Over 90 New Cards Revealed for the Pokémon TCG Ex Starter Deck Generations, and the Art Is Beautiful

Over 90 New Cards Revealed for the Pokémon TCG Ex Starter Deck Generations, and the Art Is Beautiful

The complete card schedule for the next Pokémon Trading Card Game collection Ex Generations of the Starter Deck has been revealed, including 90 all-new cards. The deck collection will highlight each Pokémon generation introduced so far, with a deck corresponding to the characters and setting of each generation.

PokéBeach revealed all 175 cards of the Ex Generations of the Starter Deck pack due for release on November 22nd in Japan. While about half of the entries are reprints of existing cards, the The reveal includes over 90 all-new cards. THE Generations decks consist of nine different decks, each focused on a particular generation of Pokémon. Each deck will also have Black Belt Teacher and Trainer designs that correspond to characters from that generation, meaning there are nine different versions of both Supporters.

Pokémon TCG Ex Starter Deck Generations adds new cards for beloved and lesser-known Pokémon

Fan favorites include Regice, Aromatisse and Lokix

THE Ex Generations of the Starter Deck decks for Pokémon TCG they were expected to include some new cards, but it was assumed that most of them would be reprints of existing designs. The revelation surprised everyone with a huge list of new cards. Some of the new cards are familiar names that are always popular with collectors, like Sylveon and Cubone.

In addition to the usual suspects, the decks also reinvent some less popular Pokémon with beautiful new artwork. Some fan favorites that emerged from the reveal are Lokix and Regice, whose stylized artwork is incredibly eye-catching. Another welcome surprise is the inclusion of an impressive new card for Aromatisse, making this only the fifth time the Pokémon has appeared on TCG.

Pokémon TCG Ex Starter Deck Generations loves regional variations

The deck includes new Alolan and Paldean variants

Since each deck in the next Pokémon TCG decks focuses on one generation at a time, The list of new cards includes some regional variations. Among them are several new Alolan cards, including Alolan Marowak, Geodude, Graveler, and Golem, and a Galarian variation of Stunfisk. The Paldean variants of Wooper and Clodsire also appear with new art, with Paldean Clodsire starring as one of the former cards from that generation.

Each deck also features beautiful artwork and cover designs that showcase the unique setting of each generation. Each deck cover features the two former Pokémon included in that deck, such as Pikachu and Snorlax for the first generation. Ex Generations of the Starter Deck card collections for Pokémon Trading Card Game will be available later this month in Japan. In the West, the cards will likely be released in January, along with the Prismatic Evolutions set of cards.

Source: PokéBeach