Warning: Spoilers for One-Punch Man Chapter #208 (JP release)
One punch man Chapter #208 finally returned to the battle against the Empty Void after taking several chapters off to introduce the Neo Heroes, and things aren't looking so good for the heroes. In fact, the series may have its first villain who can make Saitama sweat.
In the original webcomic, Empty Void was something of a joke villain, but the manga version of the ninja village leader is radically more powerful and dangerous than almost any other enemy in the series to date. With Blast, the series' #1 hero, already on the scene, it seemed like the situation was well and truly under control, but the situation changed an instant after Empty Void received his final power-up, directly from One punch manIt is the evil God himself. In fact, he even eclipsed the power of God's previous chosen one, Garou.
One-Punch Man's new villain surpasses Garou
How the Empty Void Became One-Punch Man's Strongest Villain
Saitama has previously faced the monstrously powerful version of Garou's Cosmic Fear, which was able to keep up with Saitama even fighting in the depths of space near Jupiter. Cosmic Fear Garou was so powerful that even being in his presence was dangerous, as he emitted large amounts of gamma radiation to which even heroes quickly succumbed. The Empty Void has now been given power very comparable to that of Garou, but in fact even transcends it, as the Void has also absorbed a portion of the power that Garou once wielded..
The Void took on an appearance quite similar to that of the Cosmic Fear Garou, with his face obscured by the image of space and stars. Blast notes that Void's personality has undergone some radical changes as a result of taking on the power of God, aiming for crippling blows rather than killing blows. Void admits that God tempered his anger against Blast, but to what extent is currently unknown. It may very well be that receiving power from God causes a person to lose some of their free will and become more subservient to God and his goals.
Void proved his power was no joke in the chapter, as he directly fought Blast, and in the time it took Blast to throw his sunglasses aside, he managed to sever Blast's hand and disable each of his joints. , leaving hero #1 completely immobilized. Blast's power has been talked about a lot throughout the manga, and his gravity manipulation abilities are certainly impressive, but it appears he was no match for this enhanced version of Blast Void.
Could One-Punch Man Really Kill a Hero?
The series may kill off its main hero as a show of power
So far in One punch manNo hero has ever died in battle, even despite the beatings some of them have suffered over the years. Some minor characters died, of course, but no members of the Hero Association itself. With Blast completely at Void's mercy, there's a distinct possibility that Blast ends up being the first hero to actually die in the series. Void has been vocal about his desire to kill Blast, and particularly to make him suffer, forcing him to watch as Void destroyed city after city.
On the other hand, Void's actions were not those of someone trying to kill Blast. As Blast himself noted, Void could (and probably should) have cut off his head instead of his hand, but something seemed to be stopping him. While it could simply be part of Void's plan to torment Blast, it's also possible that God still needs Blast alive for some reason - perhaps because of the cubes Blast collects, which put those who touch them in contact with God. Whatever the reason, the chapter ended with Blast still alive, at least for now.
This kind of dark moment is often the perfect time for Saitama to arrive, and Saitama has some awareness that this fight is happening, so it's certainly possible that he could arrive in time to save Blast. It's also possible that Blast himself has a few more tricks up his sleeve, meaning he's not as incapacitated as he seems. As noted above, in the original webcomic, Saitama annihilates the ninja village leader off-screen, making him look like a joke. He's much, much more powerful here than in the webcomic, however, and this whole build-up has to be more than a simple joke.
What Blast's Fate Could Mean for the Manga
Blast's fate could have a huge impact on the story going forward
In chapter #206, it was revealed that Blast has a son, Blue, who is now the leader of the Neo Heroes group at just 16 years old. With the Neo Heroes looking to surpass the original Hero Association, Blue's heritage could be essential in gaining the people's trust. It is not yet known what powers, if any, Blue may have inherited from his father, but he already commands enormous respect despite his young age.
If Blast were to die here, it would obviously have some major consequences for the story. Blue could put on a show by rescuing his father's legacy, thus gaining Neo Heroes even more credibility in the eyes of the public. Losing Blast would also be a crippling blow to the Hero Association, as no one else (except Saitama) is even remotely close to his power level. Public faith in the Hero Association is already quite low due to the devastation that happened under their watch, and Blast's death could be the final straw for many people.
Unless Blast has a miracle up his sleeve, the task of defeating the Empty Void in this empowered state could very well fall to Saitama. As the most powerful villain in the series, this fight could actually force Saitama to get really serious. One punch manThe future depends on the Void Void's next actions, and the next chapter can't come soon enough.