise, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series made a gruesome statement that shocked every fan of the original series.
Tommy Oliver's betrayal could be felt over realities
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2016) #15 - Written by Kyle Higgins; Art by Daniel Bayliss; Letter from Ed Dukeshir
In the alternate reality forever known as
The coinless world
, A timeline where Tommy Oliver depowered nearly all other RangersZordon continuously maintains unwavering faith that Tommy may yet find a change of heart. In his rise to power, the newly dubbed Lord Dragon realizes that the quickest way to destabilize the Power Rangers is to destroy their leader. Dragon, with a full-blown assault on the Power Rangers' base of command, defeats each ranger single-handedly.He kept his victory with the death of JasonThe Red Ranger.
To fully cement his victory over the fallen "Coinless" resistance, Drakkon's last major obstacle is the Ever-so-virtual and too-trustworthy Father figure to the Rangers, Zordon. Even in his final moments, Zordon pleads with the green and white ranger, telling Draco that it's not too late to change his heart. Dragon is steadfast in his path to empirical domination
Zordon's temporal containment chamber
Effectively killing the last of the leaders of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. From this point forward, Drakkon would Capture the whole world of his world Before changing his sights on the Prime Rangers universe.
Drakkon's cruelty would have horrified kids in the '90s
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2016) #1 - Written by Kyle Higgins; Art by Hendry Prasetya; Color by Matt Hermes; Lettering by Ed Dukeshire
In the original 1990s
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
show, Teamwork, friendship and forgiveness There were key tenets of the show's message to its younger audience. Tommy was never meant to be evil, just another troubled teen who was led astray by an evil force. Tommy was a victim who chose to face the pain he endured rather than use it as a weapon against the innocent. Tommy cruel slaughter Zordon would have sent terrible shivers down the spines of the young audience who admired the heroes. The dark event of the comic book hurts even more Considering what happened to Zordon afterwards.
The existential horror of feeling your spirit ripped apart by time is an unfathomable experience that even adults cannot comprehend.
No longer tethered to a single point in the time stream, and without a body to house him, Zordon is doomed Momentarily go through the time warp before fading into nothingness. Death is already a complex abstract idea that
The Power Rangers
The show's younger audience would struggle to grasp, but the existential horror of feeling your spirit being ripped apart by time is An unforgettable experience That even adults can't understand. However, despite his permanent death, Coinless Zordon, as well as his Prime counterpart, possess One final vestigial hitch They could call on that.
Zordon's suffering outlives his life
His body is his own weapon
Still have His soul and body split apartZordon's physical body was left behind and
Fell into Rita Repulsa's control
Along with the Dragon Coin. While she didn't take advantage of it at first, she eventually noticed enough of Zordon's spiritual remnants in the lifeless shell to bring it to life. Known simply as Ship, the being served Rita until it was primed for Dark Spectre's possession. So, not only was Coinless Zordon spiritually murdered by Lord Drakkon but His physical vessel was most likely Corrupted and turned into Drakkan's pawn.
Once again, the acts would never have been found in
The original Mighty Morphin
. The genuine objective horror of watching a beloved mentor die while evil forces parade around their body can only be done successfully, as it is done in the comics. Power Rangers is and has always been a medium about hope and perseverance, so it was a terrifyingly shocking introduction to see what violent cruelty Lord Drakon is capable of. Grateful for every 90s Power Rangers Fan though, their Zordon lives on in peace and Tommy Oliver never became a multiverse-shattering cosmic warlord.