One of the coolest characters in Power Rangers Broke the ultimate rule of the show by becoming a Red Ranger in a season that already had one. There is an unwritten rule in these Power Rangers universe that each team can only have one Red Ranger. The same can generally be said about all other colors, although there were a few more exceptions about these. However, when it comes to Red Rangers, most Power Rangers Teams are associated with only one ranger wearing the color red. However, Eric Myers, the Quantum Ranger of Time Forcebroke the trend.
Released in 2001, Time Force was a groundbreaking season that raised the bar for the series And showed that Power Rangers Can experiment with different genres and storylines. The show leans heavily on sci-fi and tells the story of a team of time cops who traveled from the distant future to the early 2000s to hunt down a mutant crime lord. Time Force was a complete adult Power Rangers season and has some of the best characters in the franchise, including Eric. The Quantum Ranger played by his own rules and was a one-man team.
Time Force was the first Power Rangers team with two Red Rangers
The Red Ranger status of the Quantum Ranger was debatable
Although the Quantum Ranger mostly operated apart from the main team, it's fair to say that Time Force was the first Power Rangers show to have two Red Rangers as part of its main heroes lineup. Eric Myers is never referred to as a Red Ranger in Time ForceBut it's hard not to think of him as such when his costume is all-red. Although the Quantum Ranger's costume is different enough from Wes's, it's still very much a Red Ranger suit.
Power Rangers Time Force Team |
Character |
Color |
Jen Scott |
Pink Ranger |
Wes Collins |
Red Ranger |
Lucas Kendall |
Blue Ranger |
Trip |
Green Ranger |
Katie Walker |
Yellow Ranger |
Eric Myers |
Quantum Ranger |
Not much is known about how the Quantum Ranger powers came to be, but the fact is that, once Eric found the Morpher and claimed his own Zord, he became a Ranger who operated by himself. Teamwork has always been an important theme in Time ForceEspecially with Jen's team learning how to work with Wes, which is why it was so interesting to have a "lone wolf" Ranger in the season. The personal history between Wes and Eric made their dynamic even more compelling - They were two very different Red Rangers.
The Quantum Ranger was both a Red and a Sixth Ranger
Eric Myers operated outside of the main team
in Power RangersThe color of the costume is sometimes not enough to define what Ranger represents to their team. For example, while Tommy was a sixth ranger when he rejoined the team in MMPR Season 2 as the White Ranger, he later became the leader of the team while still using the same color. Likewise, though Rocky was the Red Ranger for almost half of Great morphineHe was never the leader of the team. That's why It can be difficult to define all the boxes that a Ranger should check to be considered a true Red Ranger.
There is a difference between wearing the color red and being a red ranger. for example, Crimson Thunder Ranger Hunter technically wore red in Ninja Storm - Even Shane called it as a "Primary Color." However, Hunter can hardly be considered a Red Ranger. When it comes to Time ForceEric, there aren't many reasons to argue that he isn't a Red Ranger. Interestingly, the Quantum Ranger can also be considered a sixth Ranger - the extra member of the team that was only introduced a few episodes into the show.
From a story perspective, the Quantum Ranger acts more like a Sixth Ranger than a Red. Red Rangers are associated with the position of team leader, although with a few exceptions, but the Quantum Ranger did not even have a team. While Eric was never an evil ranger, he did clash with Wes and the others a few times, which is also a signature Sixth Ranger trait. The fact that The Quantum Ranger has the look of a Red Ranger and the history of a Sixth Ranger Made him incredibly cool.
"Forever Red" confirmed Eric Myers' status as a Red Ranger
The Quantum Ranger was one of the 10 veteran Red Rangers
"Everlasting Red" never happened, Power Rangers Fans would probably still be arguing whether the Quantum Ranger was a Red Ranger. However, since Eric Myers was one of the ten heroes assembled for the "Forever Red" crossover, there is no question that he is officially a Red Ranger in Power Rangers Canon. A crossover special released in 2002, "Forever Red" celebrated Power Rangers'10th anniversary and saw Tommy and Andro assembling a team of 10 Red Rangers. All Red Rangers in the show up to this point returnedThe only exception is the second MMPR Red Ranger.
Assuming that Ninja Storms hunter cannot be considered a red ranger, Power Rangers Never had a situation quite like this one Time Force Again.
Although there were plans for Steve Cardenas' Rocky to be included in "Forever Red," the reality is that Jason was the only one. MMPR Red Ranger in the crossover. in other words, Had Eric not been included, the "Forever Red" lineup would have consisted of nine Rangers instead of 10. Given how a 10-Ranger team sounds a lot cooler than a team of nine heroes, it makes sense that the Quantum Ranger made the cut. Regardless of the aspects involved, it was very exciting to see Eric and Wes working together with other Red Rangers.
Why Power Rangers never had 2 Red Rangers on the same team again
The closest thing to it is the Crimson Thunder Ranger from Ninja Storm
Assuming that Ninja Storms hunter cannot be considered a red ranger, Power Rangers Never had a situation quite like this one Time Force Again. in Power Rangers SamuraiLauren Shiba briefly becomes the Red Ranger, but she replaces her brother's place on the team while doing so. in Power Rangers Cosmic FuryAmelia becomes the Red Ranger after the team gains new powers. Once Zaito returns, he switches from Dino Fury Red to Cosmic Fury Zenith, meaning that there are never actually two Red Rangers on the team operating at the same time.
The fact that there has never been a case of two Red Rangers operating at the same time as Wes and Eric Power Rangers Again adds to the rewatching experience Time Force. naturally, Time Force Having two red rangers only happened because their respective Super Sentai, Mirai Sentai TimerangerHas two different heroes in red. Wes is based on Time Red Tatsuya Asami, while Eric is based on Fire Red Naoto Takizawa. Time Force Also has a third Red Ranger, Alex, although he seemingly died in the first episode, with his powers passing onto Wes.