Pokémon GO Gallery Expedition Collection Challenges Guide

Pokémon GO Gallery Expedition Collection Challenges Guide

The Galarian Expedition event has begun in Pokémon GOWith two new collection challenges arriving in the game. You'll need to catch a range of event-themed creatures like Beldum, Absol and Foongus to complete them both. There will also be some evolutions that need to be initiated for each Collection Challenge, meaning they may take a while to complete.

Collection challenges regularly appear in Pokémon GOs events, giving trainers a reason to go out exploring and capture the event's themed wild spawns. There are usually some exciting rewards for finishing them before they expire, so it's worth taking part in them when you get the chance. Here's everything you need to know to complete both of the Galarian Expedition Collection challenges.

How to complete the Gallery Expedition Collection Challenge 1

Eight Pokemon to get, including multiple evolutions

Abra, Kadabra and Alakazam appeared on the Pokemon GO map

The first Galarian Expedition Collection Challenge requires you to catch three Pokemon and fully evolve them. Here are all the Pokemon you need to catch or evolve, as well as tips on how to find them, for the first Collection Challenge:


How to catch it

As it looks like


Encounter it in the wild or as a reward for field research

Abra sprite in Pokemon Go

As before

Develop an Abra with 25 candies

Kadabra sprite in Pokemon GO


Develop an Alakazam with 100 candies (or no candies when trading)

Alakazam Sprite in Pokemon Go


Encounter it in the wild or as a reward for field research

Pokemon GO Spheal sprite


Develop a game with 25 candies

Pokemon GO Sealeo sprite


Develop a Sealo with 100 candies

Pokemon GO Walrein sprite


Encounter it in the wild or as a reward for field research

Pokemon GO Foongus Sprite


Develop a fungus with 50 candies

Pokemon GO Amoonguss sprite

For completing the Collection Challenge, you will earn 5000 XP, an Alolan Marowak encounter, and 20 Ultra Balls.

The good news is that Abra, Spheal, and Foongus are all expected to be common spawns during the Galarian Expedition event, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding them and saving enough candy to evolve them.

Remember that you can use Pinap Berries when you catch wild Pokemon to get a small boost in candy as a reward. You can also set one of them as your buddy and go out to explore together to earn some extra candy for them.

The trickiest Pokemon in the Collection Challenge will probably be Abra and its evolutions, Kadabra and Alakazam. This is because Abra has a very high escape rate when encountered in the wild, meaning if you don't catch it on your first try, it will probably run away. Use Razz Berries and land excellent curveball throws to increase your chances of catching it.

How to complete the Gallery Expedition Collection Challenge 2

Some rare Pokemon spawns including Absol are required

Both versions of Nidoran and their evolutions on the Pokemon GO map

The second Galarian Expedition Collection Challenge requires you to catch four Pokemon and fully evolve two of them. Here are all the Pokemon you need to catch or evolve, as well as tips on how to find them, for the second Collection Challenge:


How to catch it

As it looks like


Encounter it in the wild or as a reward for field research

Male Nidoran Sprite in Pokemon GO


Evolve a Nidoran with 25 candies

Nidorino sprite in Pokemon GO


Develop a Nidorino with 100 candies

Nidoking Sprite in Pokemon GO


Encounter it in the wild or as a reward for field research

Female Nidoran sprite in Pokemon GO


Develop a Nidoran with 25 candies

Nidorina sprite in Pokemon GO


Develop a Nidorina with 100 candies

Nidoqueen sprite in Pokemon GO


Meet it in the wild

Beldum Sprite in Pokemon GO


Find it in the wild (rare) or as a reward for field research

Absol in Pokemon Go

For completing the Collection Challenge, you will earn 5000 XP, an Aerodactyl encounter and 20 Ultra Balls.

The trickiest Pokemon to catch for the Collection Challenge is probably Absol, as it is expected to be a rare wild spawn during the Galarian Expedition event. You can also get an Absol encounter as a potential reward for Complete these "Explore 5km" Field research work. These tasks can be obtained by spinning PokéStops during the event, as long as you have room for more tasks.

You've got bees Friday, October 11, 2024, 8:00 PM local time To finish the collection challenges and claim all their rewards, because this is when the Galarian Expedition event ends. This gives you a whole week to get out and catch the required Pokemon and evolve them into Pokémon GO. Good luck there!