Power Rangers' live-action Lord Dragon is a reminder of how badly we need a mighty morphine reboot

Power Rangers' live-action Lord Dragon is a reminder of how badly we need a mighty morphine reboot

Lord Drakkon is arguably the most popular of these Power Rangers Characters that never appeared on the TV show, and the closest thing to a live-action version of ​​the multi-versal conqueror that we have is more than enough proof that the series needs a modern reboot. Power Rangers is now on hiatus As there was no new season or announcement of a new show in 2024. Earlier this year, TV line reported that the Power Rangers Reboot at Netflix was no longer forthcoming. It is now unclear where the franchise is heading next.

Cosmic furyThe last entry in the Power Rangers Chronology, strangely worked as a conclusion for the show's 30-year legacy. Between Lord Zedd being defeated once and for all and Blue Ranger Billy knowing that Zordon isn't gone forever, Cosmic furyThe ending was a good way to say goodbye to this version of the IF series Power Rangers Season 31 never happens. However, given how big these are Power Rangers Sort of, it's hard to imagine that the show won't continue in some way or form eventually. when Power Rangers Again, it can use a character like Drakkon.

Live action Lord Drakkon looked great (even if just for a commercial)

The late Jason David Frank once played Drakkon in Shattered Grid ad

The Power Rangers Comics from BOOM! Studios have been some of the most exciting stuff the franchise has released in the last eight years. Starting in 2016 with Great morphine Power RangersBoom! Studios issued hundreds of Power Rangers Comics already and has tackled a lot of characters and events. While The comics have covered these so far Great morphine TV show for the most parH, they also told a lot of original stories and even incorporated events from other series such as in space, Time ForceAnd Wild Force.

One of the reasons why the comics have managed to combine these Great morphine era with letters from others Power Rangers TV shows is the multiverse. The first major saga in the modern Power Rangers Comics have everything to do with the multiverse and served as the franchise version of Marvel's secret wars - Heroes from multiple realities come together to stop a threat that could end existence as we know it. The threat in question is Lord Drakkon, a version of Tommy Oliver from a universe where the original Green Ranger remained evil and never joined the Power Rangers.

Power Rangers Movies/Shows Tommy Oliver appeared in

Movie / Show

Release date

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie


Power Rangers Zeo


Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie


Power Rangers Turbo


Power Rangers Wild Force (Cameo)


Power Rangers Dino Thunder


Power Rangers SPD (Cameo)


Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Cameo)


Power Rangers Super Ninja Style (Cameo)


In December 2017, both of BOOM! studios Power Rangers Books have converged in a major event called Shattered gridDuring which Drakon became so powerful that he could destroy entire universes and reform the multiverse. To promote the series, A life-struggle Shattered grid A commercial was released with Jason David Frank as Lord Dragon. The original Tommy Oliver actor got to play this new but incredibly popular version of ​​his iconic character for a couple of minutes, and it all looked very exciting. Drakkon's costume was on point, and the commercial recreated a couple of panels from the comic books.

Why Lord Dragon still hasn't appeared in a Power Rangers show or movie

Lord Drakkon only existed in comic books and games

The modern Power Rangers Comics have been a separate thing from the TV show since they started. While the comics reference the show and consider everything that happened on screen to be canon, the reverse isn't necessarily the same. The comics modernized Power Rangers And brought the story from the 1990s to the present day, which itself meant that this was supposed to be a new take on the TV show. Those who enjoy in-universe explanations can assume that The comic books take place in one of the many realities of the Power Rangers Multiverse.

Regardless, the fact that comics and TV shows have always been separate things explains why Lord Drakkon never appeared in live-action except for this one commercial. Drakkon was a major player in several stories of the comics, but those stories were set during those Great morphine Era. The Power Rangers Show, however, usually takes place in the present day and follows the timeline that began in 1993 with Great morphine. An adaptation of Lord Drakkon would only work in a reboot Not only because of the timeline but also because of the tone of the comic books.

The ideal Power Rangers reboot would be inspired by the comics

The Power Rangers comics are just too good

Featured image: Jason David Frank as Lord Drakkon and a panel from Power Rangers Shattered Grid

It is unclear if there will ever be a Power Rangers Reboot for TV. The last attempt to reimagine Great morphine Power Rangers For a new generation was the 2017 movie, which, despite the positive reception, bombed at the box office. That said, given the uncertainty of the Power Rangers Show's future, no option can be ruled out. A little more mature Power Rangers Reboot would be a great way to revitalize the saga, even more so after the hiatus it is currently facing. A reboot would allow Power Rangers To start fresh and use different formats.

Power Rangers could be his own cinematic universe, of which a live-action Lord Drakkon could be the big bad.

Except for a few exceptions - namely the theater movies, once and always, and Cosmic fury - All of Power Rangers' Live-action releases are direct Super Sentai Adaptations that combine Japanese and American footage. How much like Super Sentai is part of the identity of Power Rangers, There is room for Power Rangers To grow further Sentai And do your own thing ahead. Cosmic furyAlthough not a perfect time, showed that Power Rangers Can work even when it is not adapting Sentai. A reboot inspired by the comics would be a great way to do that, be it live-action or animated.

Power Rangers already has the blueprint for how to reinvent itself

Power Rangers can find the balance between nostalgia and something new

Lord Drakkon in the Power Rangers comics and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the 2017 movie

Even if Power Rangers Never adapting any of the modern comic book stories to the screen directly, the comics should be an inspiration for when the franchise returns. The Power Rangers Books from 2016 onwards have shown how to reinvent the saga and make it fresh while keeping the essence of the show. Although Power Rangers is more than Great morphineThe comics justified spending so many issues with the original team simply because of how well-written all the characters were. They also highlight how rich these are Power Rangers Universe is.


A character like Lord Drakkon only works because the Power Rangers Franchise can easily welcome things like time travel and multiverse. Power Rangers could be his own cinematic universe, of which a live-action Lord Drakkon could be the big bad. Adapting stories like Shattered grid To a TV show or even a movie would be a tough job and would come with risks, especially after the last one Power Rangers Film did poorly at the box office. But, if successful, it would be just that Power Rangers Needs to launch a new era.