Path of Exile 2The Witch class has been reworked in this sequel, but what's the best way to use this chaotic character? PoE2Early access is currently limited to six classes, many of which are the best solo classes. However, Grinding Gear Games said that more classes will be held during the planned six-month period.
Even with its changes, the Witch class still revolves heavily around minions, damage over time, and curses. It may start slowly at the beginning of the game, but increases quickly as higher level skills are unlocked. This class benefits greatly from the new dodgeball mechanic, providing more mobility than its predecessor. This mechanic is also one of the many that made PoE2 It feels like a soul game.
Best gear for a witch built in PoE 2
Increase survivability and damage
However PoE2 made its classes more flexible, each class has specific equipment and skills aimed at them. Witches are all about energy shields and maximum health. The energy shield should realistically serve as a secondary health bar and recharge/recharge quickly enough to avoid health damage, if any. This creates the best pieces of clothing, such as cloaks, sandals, and lighter equipment, which naturally have energy shields and increase the chances of getting energy shield boosts.
Weapons are a little more versatile depending on your desired play style. Generally, Scepters are necessary because they will be the only way to summon minions. This can be ignored if desired, but it removes the minions from the build and takes away the core feeling of a Witch. Scepters are therefore combined with wands for more offensive builds or shields for defensive builds. Shields, usually the lighter or more focused versions, are easier for witches to wield and provide more useful boosts, such as mana or energy shields.
The best skill gems for a witch build in PoE 2
Burning Minions of Destruction
Until now, the Witch class has been populated by two main builds: flaming minions and chaos damage. Burning Minions play with Skeleton Firestarters, Offering of Pain, Wall of Flames, Flammability, and Detonate Dead. Flammability will reduce the fire resistance of enemies in the target area, which opens the door for Skeleton Firestarters and Flame Wall to deal more damage. Offering of Pain greatly strengthens the minions around you and is best used on normal Skeleton Warriors summoned by Scepters. Detonate Dead is a useful bonus for blowing up all the corpses the minions will drop.
Since this build has a lot of fire resistance, it can dip a little into the Elemental path. Simple fire abilities like Solar Orb or Fireball can be used to add damage without taking too much away from minions. However, this build was made for minions to shine, so any abilities left over PoE2 are used must not break the rotation of the nucleus.
Secondly, although it has been slightly nerfed, chaos damage is still a useful alternative. The tricky thing with chaos damage, especially for witches, is that almost all of them take damage over time. Happily, the better skills in Contagion, Unholy Ritual, Despair, and Dark Effigy make up for this. Contagion is a simple spell that deals light damage over time, but spreads with greater damage if the target inflicted dies. Unholy Ritual causes corpses to become circles of chaotic damage over time. Meanwhile, Dark Effigy is a placeable tower/totem that attacks anything inflicted with a chaos debuff.
This build revolves around the Despair curse at high levels. This curse will lower the enemy's chaos resistance, making all that damage over time more effective.. This can be supplemented with other abilities like Essence Drain to deliver some initial impact and damage over time.
Best Passive Skills for a Witch Build in PoE 2
Create the best Minions possible
Although the PoE2 The skill tree is the culmination of all classes. The ways of witches are generally simple. For minion builds, especially flaming minions, the paths are almost identical. You should focus on getting the most damage, health, critical stats, elemental resistance, attack speed, and revive speed out of minions.. This alone makes the minions powerful forces of nature that can eliminate most enemies, which is further reinforced when using the Offering of Pain.
With Chaos builds, the passive skill tree gets a little more erratic. This is because you need to boost a little bit of everything outside of physical damage to make Witches complete. Chaos damage and status duration bonuses are the main options here, maximizing damage and how long it will last. Minions also need attention, but this can be limited to health and stamina, making them frontline tanks and taking some of the pressure off the character.
Best Spirit Gem for a Witch Build in PoE 2
The passive backbone of buildings
Path of Exile 2Spirit Gems can make or break most builds, but especially Witch builds. Regardless of build, Grim Feast is necessary to survive. This will cause enemies to occasionally drop Grim Remnants, which, when collected, will replenish the Witch's energy shield. The flaming minions build uses this and Furious Spirits of the elemental path. The latter will summon small fiery skulls from the Flame Wall ability to attack any enemy in range before expiring.
For chaos builds, Withering Presence is a useful Spirit ability to passively buff chaos damage. This ability will cause Withered to enemies in range every few seconds, stacking up to 10% due to time limits. Withered increases the damage Chaos abilities will do to the infected, which works well with the Despair ability.
Ascendancies for a witch build in PoE 2
An obvious choice
Each class in PoE2 has three Ascendancy classes, but the Witch is currently limited to two. The best option, by far, is the Infernalist. This class is focused on fire damage and magic damage reduction. In this choice, the preferred options are Loyal Hellhound and Demonic Possession. The first summons a revived Hellhound that doesn't do as much damage, but is resistant and absorbs 20% of the damage the character suffers.. Meanwhile, Demonic Possession turns the Witch into a Demon with casting speed, magic damage, and skill level buffs, while losing some health while the form is active.
Bloodmage is the weaker option of the two, but it has some potential. His abilities revolve around losing health and defenses to increase overall damage to all abilities. It has some strong options, like Gore Spike and Sunder The Flesh, which grant critical chance and extra base damage. Unfortunately, When compared to Infernalist and as Witches are at their best in the game currently, Bloodmage is just the weakest choice.
Despite her slow start, the Witch makes up for this by becoming a strong pick in PoE2. If Witch has a downside, it's that because minions are the core of her kit, she offers little room for flexibility. Trying to do something else with the Witches weakens the minions or takes them away completely. At this point, it would be better to play another class. Building the best witch correctly Path of Exile 2 gives you a fun and powerful character.