Helen Mirren and Pierce Brosnan are set to star in Guy Ritchie's upcoming Paramount+ series, The Associate - an exciting on-screen partnership that secretly paid for an unrelated 43-year-old gangster drama. Guy Ritchie has quietly become one of Hollywood's busiest filmmakers, with The Associate Representing the final chapter in his career. Despite starting life as a Ray Donovan Spinoff entitled The DonovansThe series will now tell a standalone story - as well as providing a surprising link to one of the most iconic gangster movies in British film history.
The associate's The story will follow two generations of gangsters, with Pierce Brosnan and Helen Mirren playing the patriarch and matriarch of an important crime family. The collaboration of Brosnan and Mirren is very exciting, given their status in the industry. However, it also represents a reunion, 43 years after their collaboration in The long Good Friday. Similar to Richie's project, The long Good Friday Centers around a crime boss and his ploy to take control of multiple groups. But, where Mirren and Brosnan barely shared the screen together in the 1980 movie, The associate will provide much more screen time for the duo.
Pierce Brosnan and Helen Mirren will star in the collaboration 43 years after appearing in a gangster movie together
The stars also worked together in a Netflix film recently as well
Mirran and Brosnan The Associate Characters will share some considerable similarities with the 1980 movie, The long Good Friday. In both projects, the couple are involved in an underground crime family. While details of The Associate are still limited, it can be expected that the dynamics will be somewhat similar, with Themes of betrayal and internal power struggles. However, Brosnan is expected to have a much larger role, with him actively involved in, rather than working against the crime family's forces.
The couple's connection within The long Good Fridays story stems from Brosnan's character Hold a grudge against Mirren's on-screen husband, played by Bob Hoskins, as he seeks to form a partnership with the American mafia. But, while The long Good Friday Brosnan's role is so minute that he never really gets a chance to shine firmly placing both Brosnan and Mirren in the gangster filmmaking tradition. Because both Brosnan and Mirren share the limelight The Associate Will finally give them both the billing they deserve, realizing The long Good Fridays potential after 43 years.
The Associate proves how much Pierce Brosnan's career has changed since the long Good Friday
Brosnan was still in the very early stages of his career in 1980
Helen Mirren was the star of The long Good FridayWhereas Brosnan's role was inconsequential in comparison. In fact, Brosnan's character in the 1980 crime film is not even credited with a name, but is simply referred to as an IRA operative. This is mostly due to Mirren's career taking off by this point, although Brosnan is still somewhat obscure. It wasn't until the mid-90s and his casting as James Bond that Brosnan reached new heights of stardom.
Helen Mirren and Pierce Brosnan will star in roles on straight ground in The associate After four decades.
Brosnan subsequently became a major screen presenceWith appearances in four of the James Bond movies from 1995 to 2002, as well as a leading role in Abba's beloved $1 billion franchise, Mamma Mia. The associate Showcase the heights his career has reached since Brosnan's first role in The long Good Friday. The fact that Brosnan and Mirren will be on a level playing field with their roles in The associate Demonstrates the extent to which Brosnan's star has risen since 1980.
The long Good Friday
- Director
John Mackenzie
- Release date
February 26, 1981
- Figure
Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, Dave King, Brian Marshall, Derek Thompson
- runtime
114 minutes