The Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel monsters Anime series has an abundance of cute and terrifying villains for the heroes to duel against. From a heartbroken CEO trying to bring his late wife back to life to ancient spirits looking to destroy the world, Yugi and his friends fought valiantly against some of anime's most dangerous criminals.
Yet, among the many antagonists in the series, One imagines how violent and terrible his acts were: Marika Ishtar. The heir of the Greeper family is best known for becoming possessed by his dark side during the exciting and sometimes infuriating final duels of the Battle City Tournament. However, his actions during the beginning of season 2 prove that his original personality is severely more dangerous than his evil side.
Marik's traps could have killed many people
From spindle saws to burning buildings, Marik didn't hold back
The first time Marik introduces himself is during episode 1 of the second season of the Duel Monsters anime. Using the powers of his mighty Millennium Item, the Rod, he controls the mind of the disgraced duelist bandit Keith. He tricks Yugi into entering an abandoned storage to duel for ownership of the Millennium Puzzle. When his defeat was clear, Marix's first instinct was to get rid of Yugi, the only person capable of helping Pharaoh breathe. By setting fire to the building. If not for Joey and Tristan, the story of the series would come to an end.
Although horrifying, this is far from Marik's most evil trap, as his schemes once the Battle City Tournament begins are nothing short of nefarious. When Yugi dueled Arcana, one of the most loyal rare hunters in the series, Marik prepared a dueling arena with spinning saws that would cut off the loser's legs. What's more, if the duel took too long to be finished, both Yugi and Arcana would suffer this cruel fate, as Marik had established a time limit for the game.
Marik's worst and most iconic trap involved Controlling the minds of Joey and TyTwo of Yugi's closest friends, forcing the hero to duel the former on a pier. Both duelists would have to attach a chain to their feet which was connected to an anchor. The loser would be dragged to the bottom of the sea. If Yugi refused, an extremely heavy cargo box would crush Tai, who was tied to a mechanical chair. The duel almost ended in tragedy, with Joey's sister Serenity having to save her sister from drowning.
Marik's dark side has never been so brutal
The original personality was always more dangerous
Most Yu-Gi-Oh! Fans remember Marik's dark side as one of the most ruthless villains in the series. Although his actions are truly terrible and the pain he caused the heroes cannot be forgotten, he never once tried to kill the protagonists. The most heinous acts committed by Marik's dark half include making Joey feel the pain his monsters have inflicted, stealing Mai's memories, and nearly erasing Yugi from existence. Still, neither act has lasting consequences, with Joey and Mai returning to full health shortly after their duels against the villain.
The duels in season 2, planned by Marik's original personality, have much higher stakes, viz The loser of any duel could die at any time. Despite how traumatic these events may have been for children, there is no denying that they served to make the first half of the Battle City arc much more enjoyable. Unlike most duels in season 1, in which the losers would momentarily lose their souls, Marik's traps had them bet their lives.
The Shadow Realm may be an iconic part of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise, but it often fails to cause tension during a duel. Even if a character's soul is sent to this ominous dimension, they are sure to return to safety once the main villain of the arc is defeated. Marik's contraptions make sure that the duels that took place during the 2nd season of the original anime are truly captivating, by increasing the danger and the odds.
Marik Will forever remain one of Yu-Gi-Oh!s most iconic and best-written villains. Although not the most overall dangerous, he is still an extremely evil and calculating person which made the duel he participated in much more interesting. Undoubtedly, an amazing antagonist who made his season one of the best in the original anime.