Pokemon's leaked beta content for past games doesn't matter

Pokemon's leaked beta content for past games doesn't matter

The latest massive leak of previously unseen Pokemon Content threw franchise fans into a frenzy, but ultimately much of the beta content shouldn't matter. The result of a hack gaining access to Game Freak's internal files, this is undoubtedly the biggest leak yet Pokemon has ever seen, with a terabyte's worth of information (including employees' personal information) reportedly being compromised. The leak also revealed huge amounts of information about the development of the past and future Pokemon Games, including many details people are arguably putting too much stock in.

Typically, the development process of a Pokemon Game is a relatively well-kept secret. While leaks can and do happen regardless, the details that do come this way are typically far from comprehensive accounts of any aspect of the new game. However, the latter Pokemon Leaks are much more devastating. The data now available to the Internet covers a large part of the gaming franchise's history and future, including leaked details about the upcoming Gen 10 setting. And while the full impact on future development is yet to be seen, the leak is already creating waves in the community.

Pokemon leaks from past games have some shocking details

The unused lore includes tales of assault and killing between Pokemon and humans

Slacking lounges on the ground in the Pokemon anime.

It's easy to see how some of the details revealed in the leak shocked many Pokemon Fans. While there are certainly a lot of disturbing Pokédex entries, there is still a wide gap between the ominous lore of some Pokémon and the now-public stories written about some Pokémon by developers. actually, The knowledge included in the leaked beta content can be very extremeEspecially when considering PokemonIt's usually family-friendly picture. However, that said, it is also worth noting that these stories are structured more like myths than direct, factual accounts.

of course, The concept of interspecies relations is not entirely foreign to the franchise. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl made this basic concept a clear part of the canon with the myths recorded in Canale Library, most notably Sinnoh Folk Story 3. However, it is now revealed that Game Freak has also produced more detailed accounts of Pokemon and humans becoming intimateEven non-consensually. For example, one such story describes a man's multiple encounters with an artillery, while another sees a slacking force on a young woman.

The stories also carry strong themes of violence and death, repeatedly featuring Pokémon and humans brutally killing each other. As a result, it's hard not to see the Pokemon involved in a new light, and the new perspective is undeniably much harder than many would consider appropriate for. Pokemon. However, we must also keep in mind that these stories are only now becoming known because of the leak; They are not officially released.

This lost content was not seen for some reason

Game Freak does not intend all of its beta content to be canon

Ultimately, these shocking stories, as well as the myriad of unused Pokemon designs and other beta material now known to exist, were never meant to be seen by the general public. This could have been for many reasons; Some concepts may have been deemed ill-conceived, and others merely superfluous. Meanwhile, some details, like an expanded version of the canonical creation story, may still influence the canon to some degree, but are not yet acknowledged in-game. In any case, this cannot be denied None of this content has been chosen by Game Freak to become part of the finished product.


Video game development can be a long process, which naturally involves many different ideas being proposed and considered. However, by the same token, many of these ideas are ultimately discarded during the course of the development cycle. This leak has provided fans with a unique insight into the creation of Pokemon Games, but at the same time, this cut content should not be confused with what is present in the games themselves.

Pokemon leaks from past games will not affect canon

The New Lore is non-canon without being used in an official release

Arceus appears in Arceus and the Jewel of Life.

Although the leak's effect on Pokemon Legends: ZA And other future games can't be understated, past games should arguably remain unaffected by this leak. Although it is tempting to take the leaked information at face value, The fact that it is not used in the games means that this beta lore is not canon. As such, although it is certainly intriguing to see what could have been, this leak should not and cannot be treated with the same level of authority as an official release.

A huge amount of beta content was uncovered in this recent hack, and the distribution has understandably had a huge impact on the Pokemon Community. However, none of the knowledge revealed in this way can be considered canon, no matter how striking or interesting it may be, and it will remain so if a future official release uses it. It cannot be used to recontextualize the past Pokemon games; The fact that they do not use this material means that it cannot be considered an official part of the franchise.