- Only murders in this building Season 4 has a 96% Rotten Tomatoes score.
Critics praise season 4's mix of comedy and intrigue in handling complex themes.
All seasons of the series have received certified fresh scores, ensuring high expectations.
Only murders in this building Season 4 debuted its Rotten Tomatoes score. The popular Hulu series features three New York City apartment tenants who find themselves embroiled in a murder case. The Emmy-nominated series features a leading cast including Steve Martin, Martin Short, Selena Gomez, Michael Cyril Creighton and Jackie Hoffman. Only murders in this building Season 4 premieres today, on Tuesday, August 27.
Now, the Only murders in this building Season 4 Rotten tomatoes Score is released. At the time of writing, Season 4 has a 96%. With 27 reviews so far, this score stands Only murders in this building Season 4 in the Certified Fresh range. There is no Audience Popcornmeter score so far, as the show has less than 50 audience reviews. Both scores are subject to change, as reviews are still rolling in the just-released season.
The only murders in the building season 4 RT score continues an impressive trend
The series has extremely positive reviews
So far, the critics who love Only murders in this building Season 4 are Commending the season for being an intriguing whodunit While he maintains his place in the comedy genre. Others mention it Only murders in this building Is thoroughly funny, included The Daily Beasts Nick Schager, who says that season 4 "Elicits more laughs than any small-screen comedy since last year's installment.” The Financial Times mentioned that the season did a remarkable job handling complex themes including "Loss and loneliness, growing up and aging- thought someone new in the group Only murder may have overstayed its welcome.
If history repeats itself, audiences will adore the series almost as much as the critics, as all three seasons so far have had approval ratings above 80%.
Only murders in this building Rotten Tomatoes' score continues an impressive streak for the series. Since debuting in 2021, Every single season of Only murders in this building Has received a certified fresh tomatoR. Pushing beyond the freshness, these seasons have even all been near-perfect scores, with the debut season marking a series high on a 100% Tomatometer.
Although the show's Rotte Tomatoes score is in, it remains to be seen how Only murders in this building Season 4 will air on Hulu. If history repeats itself, audiences will adore the series almost as much as the critics, as all three seasons so far have had above 80% approval ratings for their Audience Popcornmeter scores on the aggregate site. The positive critical reviews are a good initial sign, a hopeful harbinger of success for season 4, as it looks to get significant streaming numbers in the coming week.
Source: Rotten tomatoes