Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announces two Halloween-themed events

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announces two Halloween-themed events

Two Halloween-themed events are coming up Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Next week. While Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Won't feature any new Pokemon or new content, players will still enjoy some seasonally appropriate crowd outbreaks next week.

Unlike other recent mass outbreak events, This one will only focus on the Paldea area, with both Kitikami and Blueberry Academy left out of the action. The Paldea area will be filled with Ghost-type Pokemon to celebrate the arrival of Halloween, Along with a new Ghost-Type Tera Raid featuring an iconic fan-favorite Pokemon.

Last Pokemon News has focused on a number of high-profile leaks detailing either stalled projects or cut content from existing Pokemon games. However, the current flagship games of the franchise are still releasing a steady stream of new content for players to enjoy.

What to expect from the Halloween events

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players can battle Gengar and catch ghost-type Pokemon like Shupet and Bramblin

This year's Halloween event will feature a new 5-star Terra Raid and mass outbreaks of various Ghost-type Pokemon. This year's Ghost-Type Tera Raid features Gengar as a Ghost Tera-Type. As a pure Ghost Terra-type, Gengar loses its traditional weakness to Psychic-type moves and Earth-type moves, but remains weak against Ghost-type and Dark-type moves. Although this gengar will not have any special moves or abilities, Defeating Gengar comes with a chance for special rewards including rare candies. The Gengar Tera Raid event will run from October 28th to October 31st.

Payers can also find Gastly, Misdreavus, Shuppet, and Bramblin in mass outbreaks throughout Paldia. Pokemon found in mass outbreaks all have a greater chance of having the Cunning Mark, which adds "The Opportunist" title to the Pokemon's name. The event will run from October 29th to October 31st. Although the event did not increase odds, Players can increase their odds by making a red onion sandwich and two Salty Herba Mystics.

Screen Rant's Name: Too low key to attract real interest

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players will not flock to these events

Gene ghost type standing in the middle of a battle arena

Although new players are coming Pokemon Scarlet and Violet All the while, a Terra-type raid focused on Gengar with increased rare candy drop rates won't attract any real interest from long-time players. As a 5-star raid, veteran players can clear this with ease and rare candies aren't so hard to get that it's worth grinding for.

Likewise, the Mass Outbreaks are fun for hardcore collectors looking for marks, but all four species of Pokemon are easy to find in the Paldea area. This is a downgrade from an event that doesn't add much more than a quick distraction. While this is a fun mini-Halloween event, there could be a little more content to bring old fans back to the title, but for now, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Players can attempt to get their hands on a few special Pokemon while the event takes place.

Source: The official Pokemon YouTube channel




November 18, 2022


Nintendo, The Pokemon Company