Overwatch: Character Rank List

Overwatch: Character Rank List

Overwatch 2 Character rankings can be as fickle as their players, with constant patches and kit alterations changing just how effective each hero is. Your favorite heroes can be very personal, as some players find certain heroes suit their skills more than others. If you're new to the game, however, there are a few characters you should start with.

Overwatch 2 Heroes are split between these Tank, damage and support roles. They focus on damage negation, damage dealing and healing respectively. Each team has one tank, two damage and two supports in a normal match. As such, it is more important to know who shines in each of these roles rather than a piece of all the characters together.

Overwatch 2 tanks, ranked

Best tanks for season 12

A tank's work in Overwatch 2 is doubtful. First, they need to take a lot of damage, acting as shields for their squishier teammates. Second, they need to control the position of their team, keeping them on point and acting as the charge for new attacks. A good tank protects their team and brings chaos to the heads of the enemy side.


The tank class suffered when Blizzard transitioned from a 6v6 setup to the 5v5 we are familiar with now. The need of tanks in Overwatch 2 is a known downside to the game, but if you think about your position as a tank, you can be a more effective player. In this new meta, some of the best tanks are Those who can hold the line For their team.


D. VA, Reinhardt


Winston, Sigma, Mauga


Wrecking Ball, Ramattra, Zaria


Doomfist, Junker Queen, Orisa, Roadhog

D.va has dominated the tank lineup since the early days of Overwatch. Both she and Reinhardt have Incredible damage negativeWith D.va literally clearing projects through her defense matrix and Reinhardt protecting his weaker friends with his massive and powerful shield. Both require careful positioning and are more focused on defense than offense, but they are still at the top of their game.

Doomfist, meanwhile, is just an oddly designed character whose melee kit is highly unintuitive and impractical for an FPS. Still, if you like the heroes, There are ways to use them effectively. For example, I love playing Orisa, and I find that using her in a bot escort match can be incredibly useful.

Overwatch 2 damage heroes, ranked

Best damage heroes for season 12

The damage role in Overwatch 2 Sport has the highest number of heroes, who all have a similar goal: Pick a target and take it down. Now that Blizzard has decided we can all play Overwatch 2 Heroes for Free I've enjoyed the intricacies of each damage hero and discovered exactly what makes each one good to play. Whether you like a top tier hero or like me and find some of the lower ranked characters, you can make your damage hero work for you.


Tracer, Cassidy, Echo


Pharaoh, Ash, Venture, Sombra, Sojourn


Genji, Mei, Soldier: 76, Reaper, Bastion


Symmetra, Torbiorn, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Junkrat

The Symmetra and Torbjorn kits are still available Holdovers from the days of Attack and Defense roles In the original OverwatchMeaning they are not effective unless you play defense. Widow and Hansa meanwhile, Requires good sniping skills To fully use, which makes it difficult to master their kits. Junkrat, meanwhile, just pales in comparison to other damage heroes.

Tracer, Cassidy and Echo lead the pack with theirs Well-balanced kits. Tracer hasn't changed much since the franchise's early days, meaning she's still a fast and annoying presence to counter (and a great asset to your team). Cassidy's name may have changed, but his High Noon Ult still clears the battlefield. Ultimately, Echo has enough variety in her abilities to prove a deadly and effective damage hero.

Overwatch 2 supports, ranked

Best supports for season 12

Most teams are made or broken by their supports. It's a Support's job to keep their tank alive and provide extra cover to their damage players. A good support can make up for a bad tank, but no amount of expert play from the tank or the damage heroes can fix bad heals and poor support play. With Season 12 of Overwatch 2 Adding a new support to the roster, the rankings have shifted quite a bit.


Lucio, Kiriko, Ana


Hilary, Baptist


Brigitte, Moira, Juno


Life Weaver, Mercy, Zenyata

I'll admit, I might be biased against Lifeweaver, considering how often teammates playing him have ruined my strategy as tank or damage. However, although its draw can save your life, it proves More frustrating and disorienting than anything else. It's much better to get healed in the middle of action than to let the enemy team get the lead because you're not on point. Mercy and Zenyatta join him in C Tier due to their limited focus.

Ana is a shockingly good support in the current meta, joined in S Tier by Lucio and Kiriko. Lucio offers so much maneuverability and widespread support that he can quickly dive to support wild teammates and pick up fallen ones to the fight. Meanwhile, Kiriko's teleportation, combined with a solid attack and excellent ult, shows why Blizzard loves her so much. All three support Can slide into a common team comp And strategy, making them the best of their role in Overwatch 2.




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October 4, 2022