Pokémon TCG Surging Sparks Card Sells for $500 Just Days After Set Release

Pokémon TCG Surging Sparks Card Sells for 0 Just Days After Set Release

THE Sparks arise Pokémon Trading Card Game The set was released just three days ago and already one card has emerged as the most sought-after chase card. THE Sparks arise card collection was released in the West on November 8th and features Tera Pokémon ex Scarlet and Violet native to the Alola region. Many of the new cards feature vibrant colors and beautiful illustrations, but one card, in particular, caught enough collectors' attention that they were willing to shell out half a thousand dollars for it within days of release.

The letter in question is the beautiful Rare Special Illustration version of the former Pikachu, with an impressive market value of $488.61, according to TCG Player. The card features a crystal-clear Tera Pikachu with a glittering jeweled crown floating on its head. Pikachu has a serene expression on his face as he looks over his shoulder at something in the distance behind the player.

The card also has some powerful abilities, with a ability that allows you to resist a knockout with full health and one attack that deals 300 damage. The combination of high power and beautiful artwork made the Pikachu ex full illustration the most desired card in the world. Sparks arise set.

It's on everyone's feed, but it's still an extremely rare attraction

Pikachu ex emerging lights full illustration card

Pokémon TCG Card collectors may have seen Pikachu's ex all over their social media feeds over the past few days as more and more fans managed to get their hands on the card. The prevalence of the card online does not mean it is easy to obtain, as the full art card is a very rare attraction. Instead, what this means is how many fans had Pikachu's ex as their “chase card” (in other words, the card they look forward to most every time they open a booster pack).

In a discussion thread on Reddit, user Hamooki33 points out that the price of the card doesn't seem to match how often they see the card being picked up. However, the card's appearance online appears to be a misrepresentation of how rare it is, as people just share their winnings. Reddit user Kidnappings states: "With current pull data, you would need to open over 750 packs for Pikachu."In other words, Pikachu's ex is a very rare Surging Sparks card that it only seems common because so many people are celebrating the achievement in Reddit posts and other social media, and the price reflects that fact.

Pikachu Ex Pokémon TCG Card Price Could Go Either Way

If it's like Moonbreon, it could be sold by thousands of people soon

Stellar Tera Pikachu ex from the Surging Sparks expansion of the Pokémon TCG

Although Pikachu's ex is selling for over $500 right now, it's important to remember that the Sparks arise the set was released just a few days ago. Often times, the most popular card in a set will sell for a high price immediately after its release, but its value will decline over time.

Some cases defy this trend, however. For example, the beloved and sought-after Umbreon VMAX card, affectionately dubbed the Moonbreon card by the community, was also valued at around $500 when it was first released as part of Evolving skies set. It is currently selling for a street price of $1,278.86, according to TCG Player. This could mean that although Pikachu's ex is being sold for a high price, fans who manage to pull off the rare Sparks arise Pokémon Trading Card Game card you can earn even more from it by waiting a few years before selling it.

Source: TCG Player (1, 2), Hamooki33/Reddit, Kidnappings/Reddit