Other Walking Dead Countries Completely Misunderstood the Post-Zombie Outbreak in the United States

Other Walking Dead Countries Completely Misunderstood the Post-Zombie Outbreak in the United States

As more spinoffs from Undead were released, more from the rest of the world after the zombie apocalypse was revealed. So far, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon it featured characters venturing as far as possible. At the beginning of Undead spin-off, Daryl Dixon wakes up on the coast of France, where the zombie outbreak began, and spends two seasons exploring the post-apocalypse country and figuring out how to get home. In doing so, he meets many other survivors in France, and it is interesting to hear their perspectives on the rest of the world.

Genet is a notable survivor who Daryl crosses paths with in the spinoff seriessince she is one of the most intimidating people Undead villains. Genet is the tyrannical ruler of the Pouvoir, a nationalist movement in France. Genet has caused a lot of trouble for Daryl and his allies throughout The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixonwhich led some characters to compare their methods with how survivors act in the United States. However, they have no idea what people have done in the United States since the zombie outbreak began.

The Walking Dead Survivors in France Think America Doesn't Have Tyrannical Villains

As seen in The Walking Dead, there are many villains in the U.S.

Another notable character Daryl encounters in France is Laurent. Laurent's mother, Lilly, was bitten by a walker while she was pregnant. Since Laurent survived, it is believed he may be immune to the Wildfire virus and may be the key to saving humanity. Obviously, this puts a target on Laurent's back and attracts the attention of villains like Genet. In Daryl Dixon in season 2, Anna, a Russian living in France, claims that Laurent would be safer in the United States because there are no people like Genet. She says, “At least you don’t fall in love with fascists.”

Since the outbreak began in France, it is possible that they consider their country to be the worst in the world.

This line shows how some of the survivors in France are very naive in relation to the rest of the world. Since the outbreak began in France, it is possible that they consider their country to be the worst in the world. On the one hand, this is understandable, as before Undead spinoffs began exploring other areas of the world, fans of the franchise constantly wondered how other countries were dealing with the zombie outbreak. On the other hand, however, It should be obvious that Genet-like villains are popping up all over the world.

Laurent is safer in America, but only because of the Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is the most powerful group on The Walking Dead

Although Anna is wrong to believe that survivors in the United States are not following the dictators' lead, she is right that Laurent would be safer in America. This is because he will be received by the Commonwealthwhich is one of the most powerful groups in the Undead universe. The Commonwealth is a walled city in Ohio, which was first introduced in Undead season 10. The Commonwealth has several allies in the United States and its own dedicated army. At the end of UndeadEzequiel was appointed governor of the Community.

At the end of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2, Laurent and Ash fly towards the USA. Daryl and Carol know that Laurent will be much safer in America, as Ezekiel and several other members of the Commonwealth are his most trusted allies. So even though Daryl and Carol know how mean some people can be in the United States, the Commonwealth is without a doubt the safest place for Laurent to be.

Daryl Dixon's phrase "Fascists" is probably intended to be ironic

There are so many ruthless villains in The Walking Dead franchise

Although Anna's phrase about the fascists in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon the second season seems a bit naive, probably intended as a nod from the writers to fans of the series, as they also saw the villains of the main film Undead series. In Undead At the end of Season 6, the show introduced viewers to Negan. Before ending up becoming an ingrained protagonist on the show, Negan ruled the Sanctuary like a dictatorand would do anything to keep his people safe, no matter how brutal it was.

Likewise, Alpha, the main antagonist in Undead Seasons 9 and 10 ruled the Whisperers like dictators and didn't listen to their inferiors. Both Negan and Alpha, along with several other villains in Undeaddid terrible things to Daryl, Carol and the other survivors. Therefore, it is obvious that Genet is not the only tyrannical leader in the world of Undeadwhich is why Anna's speech is intended to be ironic.