Warning: Spoilers for Power Rangers Prime #2!Rita Repulsa shakes up the landscape of Power Rangers franchise aligning itself with an unexpected team ally. Power Rangers Prime presents a completely rebooted universe, which relaunches the myths of the franchise. In doing so, it offers a new version of Rita Repulsa and, in turn, has just revealed a new companion for the Empress of Evil.
In Power Rangers Prime #2 – written by Melissa Flores, with art by Michael Yg – Rita Repulsa acquires the services of her beloved series companion, Farkas “Bulk” Bulkmeier. Bulk was one of the original supporting cast members of Mighty power of morphine Rangers. The Bulk and Skull duo continued to appear in the franchise over several seasons, even into the post-Zordon era.
In this universe, he will be paired with Rita Repulsa, completely changing his role in the franchise from aspiring Power Ranger to directly opposing them.
The Power Rangers Prime universe shakes up the franchise's traditional dynamics as Bulk joins forces with Rita Repulsa
Power Rangers Prime #2 – Written by Melissa Flores; Art by Michael Yg; Color by Fabi Marques; Ed Dukeshire Lyrics
The first edition of Power Rangers Prime ended with the debut of Rita Repulsa, when her space dumpster crashed in Angel Grove. In Better #2, Bulk debuts as a member of the Earth Security Task Force – created by a government ruled by Eltar – assigned to investigate the scene and fend off this planetary invader. The Task Force is no match for Rita's magic or the burning trash monster she summons. Bulk is one of the surviving soldiers available, and before Rita is ready to get rid of him, he draws attention to his monster moments before it turns on Rita.
In need of allies, Rita Repulsa forces Bulk to follow her, as her servant.
When she survives her monster's betrayal, Rita thanks Bulk for sparing her life. Upon realizing that her classic monsters now have minds of their own, Rita recognizes that she can no longer simply ridicule them at will, and more importantly, she cannot expect eternal loyalty from them. In need of allies, Rita Repulsa forces Bulk to follow her, as her servant. While Bulk, begging for his life, chooses to follow Rita rather than be killed, It is worth mentioning that he is following Rita with his tracker activatedmeaning the VR Troopers could find them and bring Rita to justice.
Power Rangers Prime puts a new spin on Bulk and his motivations
From hero to villain
Bulk and Skull have always been the comic relief of Mighty Morphin Power Rangersbut as aggressors, they were presented as secondary antagonists of teenagers with attitude. With each season, the duo grew older and with age came character development. They went from intimidating the Rangers to idolizing and wanting to be Rangers themselves. Put Power Rangers in spacethey become full-fledged heroes, willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the Rangers. Bulk and Skull have evolved into genuine heroes, but in Power Rangers PrimeBulk could experience the opposite of this arc.
In Power Rangers PrimeBulk could evolve from hero to villain. He is certainly not evil in any way when he meets Rota, being portrayed as a good-natured soldier. Even if it's just because he wanted public office, Bulk thinks he's doing what's right for the forces of good. However, Rita gives him this ultimatum with the option of leaving: "You can choose to remain a subject... or you can choose to be free." If he continues working with Rita, Bulk chooses to oppose the Power Rangers, thus marking the beginning of his evolution to become a true force of evil.
Power Rangers Prime #2 is now available on Boom! Studios.