Generation 10 Pokémon the games could make a notable change by having a title that shifts the focus to Pokémon Contests. Pokémon battles are at the heart of PokémonThe game's core games, Gyms and Pokémon League are a key part of the traditional formula for any new titles. However, becoming a traditional trainer isn't the only path featured in the franchise, and a game that focuses more on rewarding creativity than dealing damage could be a refreshing change of pace.
Pokémon Contests are among the most elaborate minigames found on Pokémon titles. They were first introduced into the franchise in Generation 3 as a two-stage process focused on the appearance and thematic appeal of Moves, and were later reworked into the three-stage Super Contest variant of Generation 4. Later remakes of these games also featured the same respective formats. Collectively, Pokémon Contests are an alternative to battles that require your own skill set and dedicated preparation to ensure success. Reintroducing such a unique concept as a main feature could help make PokémonThe next generation is the best yet.
A new Pokémon side game should focus on contests
A full contest game would provide unique gameplay options
Of course, no matter how interesting it is, Pokémon contests could never replace the gym circuit found on traditional double version releases. Instead, a single side game would be much better suited to exploring the concept. This would allow gameplay to be entirely oriented around the Contest experience rather than competing with other aspects of a main core game. It wouldn't even need to take place in the new Generation 10 setting, given that the Contests are already associated with Hoenn and Sinnoh, although a Contests-focused game could still provide a new perspective on the newer setting.
Furthermore, although it may not necessarily count as a main game, that doesn't mean that such a title can't have an engaging plot of its own. For example, it would be more than reasonable for the game to include a rival character and the objective of working towards a championship like the Grand Festivals in anime. The protagonist may even face complications related to cheating or other problems appropriate for a competitive environment. On the other hand, the game could simply be light-hearted and wouldn't necessarily suffer from the lack of a more serious subject matter.
In terms of actual gameplay, a full game could greatly expand the current versions of the contests. Features like the five standard categories and cooking stat-boosting treats (whether Pokéblocks, Poffins, or something entirely new) are ubiquitous enough to be guaranteed to be included, but new Pokémon Coordinators can also be tasked with collecting props and creating costumes to improve their chances in a given category. People could also create routines directly for their Pokémonmaking the most of the visual improvements seen in recent generations.
Contests would look amazing in a modern Pokémon game
Modern graphics and other improvements would suit the contests perfectly
It must also be recognized that a new version of Contests would be able to make the most of the franchise's shift towards open worlds. This would allow Pokémon to visibly dance and perform with their full 3D models in even more detail than the Contests seen in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Various accessories can also be fully modeled and used by Pokémonallowing them to have truly unique appearances. Likewise, props could be implemented to unlock unique actions, and perhaps could be introduced after the player has gathered the materials needed to create them.
Given that competitions are also intended to focus on the look of a move rather than the damage done, It may also be possible for people to create detailed choreography by carefully directing their Pokémon.. For example, Flamethrower can be used to draw images of fire in the air, or a Water-type Pokémon can create a rainbow with a jet of water. Of course, implementing this effectively might mean limiting the number of Pokémon and moves available to the player, but a good variety of both would be a reasonable compromise.
This level of control over a Pokémon's actions and movements would be a new direction for the franchise.and the level of creativity it would foster would be a notable selling point for the game. The visual effects potential is particularly notable when considering that this game would likely be released for the Nintendo Switch 2 console. The Switch 2's technological capabilities will benefit Gen 10 Pokémon games immensely, and a title like this would make the most of that fact.
Coordinating Protagonists Can Offer a New Multiplayer Experience
Contests provide a perfect basis for friendly online competition
The established online capabilities of the Switch and, by extension, the Switch 2 also mean that it would be simple to compete freely in contests with people from all over the world. While single-player gameplay should be included, multiplayer could be where this game really shines, perhaps to the point where real competitions are formed for the title. It may even be possible for one or more people to act as judges in place of the game's own NPCs, allowing for a fully immersive competition experience.
About that, Established routines can also be shared onlineallowing people to impress their friends or even copy and improve each other's work. This would only further foster a community for the game and encourage people to work together and collaborate as much as compete against each other. As such, it is clear that Pokémon Contests have the potential to be as popular multiplayer experiences as traditional battlesand a game based on them could therefore be incredibly successful.
Ultimately, a new Pokémon contest-centric game could not only revive a classic Pokémon resource, but turn it into something that allows for an incredible level of creativity. With the supposed capabilities of the Switch 2 in particular as the driving force behind the gameplay, it would be more than possible for the Contests to have the same spectacular visuals that the anime portrays them to be. It's clear that a game about a Coordinator has incredible potential, and a title like this totally deserves to be part of the Pokémon franchise.