Passive-aggressive Jerry Turner now can’t stand Teresa Nist (signs he doesn’t mean well for her)

Passive-aggressive Jerry Turner now can’t stand Teresa Nist (signs he doesn’t mean well for her)

Bye Golden Bachelor long over, Jerry Turner still finds reasons to be angry at Teresa Nist, and his passive-aggressive behavior proves that he doesn’t mean well for her. Jerry, joined Golden Bachelor Season 1 as one of the first Bachelor clues that had not appeared in previous iterations of the franchise for decades were the charismatic clues of the series’ first season. While many were happy to watch Jerry look for love after meeting a seemingly sweet and funny widower, his time when he was Golden Bachelor modified Bachelor The entire nation’s perception of him.

Although Jerry came across as a sweet and humble guy who was truly looking for the new love of his life, he was unable to keep up appearances after the series ended. Jerry’s behavior throughout Golden Bachelor the first season was so branded and special that it was hard to realize that he was not who he seemed on screen Bachelor Nation. Even without hard evidence, when Bachelor Nation found out that Jerry was lying about not dating after his wife died, and everything started to fall apart. Golden Bachelor the star struggled to salvage her newfound reputation.

Unfortunately, Jerry was unable to save the items for long. Although he married Teresa in a live televised wedding special and continued to ignore accusations from his ex-girlfriend who claimed he had mistreated her throughout their relationship, he found it difficult to argue with the press. Jerry and Teresa’s wedding took place in early January, but soon after it became clear that problems had arisen in the family. Gold paradise. After three months of marriage, Jerry and Teresa announced their divorce, saying they simply could not save their marriage. Although Teresa is doing well after the breakup, Jerry was constantly struggling.

Jerry taunts Teresa with an Indiana joke

He makes fun of her lack of interest in moving

Although Jerry and Teresa’s relationship seemed to be going well, Golden bachelor After the couple married, things quickly became complicated. Although Golden wedding the special was nice, it was much more like a spectacle for Bachelor Nation than Jerry and Teresa’s wedding. The event was attended by alumni who had never met the happy couple, a golden carpet and commentators watching the event. Bachelor It’s a national holiday, but Jerry and Teresa didn’t seem to mind. Things got more complicated after the wedding, so… they took time to celebrate rather than think about their future with its potential problems.

After purchasing a lakefront home with his wife, Jerry shared that he wanted to stay local rather than move around for his potential. Golden Bachelor wife. Teresa, who is originally from New Jersey and raised her family in the area, wanted to be close to her grandchildren. This issue likely led to the couple’s separation, or at least was a major factor in their split. Recently, Jerry wore the T-shirt in an Instagram post that reflected the difference on Teresa’s face.mocking her breakup on social media.


Jerry T-shirt with the inscription: “Indiana, it’s not that bad.” made a pointed joke about public perception of the state, but also clearly had a double meaning. Since Teresa likely had no interest in moving to Indiana, the T-shirt made it clear that Jerry felt differently about his home state. Jerry’s pointed comment may have been made about the kitschy T-shirt.but he sent the message anyway.

Jerry poses with other women

He’s trying to get her to succeed.

Throughout his social media presence, Jerry is surrounded by women. While some of them are women he is involved with, the majority of the women Jerry posts online are women who found him through social media, at local events, or are simply fans of his from Golden Bachelor. While in Indiana, Jerry met people at home and during his travels, posting them online for Teresa to see. Although Jerry is probably trying his best to forget Teresa, he’s clearly trying to make sure she feels something like that by seeing all the women on his pretty active Instagram.

Jerry tries to play the victim

He’s not fooling anyone

montage of Jerry Turner from
Custom image by Cesar Garcia

Even though Jerry was the one who lied on the reality show and made a fool of himself, he plays the victim when it comes to his breakup with Teresa. Even though he was the cause of the fighting and strife, Jerry did his best to post passive-aggressive photos, share things that made it seem like he was the victim, and make it clear that Teresa was not innocent in their split. Making yourself look like a victim Jerry did a good job ensuring that Bachelor The nation is not on his side.

Although both parties probably had more to do with the breakup than they seem, Jerry languished much more afterward than Teresa. Jerry’s attitude and difficult character make him Bachelor The nation fights to support himsince nothing he posts seems truly sincere after finding out about his lies. Destroying his ideal personality, like Golden BachelorJerry destroyed the illusion surrounding him and created a wave of support for his ex-wife.

Source: Golden Bachelor/Instagram

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