Outlander Season 7, Part 2's Jamie & Claire Story is exactly what Season 8 needs

Outlander Season 7, Part 2's Jamie & Claire Story is exactly what Season 8 needs

after a year ago, Abroad Season 7 is set to return to Starz in November 2024, but with one massive change: Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire Fraser (Caitríona Balfe) will be separated. The Jamie-Claire Abroad Season 7, Part 2 story update confirms that the beloved couple will split up, with Claire returning to the colonies for a time. memorable, Abroad Season 7, Part 1's finale saw the pair travel to Jamie's homeland. Between the remnants of the Jacobite rebellion, which continues to haunt the couple, to the conflicts of the American Revolutionary War, there are many obstacles to navigate.

The rest of season 7 is set to pick up what was left of An echo in the boneThe seventh novel in Diana Gabaldon's Abroad book series. With only eight episodes left before the final outing, Abroad Season 8, the acclaimed series is still introducing new twists and turns. However, these fresh wrinkles guarantee a dramatic, action-packed send-off for the couple and the historical drama as a whole. Plus, since The eighth season will draw from Gabaldon's three remaining novelsIt's not clear where Season 7, Part 2 will leave Claire and Jamie's story before the big finale.

Jamie & Claire's Outlander season 7, part 2 story sets up an emotional reunion before the finale

Outlander Season 7, Part 2 leans toward the idea that absence makes the heart grow fonder

The silver lining to the impending separation of the couple is that Abroad is setting the stage for an epic, emotional reunion before the series takes its final bow. Looking at Claire and Jamie's entire relationship timeline, it's clear that the couple has weathered more than their fair share of trials and tribulations. Unfortunately, season 7, part 2 did not let the lovers. The latest outing isn't the first time Claire and Jamie have gone their separate ways. Much earlier in the Starz series, Claire leaves the 1700s altogether. Of course, she is inevitably drawn back to the Highland Warrior's era.

Across seven seasons, Claire and Jamie's relationship is incredibly resilient. It would be truly shocking if their momentary separation caused any sort of rift in their dynamic. moreover, It's hard to imagine the series keeping the pair apart longer than the 8-episode arc From season 7 b. even so, Abroad The Balfe star called Claire and Jamie's time apart a "emotional rollercoaster,"Repeat that none of AbroadThe cast of letters are really safe (through Entertainment Weekly). Although Jamie and Claire are ready to embark on their own journey, their bond will most likely grow even stronger, especially after they reunite.

Why Claire might need to leave in Outlander Season 7, Part 2

In the book, Claire leaves to help Marsali Fraser's son

So far, the series has not confirmed the details of Claire's return to the colonies, but her journey includes her profession. A skilled nurse-turned-doctor, Claire is rarely one to turn away from helping someone in need. Balfe revealed that Claire, "The wonderful surgeon she is,"will receive a request to help someone in the colonies, although the actor remained vague about the circumstances. In the source material, Laoghaire MacKenzie (Nell Hudson), Claire's long-time rival and Abroads biggest anti-hero, is partly to blame for Claire and Jamie's temporary separation in An echo in the bone.


In Gabaldon's seventh novel, a letter from Marsali Fraser (Lauren Lyle), Laoghaire's daughter and Fergus Fraser's (César Domboy) wife, reveals that Marsali and Fergus' son, Henri-Christian, is incredibly ill. Believing that Claire is the only one who can save her son's life, Marsali asks Claire to return to the colonies to treat Henry-Christian. Before leaving to help Laoghaire's family, Claire even asks her former rival to follow some stipulations. While Abroad Could change the reason for Claire's return to the colonies, very few things outside of her profession would tear Claire away from Jamie.

Reuniting Jamie & Claire will make Outlander Season 8 feel like a worthy ending

The penultimate season of the starz drama will give its stars a final chance to shine on their own

Eight episodes of separate storylines may be a little difficult for fans of Claire and Jamie, but, in the end, the couple's separate stories will pay off. Keeping the couple apart introduces the right amount of drama beforehand Abroad Season 8. Instead of messing with Claire and Jamie's bond, the show is wisely choosing to build tension and raise the stakes in a different way. The longer Claire and Jamie are apart, the more viewers want to see them reunitedMaking for the perfect penultimate arc.

What makes Claire and Jamie's relationship so memorable is that they are dynamic characters in their own right.

While Abroad's time-travel romance is a central focus, the books - and show - are also historical epics. What makes Claire and Jamie's relationship so memorable is that they are dynamic characters in their own right. By separating them in the penultimate outing, The show gives both characters a chance to shine on their own before wrapping up their story As a couple in Abroad Season 8.

Source: Entertainment Weekly