Paedon Brown from sister wife Does not have a good relationship with his father, Cody Brown's fourth wife, Robin Brown, and he would like her to leave their family once and for all. The Brown family drama began in 1993 when Cody transitioned his monogamous relationship with Meri Brown into a polygamous one. He then married Janelle and Christine Brown in the following years. Initially, Cody's three families coexisted Well put together and didn't seem to have many problems. The patriarch of the Brown family made sure to give his wife the time they deserved and became a good father to his children.
Unfortunately, Cody's relationship dynamic with his wife changed after he married Robin Brown in 2010. He started prioritizing her, which made Meri, Janelle and Christine feel lonely and neglected. Robin also didn't encourage Cody to take care of the rest of his family, and she seemed to take a toll on him. This abandonment began to affect Cody's bond with his children, especially his sons. Paedon, who was once close to him, became distant. Between 2021 and 2023, Christine, Meri and Janelle ended their marriages with Cody after being with him for nearly three decades.
Paedon thinks Robin ruined the Brown family
Paedon strongly dislikes Robyn's self-centered ways Paedon does not have a good relationship with many of his family members, but Robyn is his least favorite.
Over the years, Christine's son has shown clear signs that suggest he is not fond of his father's fourth wife. Paedon's behavior towards Robin's children is one of the most obvious examples of his dislike for her. In 2022, Paedon spoke to the sun and confessed He was "big" To Robin's children while growing up. He said he didn't like his father doing things with Robin's children that he didn't do with his other kids.
At one point, the sister wife Cast member discussed how Robin was indifferent to her family's issues, saying, "Robin sees what she sees." Padeon tried to imply that his father's fourth wife is obliged to real problems and focuses only on her priorities. He probably despises Robin for her narcissistic personalityEspecially as he watched his mother, Christine, struggle for many years for Cody's love and appreciation. Padeon probably started luring Robin for indirectly causing pain to his mother.
Paedon also has issues with Kodi
Paedon wants to confirm Cody as the family patriarch Robin isn't the only sister wife that Paedon hates. He shames his father for blindly following Robin's commands, giving her full control over the family.
Paedon is aware of how his father ignores his mother, Christine, so I think it's probably hard for him to forgive Cody for not being a good husband and father to his family. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Paedon argued with Cody about his avoidance rules. He didn't like how the father separated the whole family And chose to stay with Robyn and her children during the pandemic.
Paedon Criticized Cody for a while. In 2022, he interacted with his fans on TikTok and expressed his views about his father. Phaidon said, "Any king who has to say, 'I am the king' is not a true king." He mentions that a person who boosts his ego by calling himself "The Man of the House," Is not the man of the house. Although Paedon did not specifically mention Cody, it was clear that the message was directed at his father's selfish personality. Paedon wanted his fans to know He did not consider Kady a true patriarch.
Will Robyn & Kody break up?
Robyn & Kody's monogamous relationship can't last for long
Cody's relationship with Robyn is not good. The latest preview shared by Entertainment tonight Points Cody confesses that he is in a "Strangle Place" With Robin. Cody and Robin have shown a lot of resilience so far, sticking together through thick and thin. However, the Brown family is no longer the same as it once was. Cody and Robin are in a monogamous relationship, meaning they have no choice but to face their issues together. With ongoing drama, Cody and Robin could soon split, which is something that many sister wife Cast members, especially Paedon, would celebrate.
Sources: the sun, Paedon Brown/tiktok, Entertainment tonight/ YouTube