Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Serperior 7-Star Raid Guide: Counters and Weaknesses

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Serperior 7-Star Raid Guide: Counters and Weaknesses

Serperior is the latest 7-star Star Terra Raid host in Pokemon Scarlet and VioletAnd it certainly has weaknesses that must be exploited with the right counters if you want to beat it. The Regal Pokemon is the third Unova-area starter to get their turn in 7-star Terra Raids, where you can defeat it in exchange for a bunch of rewards and the chance to catch it. Like those that came before, this superior boss has the Mightiest Mark, making it a tough challenge that requires players to prepare a strong Pokemon team with their optimal movesets.

Superior can also be obtained by evolving a Snivy caught in the Blueberry Academy's terrarium in the Hidden treasure of area zero DLC. However, you need to spend a lot of time saving Blueberry Points to unlock it. On the other hand, this 7-star Terra Raid is your chance to get a superior with an almost competitive level build with powerful stats, attacks and abilities. That allows more time to redeem Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes instead of putting one together yourself.

7-star superior weaknesses and moveset

Fire, poison, ice and more to resist the snake

A Paldean map with Superior, featuring the next 7-star Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Terra Raid

Like its base type, this 7-star superior will have a grass terra type, which makes its weaknesses Fire, ice, poison, flying and bug attacks. With a speculated moveset including Leaf Storm, Glare, Gastro Acid, Taunt, and Giga Drain, the Snivy evolution will be a powerful force to be reckoned with. Leaf Rage will be his strongest attack, even more so when combined with his hidden ability, reverse.


Reverse reverses the effect of stat-altering moves. This means that Leaf Storm, an attack that normally lowers the user's SP. ATK stat by two stages with each use, will increase Serperior's Sp. Attack through two stages instead. This combination makes it one of the most powerful Pokemon Bosses You will face in the game. This is potentially the most dangerous part of facing Serperior as a 7-star boss, so the counters you pick should be able to handle this powerful attack.

7-Star Superior Terra Raid Counters

Use Skill Swap & Unaware

The Counters for the 7-Star Superior Terra Raid Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

The best counters to use in the 7-star Superior Terra Raid in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Are those who can nullify its opposite ability like gallery slowking, Skeledirge, and Delfox. This is due to Skeledirge's ability, unwittingly, and the other two's potential to use Skillswap, which swaps abilities between the user and the target. You can claim a free Fuecoco with a mystery gift code in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet If you want to build a new skledirge from scratch.

Here are the exact builds for each counter that you can use to defeat Superior in the 7-Star Terra Raid Battles:

Galarian Slowing


Terra type



Held item




Own tempo

  • 252 sp. Atk

  • 252 hp

  • 252 sp. Def

shell master

  • Acid spray

  • Light screen

  • Skill Swap

  • Sludge Wave



Terra type



Held item





  • 252 sp. Atk

  • 252 hp

  • 4 sp. Def

shell master

  • Mystic fire

  • Overheat

  • Skill Swap

  • Sunny day



Terra type



Held item




Not knowing

  • 252 sp. Atk

  • 252 hp

  • 4 sp. Def

shell master

  • Protect

  • Slack off

  • Sunny day

  • Protect

Having Galarian Slowking or Delphox use Skill Swap to take away Serperior's opposite will result in the Tera Boss depleting his Sp. Atk when it uses Leaf Storm, along with both users benefit from the stolen ability itself. Galarian Slowking will be able to use Acid Spray to lower Superior's SP. Def while Delfox can use Overheat to deal super-effective fire damage while buffing his own SP. Atk.

Skeledirge with Unaware is the least beneficial counter, but it will be protected from a buffed Leaf Storm, giving it more survivability to build its SP. ATK with super-effective uses of torch song.

Superior Terra Raid dates and how to unlock

Two rounds during September

A Black Crystal in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to take part in 7-star Terra Raids like Superior's

The 7-star Superior Terra Raid will first appear in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet of Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5 PM PDT through Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 4:59 PM PDT. The second round will then take place from Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 5 PM PDT through Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 4:59 PM PDT.

As with similar events, you can only capture one 7-star superior per save file. After you capture one, you can still take on as many Terra Raid bosses as you want to get rewards including treasure and battle items.

Interact with the black Terra Raid crystal spawning on the map to take part in the 7-star Superior Raid.

To unlock the 7-star raid for Superior in Scarlet and violetYou will need to unlock 6-star Terra Raids to have access to the event. You need this Complete the Academy Ace Tournament post-game content and host at least 10 5-star Terra Raids. You will receive a call from Jacq explaining 6-star raids once they are unlocked in the game.

As long as you remember Serperior's weaknesses like Fire and Poison, along with the best counters in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Galarian Slowking, Delphox and Skeledirge - Victory in the 7-star Terra Raid will be yours.