Dragon Ball has given Goku many new friends over the years, and he has become exceptionally close to some of them. Fighting together through thick and thin, Goku's closest allies are, without a doubt, Vegeta, Piccolo and Krillin.
But which of these three can qualify as Goku's best friend? There are certainly compelling reasons for each of them to be considered your best friend, whether it's a long shared history, an unwavering level of trust, or the bond of being two of the only Saiyans in existence. First, though, it may be important to define a best friend. He is certainly someone Goku can count on, no matter the situation. Being the best friend also doesn't mean he needs to be the most useful in battle, although that helps. For Goku, it might even be worth asking who he would turn to in a personal situation, not a world-ending situation.
Goku and Krillin's bond lasted a lifetime
Krillin and Goku became close friends during training
Goku's first friend is undoubtedly Bulma, but Krillin wasn't far behind. Goku and Krillin meet for the first time at the very beginning Dragon Ballwhen Goku is accepted as a student by Master Roshi. Krillin is a little jealous of Goku at first, not liking this new person interfering with his training, but Krillin and Goku soon grow closer through competition and shared effort. No one understands Goku's journey through life like Krillin, and Krillin truly appreciates all the things they went through to protect the world together.
Krillin's death devastated Goku not once, but twice; first when Krillin was killed by Tambourine on King Piccolo's orders, and later when he was killed by Frieza on Namek, which drove Goku to such raw, primal levels of fury and sadness that he was able to unlock the Super Saiyan transformation. If this isn't proof of how much Goku feels for his friend, then nothing is. Krillin is, of course, revived with the Dragon Balls each time, and soon realizes that the battles Goku fights in may be a bit above his skill level, choosing a career as a police officer.
Krillin's role nowadays is usually that of moral support, but he's no pushover. In many ways, he became the true heart of Dragon Ballkeeping Goku's ever-increasing power anchored to Earth and preventing him from getting too lost in his training. Krillin is also not afraid to answer the call when Goku asks for his help, like in the Tournament of Power, even though he knows how defeated he is. Goku can count on Krillin in basically any situation, and that makes him a fantastic friend to the Saiyan.
Piccolo is almost like family
Goku trusts Piccolo to do what is right
Piccolo and Goku initially had a contentious relationship. As the reincarnation of King Piccolo, Piccolo (Jr.) was born with the desire to defeat Goku at any cost. However, circumstances forced Goku and Piccolo to work together to defeat Raditz, and Goku not only trusted Piccolo to deliver the final blow, even if it meant killing him as well, but also to care for his son Gohan and train him. . Piccolo wasn't too thrilled about it at first, but his relationship with Gohan fundamentally changed who Piccolo was, giving him someone to care about other than himself.
After Goku's revival, Piccolo became a trusted friend of Goku, mainly because he fulfilled the promise he made to Goku before his death. When Piccolo went to Namek and learned about its people, he also went through some personality changes as he merged with Nail, understanding what it truly means to protect what's important to you. The same thing happened again when he fused with Kami, giving Piccolo a level of wisdom far beyond his actual age. This new Piccolo is someone Goku can trust not just his word but also his abilities.
Piccolo is definitely close to Goku, and has been unofficially invited into the family, acting almost like a second father to Gohan and later a grandfather to Pan. Although Goku trusts Piccolo implicitly these days, he is not as likely to trust Piccolo about personal problems like he would with Krillin.
Vegeta and Goku share a unique bond
Rivals' feelings for each other have increased
Like Piccolo, Vegeta was initially an enemy of Goku, but after defeating Frieza, Vegeta began a slow path toward redemption. Vegeta's initial concerns were to prove himself superior to Goku, and to that end he trained tirelessly, leading Goku to do the same. Their rivalry has taken the two Saiyans to unimaginable heights, such that they now both wield god-level powers. As Vegeta softens and develops a family, their rivalry may also turn into a friendship of sorts.
At the time of SuperVegeta and Goku are really good friends, although Vegeta probably still denies it. Vegeta developed a grudging respect for Goku. Vegeta and Goku have experienced many things together, and there is no one Goku would rather have by his side in battle than Vegeta. The two even fused on several occasions so that they shared their minds and thoughts, a bond that is difficult to even comprehend. Furthermore, as two of the only pure-blood Saiyans left in the universe, they carry a similar burden that is also difficult for others to understand.
So who is Goku's best friend?
Goku's best friend was by his side the whole time
Although Goku's relationships with Vegeta and Piccolo are strong, It's hard to top the history Goku has with Krillin. As fellow students of Master Roshi, common training partners, and even friends by fatherhood, Krillin knows sides of Goku that Piccolo and Vegeta failed to see. Krillin knew Goku even before he was a powerful warrior who saved the world, and has respected him ever since. It is for this reason that Goku's best friend in Dragon Ball is without a doubt Krillin, even today.