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As part of the Legendary Heroes event in Pokémon GOThere are key ways to compete in the Sword Path and Shield Path Collection Challenges. These are similar to challenges of its kind featured in the game before, but also unique trade-focused challenges. This is because they use the event's timed research,"Sword Path or Shield Path?".
This is because after the research starts, trainers can choose one of two paths that dictate which Collection Challenge they receive, similar to choosing a Path Special Research in Pokémon GO. In this case, the chosen patch dictates which Pokemon will be attracted to your location by an incense for the rest of the event.
How to complete Sword Path collection challenges
Catch Seedot, Gothita and more
To complete the Sword Path Collection Challenge in Pokémon GO Legendary Heroes event, you need to catch eight specific Pokemon like Seedot, Scraggy, Gothita and Swirlix By using an incense to spawn them. It would be best if you also caught Galarian Darumaka, Grookey, Scorbunny and Sobble, which are also part of the Path Collection Challenge, but they will appear as increased spawns by exploring during the event instead of as a result of the path you have taken . Chosen.
Sword Path Collection Challenge
Pokemon |
How to catch |
Seedot |
Incense Spawn |
scraggy |
Incense Spawn |
Gothita |
Incense Spawn |
swirls |
Incense Spawn |
Galarian Darumaka |
wild span |
Grookey |
wild span |
Scorbunni |
wild span |
Sable |
wild span |
You can only complete the Trade Challenge of the Sword Path by trading for a Spritzee, Solosis, Lotad and Croagunk. These four are part of the Capture Challenge in the Shield Path, so you need to find another player who has taken it and exchange it for them. When you complete the Sword Path's trade challenge, You will be rewarded with 5000 XP and a Larvitar encounter.
Sword Path Trade Challenge
Pokemon |
How to get |
splash |
Trade |
Solosis |
Trade |
Lotad |
Trade |
croagunk |
Trade |
How to complete Shield Path collection challenges
Catch Loaded, Solosis and more
To complete the Shield Path Collection Challenge during Legendary Heroes in Pokémon GOYou need to catch eight specific Pokemon like in the Sword Path, but the like Spritzee, Solosis, Lotad and CroagunkUse an incense to spawn them. Solosis is one of the current ditto disguises in Pokémon GOBut you'll need to catch the actual Pokemon to tick it off. You also need to catch Galarian Ponyta, Scorbunny, Grookey and Sobble, but they will appear as wild spawns. You will also receive 1000 XP and a Skwovet encounter as a reward for completion.
Shield Path Collection Challenge
Pokemon |
How to catch |
splash |
Incense Spawn |
Solosis |
Incense Spawn |
Lotad |
Incense Spawn |
croagunk |
Incense Spawn |
Galarian ponyta |
wild span |
Grookey |
wild span |
Scorbunni |
wild span |
Sable |
wild span |
The sword and shield paths also offer different tasks in return for distinct rewards, like an extra Deino or Larvitar encounter respectively.
Shield Path Trade Challenge
Pokemon |
How to get |
swirls |
Trade |
Gothita |
Trade |
Seedot |
Trade |
scraggy |
Trade |
Having Galarian Ponyta means you can start putting together the best psychic cup teams Pokémon GO. To finish the Shield Path's trade challenge, trainers must Trade with Swirlix, Gothita, Seedot and Scraggy. After getting them all, you can get 5000 XP and a Deino encounter. Be sure to check which encounters you'd prefer in these Pokémon GO Legendary Heroes event so you can choose the Collection Challenge that's right for you.
- platforms
iOS, Android
- Released
July 6, 2016
- developer(s)
Niantic, The Pokemon Company
- cross save