Outlander's baffling final choice repeats a common adaptation problem for no reason

Outlander's baffling final choice repeats a common adaptation problem for no reason

Outlander Season 7, Part 2 is just around the corner, but critics and audiences alike are already looking forward to the final installment of the beloved historical fantasy series. Based on the series of novels by Diana Gabaldon, Outlander stars Caitríona Balfe as Claire Randall Fraser and Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser, a pair of star-crossed lovers who have had their share of suffering and adventure over the series' many seasons. As the series progressed, Outlander took some liberties with the source material, but remained overwhelmingly faithful to the core of Gabaldon's novels.

Outlander season 8 won't premiere for some time, as season 7 part 2 still needs to air, and Outlander season 8 just finished filming. However, there is already some concern about what the final season will be like, as Gabaldon is not yet finished writing the book series. The tenth part of Gabaldon's work does not yet have a title or release date, but it will likely be released after season 8 premieres. This raises some questions about what the differences will be between the TV series and the novels and whether this could spell disaster for Outlanderlast exit.

Outlander's ending will be different from the books because the last one hasn't been released yet

Season 8 can't adapt a novel that hasn't been released

Like many of the best romance TV shows based on books, Outlander it kept a decent pace with the corresponding romances in each season. Season 7, part 2, will finalize the adaptations of the seventh book, An echo in the bone, and the eighth book, Written in my own heart's blood. That leaves season 8 with book nine, Go tell the bees that I'm gone, which was published in 2021. Unfortunately, from then on, the end of Outlander season 8 will be different from the source material as the tenth installment has not yet been released.

The series has no choice but to extrapolate the conclusion of Jamie and Claire's story using the book nine setting. It was confirmed that Outlander Season 8 will change the book's ending and that the series won't try to copy everything Gabaldon has in store for the novel's emotional conclusion. This is a risky decision that will cement Outlanderlegacy for better or worse. Expectations for the final chapter are high and whenever a series has to create an original plot without a script, the results can be mixed.


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7 Part 1



Outlander Faces the Same Source Material Complaints as Shows Like Game Of Thrones

Other Fantasy Series' Disappointing Conclusions Are Bad News for Outlander

This isn't the first time a fantasy show has gone off course in its final seasons. Adapting a book series that hasn't finished yet always runs the risk of the series running out of material if screen iteration produces content faster than the author. One of the most famous examples of this is with Game of Thrones. George RR Martin only wrote the first five books of A Song of Ice and Firebut the show lasted eight seasons. This left unfinished stories and rushed character arcs that had been building for years.

Endings are critical moments for a TV show, as the series' legacy lies in the balance of the story concluding on a satisfying note.

Critics and audiences are still asking what went wrong with Game of Thrones Season 8, but there's a clear reason why the hit series began to wane as the seasons progressed. Endings are critical moments for a TV show, as the series' legacy lies in the balance of the story concluding on a satisfying note. Additionally, Game of Thrones is not the only series that has fallen victim to this problem. The magicians it continued for two seasons after the books ended and made some divisive changes. Diverging from the source material isn't necessarily bad, but it is controversial.

While it's true that not every audience reads or follows the source material, many do and may be disappointed by the difference between the two stories. For some fantasy shows based on books, novels are a loose inspiration and the screen iteration makes many changes from the beginning, making the original writing auxiliary to the program. However, that was never the case Outlander, a TV series inspired directly by Gabaldon's novels from the beginning and faithfully bringing their plots to life.

After Other Shows Fail, Outlander's Baffling Final Choice Makes No Sense

While other series have been forced to diverge from the source material, Outlander doesn't have to

Outlander it didn't need to do that and there was a strong incentive for the series to make different creative choices. With OutlanderWith the dedicated fan base and the promise of more work from Gabaldon, the show's ending feels premature. The launch model Outlander Season 7, which debuts in two installments, could have been used again in Season 8, buying more time for the series and giving it room to fully adapt each of Gabaldon's novels. Until waiting and ordering new seasons would have ensured that Outlander I have to use Gabaldon's work instead of racing to the end.

The decision to accelerate OutlanderEnding and leaving the source material behind can be driven by behind-the-scenes choices and extenuating circumstances. Outlander has been on the air since 2014, which is a long commitment for any actor or creative team member. Only a few fantasy series have lasted this long Outlander he has, and it wouldn't be surprising if the cast and crew members were ready to move on. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the public is, but OutlanderHis fate has already been sealed as the final two parts of the show approach.

There's a silver lining for Outlander to diverge from the books

There is still hope that Outlander season 8 will be successful

Outlanderseason 8 update revealed that Gabaldon was instrumental in crafting the final season and has ensured that season 8 and its tenth novel are different enough that there are no book spoilers in the series. As with most OutlanderGabaldon was a key creative inspiration for Season 8, even if her latest romance isn't addressed on screen. If Gabaldon agrees that the series follows a different path than the novels, then fans and audiences should trust that she knows what's best for the series.

No matter what happened, there would be discussion about what the final season would be like and how Jamie and Claire's story came to an end.

Plus, this could ease some of the pressure on Gabaldon as she reaches the end of her long-running series. The decision to change OutlanderThe ending differentiates the two iterations of the story and allows each to stand on its own as a separate entity. No matter what happened, there would be discussion about what the final season would be like and how Jamie and Claire's story came to an end. The final season is unlikely to please everyone, and that would be the case even if the series followed the book series in every detail.