Use one useful trick in Pokemon Scarlet and Violets Indigo Disc DLC can give people access to an unending supply of Master Balls. In addition to a variety of new Pokemon, The Indigo Disc Offers several new features with a variety of uses. Using one of these allows people to earn more of these Pokemon Franchise's most powerful Poké Balls. It is unsurprising that master balls are typically in no supply Pokemon game, because they make a core part of the gameplay loop effectively redundant.
With the inescapable Lord Ball, there's no need to consider how best to weaken a Pokemon.Whether to risk another attack or start throwing the best poke balls available in earnest. Of course, they are also incredibly convenient, especially when facing legendaries with low capture rates. like The Indigo Disc Featuring plenty of legendary Pokemon from across the franchise to find, extra Master Balls can save a lot of time when you're trying to catch them all.
In order to prevent players from abusing this convenience, though, Master balls are incredibly rareand can normally only be obtained through scripted story events or random chance. However, some players have discovered a way to get seemingly infinite master balls with a new feature introduced in The Indigo Disc DLC.
This product printer offers unlimited master balls when upgraded in the Indigo disk
How to use the Poké Ball Lotto for infinite master balls
One of the upgrades available for the League Club Room in Blueberry Academy is the Item Printerwhich converts TM materials and BP into various items. The number printer itself can be upgraded several times as it is used, with its second "Behind the ball" Upgrade Unlocking the Poké Ball Lotto. As the name suggests, this is a randomized collection of Poké Balls that has a 1% chance of replacing the usual Item Printer results. Poké Ball Lotto has a small chance of producing some very rare Poké Ballsincluding these Bell Ball with a draw rate of approximately 0.75%, According to Serebii.
To get the second printer upgrade, players must use the printer 80 times and spend 500 BP. Besides unlocking the Poké Ball Lotto feature, it also decreases the BP and material cost of all printed items.
The item printer relies mainly on random number generation to determine its output. however, It is possible to exploit the RNG of the item printer with a simple method that boosts the likelihood of rolling a bell ball. In order to use this method, players need to have the properly upgraded Item Printer, and go to it and interact with it to see the option, "I want to print something."Players will need to click on the option at an exact time to maximize their chances of getting a master ball.
The times below are determined by Game 8 To be the most effective in spawning master balls. With the dialog still on the screen, navigate to the Switch's date and time settings, under System. turn off"Synchronize clock via Internet"And then Set the date and time manually to a time shortly before one of the following (note that the dates use month/day order). A full minute beforehand should provide plenty of time.
7/8/2052, 7:58:29 AM (07:58:29)
19/09/2056, 19:55:31 PM (19:55:31)
Synchronize a stopwatch with the switch's clock, and determine what the exact time on the stopwatch will be when the switch reaches the desired time. Open Scarlet Or Violet Again, and Activate the number printer at the right second for a chance to find a master ball. Note that once the printer is activated, the number it will return is already determined, so players can take as much time as they need to add materials. This trick can be repeated infinitely until a Master Ball spawns.
The Indigo Disc makes even the toughest of Pokemon captures simple
Other ways to find master balls in the Scarlet and Violet DLC
There are Three master balls that can be acquired simply through regular play Pokemon Scarlet and Violet And its DLC. One is received from Director Clavell after completing "The way home” and two more are available in The Indigo Disc DLC: One for defeating Kieran, and another for filling 240 entries in the Blueberry Pokedex. Obviously, that's not nearly enough to catch all of the Legendary Pokemon in the game, but investing in the Item Printer can make all the difference. And with BBQs encouraging people to defeat and catch a variety of Pokemon, It is easy to collect a lot of BP and materials to use the item printer And use the lotto.
Even a single master ball can be an incredibly valuable resource in any Pokemon game, so the items printer's capabilities are understandably a notable boon. With all that is included in the Indigo Disc DLC, with the ability to catch even the strongest of Pokemon with ease is an incredible advantage. Of course, there is a notable level of time, effort and luck involved in working the Item Printer, but for such powerful items, that's only fair. The Poké Ball Lotto is a small but incredibly useful feature for Pokemon Scarlet and VioletWith the potential to give people an unlimited number of master balls.