One small detail makes My Hero Academia's Toga and Ochako's final scene even more heartbreaking

One small detail makes My Hero Academia's Toga and Ochako's final scene even more heartbreaking

Episode 159 of the My hero academia Anime contains what many consider one of the most emotional moments in the series, Toga's sacrifice. After a difficult battle against Uraraka, Himiko manages to accept herself as something other than a monster. Alas, this happy moment was interrupted by the urgency of saving Uraraka from bleeding out.

In a surprising twist of events, Toga fully transformed into Ochako thanks to her quirkWhat allowed her to use her blood to save the life of her former enemy. However, the strain of previously using Twice's Quirk while transforming caused Toga to lose some control of her Quirk, resulting in only half of her face looking like Ochako. However, at this moment, Himiko and Uraraka's faces were perfectly blended, considering that the former villain was redeemed in her last moments. Her love for Ochako helped her overcome the previous issues she had when using her Quirk, only to die tragically right after.

Ochako's acceptance helped Toga overcome her mental blocks

Uravity's genuine concern allowed Himiko to master her powers

Toga Himiko, one of My Hero Academia's most notable villains, has one of the series' most tragic backstories. When her quirk awakened, which allows her to transform into other people by drinking their blood, her parents began to see her as a monster. Himiko's need to drink blood only worsened the opinion of her caretakers, as they began to fear her and exclude her from society. Toga grew up thinking of himself as a mistake, someone who shouldn't have been born. One day, her urge for blood leads her to attack a classmate.

The accident is what made her become a villain, someone who wanted to be accepted for who she was, without hiding any of her traits. However, she failed to accept herself, still haunted by the words of her parents and peers. It wasn't until her final meeting with Uraviti that Himiko accepted herself as someone worthy of love and respect. The change in perspective was mostly thanks to Ochako's encouragement and really encouraging words. Her kindness gave Himiko the chance to live her last moments as a hero.

Toga, disguised as Twice, stocks Ochako Uraraka.

The anime made this clear by showcasing Toga using Uraraka's blood to transform into her, with their faces becoming one. Besides being an amazing animated moment, this event gave fans the chance to see Hiiko embrace her powers and the love she has for Ochako, Truly mastering her quirk for the first time. Previously, in episode 109 of the anime, the villain also used Uravity's blood, but her face looked like melting light, because her combination was not stable. Letting go of her anger and sadness and embracing a brave spirit is what helped her control her quirk.

Toga's quirk also conformed to her attempts to redeem herself

The differences in appearance show her desire to be a hero

Toga's face melted after trying to become Uraraka for the first time.

Ochako Uraraka is among the most heroic characters in the world My hero academia Universe. She is a kind and loving person whose greatest wish was to give her parents a comfortable life with her salary as a hero. During her time as a villain, Toga was the complete opposite, only thinking about her personal gain and disregarding the safety of others. This clash in ideologies is likely what led to Himiko's first attempt to use Uraraka's Quirk, resulting in a monstrous appearance. At this point in the series, Himiko could only use another person's Quirk if she "loved" them, meaning she held that person close to her heart.

Worst of all, Himiko first used the abilities of Ochako's Zero Gravity Quirk to kill many of the members of the Meta Liberation Army. Once her powers awaken, a rare occurrence in the series, she manages to use Uravity's abilities to float her opponents and drop them from a deadly height. Uraraka would never condone such an action, Which made the appearance of the villain look incomplete and mismatchedSomething that didn't happen when she turned into two.

However, in episode 159, Toga did not use her abilities and Ochako's blood to harm others, but rather to save a life. She acted like a true hero, sacrificing herself to give Ochako another chance at life. Himiko became a hero through and through, proven by the fact that Her face and Ochako's blended perfectly. This fact makes her death, one of many that occurred during the brutal Final War arc, that much more tragic. All Toga needed to become a hero was for someone to believe in her and accept her, a wish that Ochako fulfilled before her death.

Himiko Toga will remain one of these My hero academias most tragic character, not only due to her early death but also because of her traumatizing childhood. She is a reminder of the flaws that plague hero society in the series, and serves as an example of the amazing social criticism that characterizes the beloved manga and anime.

In My Hero Academia, some humans have superpowers called quirks. Izuku Midoriya, honestly, none of them. Deku has always idolized heroes as the number one hero, All Might, and since he was a child, he always wanted to be a hero. However, his lack of a quirk has always held him back, but a chance encounter with All Might after discovering a classmate in danger sets Deku on the path to becoming a true hero. My Hero Academia centers around Deku and a class of heroes-in-training at UA. The school shapes young Quirk users into future heroes through mock rescue missions, combat training and other hero-tempering tasks. With the young Deku inheriting the "one-for-all" charm, he will learn what it means to be a true hero while facing terrifying supervillains.

Release date

April 3, 2016
