ONE Phasmophobia The player expressed his annoyance with the game's photo system, as an image with a distinct ghost portrait is registered as disturbed salt. The photographic system in Phasmophobia It is intended to increase earnings at the end of each race or can be used to complete optional objectives during each hunt. Even if the goal is to capture intense moments or earn some extra money, it seems like most fans are facing the same problem; the photo is constantly capturing the wrong thing.
Kinetic Games' co-op supernatural horror game, where up to four players locate ghosts in a variety of spooky settings, requires the use of paranormal equipment to decipher what type of ghost is haunting players. These range from speech recognition devices for verbal communication with spirits, to an elaborate detection system known as DOTS (or Detector of the Supernatural). The latter is used by the Redditor to visibly show the spectrum, but Phasmophobia records this as a frightening disturbance of some salt rather than an extremely visible ghost.
Phasmophobia Cameras Always Seem to Capture the Wrong Thing
Fans noticed his buggy but hilarious photo systems
To achieve a perfect game in Phasmophobia To accumulate more money and XP, investigators need to document high-quality 3-star photos of supernatural incidents, identify the type of ghost correctly, and then complete all other miscellaneous objectives, ensuring everyone present in the game survives. The game is known for its occasional bugs and glitches, and this shows in Phasmophobia unpredictable photographic system. In a post by user Atomic_Astronautthey shared a ghost image where the game ignored the clearly visible spirit and instead classified the photo as nothing more than disturbed salt.
Despite the terrifying image of an apparition crawling across the floor, Phasmophobia instead it picks up the somewhat irrelevant pile of salt at the back of the image. Other users discussed the comical nature of this situation, with commenter DirectorsCut91 joking "Get out of the way, we're trying to see the salt!" and fellow fan Mukyun watching"that salt looks quite disturbed." Other users shared their similar upsets and concerns with Phasmophobia photographic system, suggesting that the problem is common in the community.
Our Take: Phasmophobia May Have Its Quirks, But It's Extremely Fun
A unique and captivating co-op horror experience
Despite these photographic mishaps and other bugs, Phasmophobia remains one of the most engaging ghost hunting games available. It differentiates itself from similar games like Demonologist due to its unique tension, engaging cooperative gameplay, and complex ghost behavior mechanicsthat will certainly terrify players. The consistent updates to your haunted locations such as asylums, cabins in the woods, and lighthouses, along with the plethora of evidence to gather as the ghosts hunt you ferociously, create an unparalleled mix of fear and excitement.
Phasmophobia popularity has increased since its early access release, with a large initial player count in late 2020 due to YouTubers and streamers playing the game. It continues to grow, especially with the recent console launch and increase in new players. Fans of Phasmophobia Enjoy the immersive experience and cooperative investigation mechanics, which ensure that each game will be different from the next. While stories of the photography system show that the game doesn't always get it right, these quirks make for memorable moments that engage and entertain Phasmophobia dedicated community.
Sources: Kinetic Games YouTube, Reddit
- Released
September 18, 2020
- Developer(s)
Kinetic Games
- Editor(s)
Kinetic Games