Dynamax Gastly is the last max raid boss to appear in Pokémon GOKicking off the Halloween 2024: Part 1 event in suitably spooky style. The giant version of the Kanto-region classic will appear at Power Stops throughout the event, and you'll be able to battle them with up to three other trainers, using your own Dynamax-capable Pokemon in the process.
If you haven't competed in a Max Raid Battle before, they work similarly to regular Raid Battles. The main difference is that only Pokemon capable of Dynamaxing are allowed to enter. During the battle, when you collect enough Max Energy, you can Dynamax your Pokemon. At this point, they can unleash powerful Max Moves to (hopefully) destroy the Max Raid boss, and you'll get the chance to catch them.
Dynamax hosts weaknesses
Four types will deal super-effective damage to Gasly
Dynamax Gastly is a dual Ghost/Poison-type Pokemon, which means it is Vulnerable to Dark, Ghost, Earth and Psychic-type attacks. Normally, I would suggest focusing on Pokemon of these types, but the reality is that there aren't many Dynamax-capable Pokemon available right now, so your options will be limited to what you've been able to catch so far.
On the flip side, Dynamax Gastly is resistant to bug, fairy, fighting, grass, normal, and poison-type attacks. Avoid using attacks of these types if possible, as they won't do much damage to this Max Raid boss.
Best counters for Dynamax Gastly
Gradient is your best option
The best counter for Dynamax Gastly will be Dynamax GradientAs it is currently the only Dynamax-capable Pokemon that has both Quick Attacks (Bite or Mud Shot) and a Charged Attack (Crunch) that can target Gasly's weaknesses. You can run either Bit or Mud Shot as his Quick Attack, as whichever one you choose will end up becoming a super-effective Max Attack when it Dynamaxes.
If you don't have a Dynamax Greedent, you can get an appointment with Dynamax Skwovet by completing the "To the max!" Special research quest, which all trainers should now have access to simply by logging into the game. Once you've caught your Dynamax Skwovet, evolve it into Dynamax Greedent with 50 candy, use Fast TMs or Charged TMs to get the right moveset, and you'll be good to go.
Once you've caught a Dynamax Gastly, you can evolve it into Dynamax Gengar. This will be an excellent option to take on Gigantamax Gengar when it makes its Pokémon GO debut on October 31, 2024.
The ideal scenario when fighting Dynamax Gastly would be three Dynamax Grident in your Max Raid team, but not all trainers will have three in their collection. Another option you can use is Dynamax Blastoise with Bite and Hydro Cannon. Hydro Cannon isn't super-effective against Dynamax Gastly, but Bit is, so you'll still be able to unleash a Dark-type Max Move for high damage.
A third option is to use Dynamax Inteleon with Water Gun and Shadow Ball. This moveset won't give you access to a super-effective max move, but it will provide neutral damage that should be enough to take out Dynamax gaslily. Meanwhile, Shadow Ball will deal super-effective damage when used, giving you an edge in these Pokémon GO Battles.
- platforms
iOS, Android
- Released
July 6, 2016
- developer(s)
Niantic, The Pokemon Company
- Publisher(s)