Path of Exile 2 it has long been teased to look different from its predecessor, and one aspect of that is becoming a hybrid soulslite. The long-awaited sequel was released in early access and has already been successful. Although the content remains incomplete during the six months and some issues need to be resolved, it still shows promise.
One of the other biggest differences from the first game is how the abilities have changed. These gems are no longer limited to armor sockets, but are given their own inventory page that can hold up to nine. Each skill can also have up to five support gems equipped to drastically alter each one's stats and mechanics. Combining this with greater flexibility between classes, PoE2 created a game with infinite building potential.
Path Of Exile 2 works like a Soulslite
A bold new step
However PoE2 has retained the vast majority of its ARPG mechanics and even improved upon them, there is one area in the game that is different. Combat now feels more like a soul game mixed with an ARPG. Challenging bosses really put players to the test, often requiring skill and patience to defeat.
This largely worked for the game, adding a new layer of boss thinking, positioning, and creativity. This may deviate from the standard “spin to win” idea of an ARPG, but it is a bold step in a new direction that could pay dividends and confirm PoE2 like the Devil assassin.
How Path Of Exile 2 Changed
I step wisely exiled
These changes to combat impacted the game in several ways. The first thing many experienced players will notice is the decrease in the number of regular enemies. This was offset by normal enemies having more health and more abilities that require movement.. Standing still and trying to chip away at it will more often than not lead to death than survival. A change like this may seem shocking at first, but it makes sense given how much stronger characters can enter PoE2.
It's on the bosses that the biggest impact will be felt. Path of Exile I've always had great creative bosses, but the ones in the sequel feel like a whole new level. Abilities are frequent, if not constant, and many can lead to instant death. Some battles even have incalculable rules that can take an hour of hard work. In this sense, following the boss's standards and having adequate movement/dodging skills is crucial. This relentless style has undoubtedly given bosses PoE2 more memorability and repeatability than its competitors.
The Downsides of Path Of Exile 2's New Combat
A little exaggerated
While these changes have been positive so far, they have not been without backlash. The most common criticism is the difficulty of boss fights and genre divergence.. The last point is somewhat understandable coming from a genre where the goal is to easily mop up hordes of enemies. However, the counterpoint to this is that innovation is never a bad thing, especially when it differentiates itself even further in a genre that has been sorely lacking in recent years.
The boss difficulty has been the fairest point. That ranges from fights with little time to cause damage to those that seem completely unfair even Path of Exile 2the best solo classes. It wouldn't be surprising if some of these more notorious boss fights received some nerfs, whether by reducing boss health, boss damage, or the number of smaller enemies. However, it will be necessary to strike a delicate balance so as not to completely trivialize these well-crafted fights.
Fortunately, some changes have already been made or are planned to be implemented in response to player feedback. A prime example of this is the dodge mechanic, a crucial and useful escape tool. The problem was that he often got stuck in large groups of enemies, making it impossible to escape. Grinding Gear Games has already commented on this, saying they will be adjusting the dodge numbers to make it easier to escape from groupsbut not to the point where it becomes a gratuitous escape button.
Overall, this change to soulslite will likely stick, given how in tune with it the game already feels. There's also the possibility that when more of the full game is available, players could become even stronger so that the difficulty doesn't feel so punishing. Regardless, bold changes like this can, when done correctly, help a highly anticipated game like PoE2 stand out even more in a crowded market. The new soulslite feeling in Path of Exile 2 It may not be for everyone, but it ultimately works well and should be a good change in the long run.
Source: Path of Exile