One piece tastes his most tragic character may yet get the happy ending he deserves

One piece tastes his most tragic character may yet get the happy ending he deserves

Warning: Contains spoilers for chapter #1126 of One Piece.

One piece has just teased that his most tragic character may yet get the happy ending he deserves and fans couldn't be more relieved at the resolution. While One piece Has many tragic backstories, the Egghead Arc single-handedly established Bartholomew Kuma as one of the most tragic characters in the series, and the latest chapter hints that he and Bonney may still have a shot at happiness.

In chapter #1126 of one piece Kuma and Bonnie are seen on the giant pirates ship. As the giants and the straw hats continue to feast, Bonney celebrates the fact that she and Kuma finally made it to sea together And got to see the horizon with Kuma quietly smiling in response.

Kuma smiles in unison as he and Bonnie celebrate they can finally see the horizon

Bonney's words about reaching the horizon are a reference to these Promise Kuma made to Bonnie the last time they saw each other Three years ago when you left her in Sorbet Kingdom in chapter #1100. As such, the brief scene in the final chapter makes for a nice resolution to Kuma's tragic character arc, hinting at hope for a much-deserved happy ending for the father-daughter duo.

One piece tastes a happy ending for Kuma and Bonnie

Created by Eiichiro Oda, Chapter #1126, "Take responsibility"

One pieceEgghead's arc was full of surprises at every turn, though one that completely caught fans off guard was Kuma's backstory and his tragic relationship with Bonney, who until Egghead was just another unremarkable member of the Worst Generation. This arc shone a new light on the Warlord of the Sea, with fans unanimously agreeing that Kuma is one of the most tragic characters in One Piece.

Ever since Kuma's tragic story was revealed, fans have been rooting for him and Bonney to be reunited and certainly make it out of Egghead, which they happily did. While it may only be a single panel of Kuma smiling, chapter #1126 finally gave fans some closure with just that one expression, and after all Bonney and Kuma have been through, it's quite A relief to see the two smiling again.


More than anything, it's nice to see that Eiichiro Oda didn't forget to complete Bonney and Kuma's arc despite everything going on in the story now with Eleven on the horizon.

Vegapunk's survival hints at hope for Kuma

Three of Vegapunk's satellites coexist in a single body after their destruction.

The fact that Kuma smiles in response to Bonney in chapter #1126 hints at that Kuma remembers the promise he made to Bonnie Before his memories were wiped. Although it is unclear which way Bonney and Kuma will go forward One pieceChapter #1125 confirmed that Atlas, Shaka, Edison, and Pythagoras survived and escaped with Punk Records and could perhaps help Kuma at some point in the future.

It's still unclear how much of his memories Kuma still has and whether Vegapunk's satellites can completely reverse the memory loss, but it's still a slim possibility. That said, One piece It was vaguely noted about how Kuma was able to override the self-destruct command, with Vegapunk referring to it as "the power of love," and perhaps that's all there is to it.

One piece is available from Manga Plus and Viz Media.