I had achieved Zomboide Project to a friend as a gift, as he always wanted to try the game but didn't dare to buy it. Teaching him the basics felt good, like a grizzled post-apocalyptic survivor (with a silver beard) teaching someone who recently came out of a coma about the new rules dictating the devastated landscape. While it was a lot of fun - period - it led to the inevitable question that most Project Z players will eventually ask themselves: "What's the point of all this?"
Although Zomboide Project is without a doubt one of the best zombie sandbox games ever created, your complaint is not unfounded. Although the nature of any sandbox is that it makes no sense - avoiding rabid patients infected with Knox infection and foraging for food can get old after a while without a significant outcome. That said, it's something that will eventually make its way to the game, even though the developers have already been working on the long-awaited update for years.
Can't wait for version 42
The biggest update to the Zomboid project in years
My friend and I are no strangers to sandbox survival games. We are veterans of titles like Rust and The forestand we typically go out of our way to try out the latest survival titles, so the concept of being able to eventually sustain and build some sort of production workflow and a more solidified stronghold in Project Z It was something that appealed to both of us. As it stands, while the game is a lot of fun, a future update aims to add a lot more. Build 42 will be the biggest and most substantial expansion since Build 41 was released in December 2021.
While it is more than possible to stage, with the aim of most people in Project Z Being about surviving as long as possible, the expansive update will add a number of new features to the end game that will make it easier to sustain in the post-apocalypse. This includes things like a wide variety of new endgames craft stations, items and materials. It will also include the much-requested agricultural mechanics, which resolve the food crisis when all canned goods and other looted leftovers have been devoured.
Build 42 will also add a number of other new mechanics and features such as skyscrapers, animals, new locations and quality of life improvementsthis should make the experience better overall. In some ways, it will be more of a traditional survival game, with different things you can use to live off the land for a long time. Even though you can last a long time in the game these days, it's hard to build a real community in the vanilla version. More information about all the updates was described in great detail in the Zomboide Project blog.
Surviving Apocalypse Z with a friend is more fun
If you haven't tried co-op yet, you should
I'm a huge horror nerd, so scary games don't scare me anymore. That being said, playing Zomboide Project solo is an extremely isolating experience. With no human NPCs other than the undead on the map, being left alone in a city infested with shambling horrors lurking around every corner is a pretty scary prospect. Playing with a friend who can provide emotional and physical support makes the game much easier and, in my opinion, much more fun.
Although we will have to wait until Build 43 to get Project Z NPCs, the developers are well aware that more community aspects are highly requested, and in that sense The Indie Stone will address this by providing a wider range of professions and starting traits in Build 42, which should help on larger multiplayer servers. Even on a smaller team of three or four (if I can get my other friends to play), having more unique options will definitely make the experience more unique.
I also played Project Z with my wife, which was an interesting insight into what would actually happen if a zombie apocalypse broke out. While we both had fun and had a great time, let's just say the real-life results probably wouldn't have been good.
Returning to Zomboid made it feel new
Taking a break made me appreciate the game more
Returning to Zomboide Project After a break of about a year, it made it look new again. Teaching my friend to stay calm and stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off reminded me why I liked this indie gem. Also, it reminded me that Zomboide Project It's an incredibly difficult gameespecially for those who have never played before. I ended up having to turn off zombie respawns in an effort to actually survive more than a day in our first few lives.
Because in Project Zomboid, it's not a matter of you dying; It's a matter of when.
Auto-spawn is a must-have mechanic if you're playing with friends, as trying to sneak around town and find yourself using a pencil and a map is as fun as it sounds. My friend is a pretty harsh critic, and since the game's learning curve is quite high, it was difficult for a while. Dying repeatedly and trying to come up with tactics like funneling zombies through doors or moving them away from important points of interest was something I felt like I was relearning from him.
Towards the end of our adventure, we learned to pull in one or two zombies at a time and to sneak more efficiently and skillfully. By the end of the game, my friend was a real zombie skull-breaker, and we had mastered the tactic of taking down the geeks and smashing them in the face with a frying pan for a quick death.
Of course, our success would not last long, as a fateful attempt to open a window in a nearby house caused an alarm to go off, which caused a huge horde to destroy the small outpost we had equipped with curtains on all the windows. . . Ultimately, just like anyone who dares to play Zomboide Projectwe would succumb, screaming as they consumed our flesh - because in Zomboide Projectit is not a matter of you dying; It's a matter of when.
Source: The player, Zomboide Project