Original Sin completely justifies the prequel show with the new story of an underrated character returning

Original Sin completely justifies the prequel show with the new story of an underrated character returning

Notice! This article contains SPOILERS for Dexter: Original Sin season 1, episodes 2 and 3.THE Dexter prequel program Dexter: Original Sin It didn't seem necessary when it was first announced, but a returning character single-handedly proved it was worth doing. All over DexterOver the eight seasons, there have been many flashbacks and references to the eponymous serial killer's childhood. For example, the Ice Truck Killer provided a lot of information about Dexter's childhood, and Dexter himself did a lot of digging into Harry Morgan's past and how he developed the Harry Code. Because Dexter's life before the original series was so well developed, it originally didn't seem Dexter: Original Sin would have a lot to contribute to the story.

After Dexter: Original Sin episodes 2 and 3, one of the characters who return to the cast of Dexter: Original Sin completely dispelled the idea that the prequel was unnecessary. The show has already added a lot of context to the Morgan family, from showing how strange Dexter was as a young adult to making Deb more sympathetic and showing her fights with Harry. One character who didn't receive much focus in the original series, however, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dexter: Original Sin not only justified being done, but added invaluable material to Dexter as a whole.

Laura Moser is the perfect example of how Dexter: Original Sin is a great prequel

Original Sin gave Laura Moser far more depth and intrigue than Dexter ever did

The best example of how Dexter: Original Sin already justified being done is Laura Moser. In the original series, Laura was primarily Dexter's mother, a drug addict, and the woman with whom Harry cheated on Doris. She had some good flashbacks in Dexterlike when she played in the yard with Brian and Dexter, but she was a bit of an underwhelming character overall. Even after all the flashbacks and Dexter's investigations into his past, the biggest impact Laura had on Dexter was the fact that her murder gave Dexter his dark passenger.

Original sinhowever, it showed a completely new side of Laura through Harry Morgan's flashbacks. The prequel series shows that Laura was a great criminal informant, a caring mother, and even a convincing love interest for Harry.. She can lie and fit into all echelons of the criminal underworld, she has a relationship with Harry that feels very natural and she is much better than the one-dimensional character in Dexter. Laura's expanded role in Original sin is an example of exactly what any prequel should do: expand on characters the original didn't have time for.

Dexter: Original Sin makes the original show better with flashbacks to Laura, Harry and Doris

The early days of Laura, Harry and Doris add much nuance and tragedy to their final fates in Dexter

Original sin is not only making Laura Moser a better character, but also making Harry and Doris Morgan's marriage more interesting and improving on the original Dexter series as a whole. By diving deeper into their stories - especially the struggles Doris and Harry had after losing Junior Morgan in Original sin and giving Laura more personality - Original sin made them even more compelling characters. Harry's affair with Laura is much more sympathetic after seeing how closely he worked with Laura and how much Junior's death affected their marriage.. Likewise, Laura's death is even more tragic after seeing how multifaceted she was.

Perhaps the best example of how Original sin is doing Dexter better is through Hector Estrada and his cartel. After seeing how Harry put Laura in danger and how likable she was as a character, both Estrada and Jimenez are much easier to hate, and Dexter's revenge is much more satisfying.. Furthermore, Original sin is also adding new fuel to the central question of Dexter - whether Dexter's nature or nurture turned him into a serial killer - in such a way that it restarted a discussion that began almost two decades ago.

Dexter: Original Sin probably has even more surprises in store for Laura's story

Even though Laura's end is already written, Original Sin probably has more for her to do

Laura Moser (Brittany Allen) standing in an elevator wearing a pantsuit in Dexter: Original Sin season 1, episode 3

The best part of Original sinLaura Moser's treatment thus far is the fact that the show almost certainly has a few more surprises up its sleeve. The show has already created a tremendous story for Laura in a timeline that didn't allow for much space. In the end, Dexter had already revealed that Laura was Harry's criminal informant and how and when she died. It may seem like there isn't much room left to Original sin to explore Laura's story, but he's already found space to experiment with her once, and will almost certainly do so again.

Dexter: Original Sin Release Schedule

Episode #


Release date


Original sin

December 13, 2024


Boy in a candy store

December 20, 2024


Vice Miami

December 20, 2024


Fender Bender

December 27, 2024


F is for fuck

January 3, 2025


The joy of killing

January 10, 2025


The big problem with a bad body

January 24, 2025


Business and pleasure

January 31, 2025


Blood donation

February 7, 2025


Code Blue

February 14, 2025

There's no telling what Original sin could do with Laura next. Her affair with Harry will almost certainly be a priority, but there are still countless ways Original sin could explore Laura's work as a criminal informant. Laura could get dangerously close to Estrada, and any confrontation would almost certainly be full of suspense. The show could also delve deeper into his relationship with his children and add even more layers to Harry's decision to adopt Dexter and not Brian. Based on how well it already works as a prequel, Dexter: Original Sin There seems to be no shortage of great story opportunities.