NOTICE! This article contains SPOILERS for Dexter: Original Sin season 1, episode 1!Paramount+ Dexter: Original Sin fills in some important gaps about Dexter Morgan's early days as a serial killer, which includes clarifying details about the origins of his work at Miami Metro. Throughout the original Dexter In the show's eight seasons, Dexter was a blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metropolitan Police Department by day and a vigilante serial killer by night, having been taught by his adoptive detective father, Harry Morgan, to follow a murder code that meets your blood-seeking desires. . However, it was unclear whether Harry was behind Dexter's decision to get a job at Miami Metro.
Depicting his final days as a college student in 1991, the pilot episode of Dexter: Original Sin also delves into Dexter's first death and the first steps of his career. By this time, Harry had already taught Dexter the Harry Code, but was still trying to find ways to suppress his Dark Passenger through hunting trips and certain medical and scientific careers. However, Harry's first career choice for Dexter doesn't work out, with The premiere ends with Harry and Dexter, experienced in killing, entering the Miami subway station for their first day as an intern.
Dexter: Original Sin Reveals Harry Morgan Wasn't Involved in Getting Dexter a Job on the Miami Subway
Dexter was hired after analyzing images of blood spatter at a career fair
In the original show, the timeline of events indicated that Dexter began working at Miami Metro after Harry Morgan had already died. In Dexter In Season 1, Episode 2, the titular serial killer gave expert testimony for a case and revealed that he had worked in the Miami Metro forensics department for “almost twelve years.” This was in 2006, so twelve years earlier would mean that Dexter started his career there around 1994-1995. Meanwhile, Harry Morgan dies around 1992, so the original show gave no indication that the two worked together.
Still, since Dexter started working there soon after, it was assumed that Harry advised him to pursue a career there and work in-house, or perhaps convinced the department to hire Dexter before he died. Throughout the original show, it was never made it clear whether Dexter working on the Miami subway was a calculated strategy devised by Harry and Dexter to prevent him from being caught. However, since Dexter: Original SinThe timeline traces its origins in the Miami subway to 1991, the prequel finally reveals how that decision came about. And surprisingly, it had nothing to do with Harry's opinion.
Dexter: Original Sin reveals that Dexter Morgan was offered a job as an intern at the Miami Metro by the head of the forensics department, Tanya Martin (Sarah Michelle Gellar). At a career fair on Dexter's college campus, a younger version of DexterVince Masuka's original character was in a booth with crime scene photos, which Dexter analyzed and noticed discrepancies between the blood splatters. After this led to the breakup of the affair, Tanya showed up at Morgan's house and offered Dexter an internship, without any request from Harry. Instead, Harry was nervous about Dexter working there.
Harry originally wanted Dexter to become a surgeon
Harry thought Dexter cutting up bodies would suppress his dark passenger
It turns out that Harry had a completely different plan for Dexter's career, one that involved far fewer crime scenes and a greater distance from the police department. Dexter: Original Sin reveals that Harry and Dexter originally planned for him to become a surgeon. The original program explained that Dexter went to medical school and came first in his classbut he did not reveal why his intended career was to be a surgeon.
It was the blood that would satisfy Dexter's Dark Passenger, and being a surgeon wouldn't meet that need.
Before Dexter: Original Sin, Harry and Dexter believed that becoming a surgeon could satisfy Dex's desire to cut up bodies.avoiding the need for him to actually kill. However, when Dexter first cut open a corpse in medical school, he realized a big problem with this plan: there was no blood. It was the blood that would satisfy Dexter's Dark Passenger, and being a surgeon wouldn't meet that need. Harry still had hope that this would work, but Dexter decided otherwise and instead realized that analyzing blood spatter was a much closer substitute for everyday killing.
Why Harry doesn't think Dexter working on the Miami subway is a good idea in Original Sin
Dexter started killing shortly before getting his new job
Dexter: Original Sin Season 1 Episode 1 ends with a disapproving Harry and Dexter entering the police station for work. When they get out of the elevator, Harry tells his son: “I don't approve of you doing this, Dex”, referring to his new internship. In response, Dexter says that Harry always told him to be “part of something”, so he was just following his advice. Although Dexter managed to avoid being caught as a Bay Harbor Butcher for 31 years until Dexter: New BloodBy Harry's ending, Harry had some understandable reservations about working in a police department.
Dexter had just started killing, and at that point in the Dexter: Original SinHarry had I have no idea if the Code would actually work to prevent him from getting caught. Furthermore, Harry didn't know how well he could help suppress Dexter's homicidal urges after he finally killed for the first time. It was not yet known whether Dexter's serial murder could be kept contained and secret, so having him work in a location surrounded by detectives every day would be a huge risk. If Dexter slipped up at work, the entire Morgan family would be in danger.
New episodes of Dexter: Original Sin releases Fridays on Paramount+.