Poison Ivy reveals the only reason Batman's thugs remain in Gotham (and it's the last one anyone would think of)

Poison Ivy reveals the only reason Batman's thugs remain in Gotham (and it's the last one anyone would think of)

Warning: contains spoilers Poison Ivy #27!!Poison Ivy cemented her place in Gotham City's rogues gallery many years ago, and she's learned some important things about Batman in the process. As she begins to face a new eco-terrorist group that falsely claims her as their leader, she is reminded of one of her most important traits, which is likely keeping some of her "bad guys" in Gotham.

Poison Ivy #27by G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara, Arif Prianto, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, focuses on Poison Ivy's investigation into the Order of the Green Knight - a group that claims her as their leader as they commit eco-terrorist acts. Batman corners her, ready to stop her from inciting more violence, but Pam defuses the situation... by telling the truth.

Poison Ivy admits Batman is fair

Batman accepts Poison Ivy's logic, giving him time and space to investigate the threat in front of him. Although Ivy becomes irritated when talking back to the Bat when she doesn't feel he is doing anything wrong, she notes that he is unfailingly fair, even to his villains. Despite his dark reputation, Batman has long supported the rehabilitation of his enemies, giving them the chance to turn over a new leaf. It's a detail that explains why villains would remain in Gotham, despite Batman's relentless efficiency in thwarting their crimes.

Batman's sense of justice gives his bad guys room to make their own choices

Poison Ivy uses this to move away from villainy

Poison Ivy teams up with Batman to save the world

Many of DC's superheroes have a rotating roster of "bad guys" to fight, but Batman's bad guys can be particularly dark. At first glance, they are the least likely candidates for rehabilitation, but the Caped Crusader continues to give them that chance. It's also not purely because of his "no killing" rule, although that certainly plays a role. Behind the scowl and cowl, Bruce Wayne is guided by a sense of justice. It's far from perfect, but it's proven effective, and some of Gotham's biggest criminals have scaled back their operations or even joined the Bat-Family - even if that doesn't last forever.

Poison Ivy is simply Batman's latest opponent to begin walking a different path. Over the years, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Two-Face, Riddler, Clayface, Man-Bat. the Penguin and others tried lives less focused on crime. They don't always succeed, but Batman's sense of justice makes it possible in the first place. It doesn't permanently mark Gotham's worst as unforgivable, and they have room to make different choices for themselves. Bruce can't force them to follow these paths, but being fair makes a difference. Ivy he can deal with the Green Knight, and he's (semi) trusting her to do so.

Batman's Justice Has Drawbacks

Villains like Two-Face and Riddler had plenty of chances to hurt innocents

Comic art: Batman among a group of Gotham thugs.

Pam Isley is handling her life differently and moving away from her repeated attempts to exterminate humanity, so Batman is right to give her permission to pursue the Green Knight. This is not always the case. By combining the idea that everyone has the potential to change with his no-killing rule, Batman is arguably responsible for the dangerous criminals who continue to return to the streets of Gotham, as they are well aware that mending their ways will always be an option in the future. below the line. For example, Batman gave Two-Face leeway time and time again, only for Harvey Dent to seize the opportunity to kill and steal. Poison Ivy and Gotham's villains know it Batman fair enough, but it's a fine line for the Caped Crusader to walk.

Poison Ivy #27 is now available from DC Comics.