It's November and as we head into the fall, we're also delving into the Raid bosses in Pokemon GO. There are lots of fun battles planned for this month, as well as a Harvest Festival where players can win a Shiny Smoliv. Players will want to participate as there will be an increase in the number of candies and the increased chance of a shiny Pokémon could very well help you defeat some of the Raid bosses this month.
While players may be struggling with the new Gigantamax Battles in Pokemon GOthere are plenty of other events to keep you busy. Throughout the month, players will have access to three 5-star Raids, six different Max Battles, four different Mega Raids and one Shadow Raid every weekend. With more weekends this month, you also have more chances to get the Pokémon you want and complete raids.
All 5-Star Raid Bosses in November 2024
A variety of strengths and weaknesses
There are three different 5-Star Raid events this month, with eight Pokémon in total that you can face and capture. This includes the last few days of the current event, in which players still have a chance to capture Darkrai. This month's first Raid will be Lugiawhich can also use the Flying-type move Aeroblast. Furthermore, the Zamazenta attack on Pokemon GO is already returning after being introduced last month.
You can see the dates as well as the Pokémon and potential weaknesses for each of the 5-star raid bosses below.
Dates |
Pokémon |
Weaknesses |
October 28th to November 4th |
Darkrai |
November 4th – November 18th |
Lugia |
November 18th – November 27th |
Palkia Origin |
Origin Dialga |
November 27th to December 3rd |
Zaciano |
Zamazenta |
Regieleki |
Regidrago |
There is a Decent distribution of moves and types in Raid Bosses this month, so there isn't one type of Pokémon that will help you defeat them all. There are some Dragon types, some Fairy types, and a pure Electric type that will require a different moveset than the rest. Some of these Fairy type Pokémon that you used in last month's Raids should still be relevant, but make sure you have a strong Ground typing as well. If you want extra tips for this month, check out YouTuber pogotrnrvideo.
Mega Raid Bosses in November 2024
Six challenging fights with different archetypes
There is a huge 6 Mega Raid battles throughout Novembergiving you plenty of chances to catch new Pokémon that you haven't been able to before. The month begins with the conclusion of the Mega Banette Raid, before getting into full swing of events. Starting out, Mega Manetric will be the first to go up.
Dates |
Pokémon |
Weaknesses |
October 28th to November 4th |
Mega Banette |
November 4th – November 11th |
Mega Manetric |
November 11th – November 18th |
Mega Salamencia |
November 18th to 27th |
Mega Beedrill |
Mega Ampharos |
November 27th to December 3rd |
Mega Altaria |
After that, you will have Mega Salamence, Mega Beedrill, Mega Ampharos and Mega Altaria last one to take us until December. Any of them can be Shiny, which makes the attraction of trying to fight them even greater. Many of them have a good number of counters, but the first Mega Raid Boss will probably be the most challenging as only has one weakness.
As with normal Raid Bosses, Mega Manectric will be difficult, as Electric-types only has a weakness to Ground types. A Garchomp or an Excadrill are a good option against it. If you happen to have a primordial Groudonit will also make this fight much easier. Mega Banette is also a tough fight if it's still early in the month for you, so make sure you have a team of strong Dark-types to fight it.
If you are fighting these bosses, try to assemble a team and face them with as many other Trainers as you can muster. Additionally, double-check your team to make sure there are no obvious weaknesses, and try to include a Healer if possible.
Mega Beedrill is also a potential boss to watch out for. Although Beedrill itself has many weaknesses compared to other types, it can redirect powerful psychic movements back to you. Be careful when using them and try to save them for a final blow, so you don't risk exterminating yourself. Otherwise, a good number of These Mega Bosses are weak to Fairy typesso find something like a Mega Gardevoir to help you.
Max Raid Bosses in November 2024
The original generation of starters meets generation 8
There is two sets of continuous Max Battles throughout the month of November until December 3rd. This includes the original crew of Kanto Generation 1 starters. However, you will also find Max Raids with Gen 8 Galarian region starters. This means you will have access to the following Max Raids:
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Bulbasaur
- Scorbunny
- Grookey
- Sobble
Max Raids in Pokemon GO typically feature previous players, although not always, and are a new type of Raid battle which can be found in various Power Spots. Each of the potential Pokémon will appear in Dynamax formwhich can be faced with up to three other trainers. However, you will also need to create your own reserves to withdraw them.
With six Pokémon to find and fightThis month has a lot of programming. However, they are also of a unique type, which can make them easier to combat. You can also always use any of these Pokémon you catch in your next Max Raidif you want a strong counterattack against the one you face next. You can also keep an eye out for Max Mondays in November, which offers another new mini-event with this lineup.
Shadow Raid Bosses for November 2024
The new Shadow Raid has an aqueous predisposition
Lastly, Trainers will be able to take over the Shadow Raid Boss Suicune every weekend in November. This is a Water-type Legendary Pokémon that can pack a quick punch, especially if the weather is favorable. The main moves it will use are Snarl and Hydro Pump, but the good news is that it is also weak to electric and grass-type moves.
If you can get your hands on one of the Electric-type Pokémon in this month's other Raids, you'll have a much easier time catching or defeating a Suicune. Mega Sceptil will be the best counter you can use for this fight, but there are other options with Zekrom, Zarude, and Shadow Raikou. That being said, the Mega Manetric that you have the chance to take advantage of this month will be no less effective.
With all these events and more, players are sure to be busy with this month's events. Don't forget that events like Shadow Raids may require something extra to participate in the fight, such as Purified Gems. Otherwise, find a team and start training your Pokémon so you're well prepared to defeat even this month's toughest bosses. Pokemon GO.
Video credit: pogotnr/YouTube