One piece just made his most anticipated battle more emotional than fans thought

One piece just made his most anticipated battle more emotional than fans thought

Warning: Contains manga spoilers for one piece.

One piece's anime continues to deliver one excellent episode after another, and its newest episode makes one of the series' most anticipated battles Surprisingly emotional. The long-awaited showdown between Garp and Kuzan on Fullalead is finally animated, and the anime casts a new light on the confrontation, leaving many lasting implications.

Episode #1121 of One piece Adapts the battle between Garp and his former student-turned-pirate cousin, making the fight much more emotional than it originally was in the manga. While the fight was as exciting as any other in the Egghead Arc in the manga, the unique direction of the scene in the anime, coupled with the swelling music Paint the scene as a highly emotional confrontationHighlighting Cousin and Garp's reluctance to fight each other.

One Piece highlights Garp and Kuzan's bond

Episode #1121, "Garp and Kuzan - A master and a disciple's beliefs clash"

Although the clash between Garp and Aokiji is only a small part of episode #1121, it certainly is The highlight of the episode And one of the battles fans have been looking forward to alongside fights like Kid vs. Shanks, Law vs. Blackbeard, and Luffy vs. Loki. The episode is mostly a panel-for-panel adaptation of the manga, with the only addition being Kuzan questioning the Navy's brand of justice after the Ohara Incident, which is arguably a very nice touch.

Still, the anime conveys the battle in a different tone than the manga, mostly thanks to these Increased focus on Garp and Kuzan's flashback In the middle of the battle. While the flashback is fleeting in the manga, the anime takes its time to craft the scene and better establishes the deep-flowing bond between Garp and Kuzan.

In addition to being visually stunning, the overall execution of the flashback scene with the warm, dusky rays of sunlight streaming through the window and wistful music playing in the background conveys a strong sense of nostalgia. As a result, the flashback that would otherwise be an unwanted distraction from the exciting clash ends Redefining the action as a whole from the perspective of the characters.

One piece continues to point to Cousin's wavering loyalty

Chapter #1126 reveals that Garp suspiciously survived the battle

Cousin tells Blackbird Garp is alive in one piece

Overall, the last episode stressed that even though they may be on opposite sides, both Garp and Kuzan are clearly reluctant to fight each other. Although Garp expels Cousin as his disciple and the latter explicitly refers to himself as Garp's enemy, both are still painfully aware of their history. The fact that Garp somehow survived the battle as revealed in chapter #11266 also hints at that Cousin may have gone easy on GarpContrary to his claims to Blackbird.

Cousins' loyalty to Blackbeard was in doubt The length of time and the surprisingly emotional nature of his fight against Garpon further supports these doubts. It is still too early to say what Kuzan's motives might be and whether he would really betray Blackbeard, but it is clear that Kuzan will not find the justice he was looking for in Blackbeard's navy.


total, One piece is full of complex characters, each with their own distinct set of ideals and intricate dynamics with other characters, even when it comes to relatively minor characters like Garp and Kuzan, and the final episode wholeheartedly embraces the Opportunity to explore the complexities. More than anything, Garp's emotional clash against Cousin is an excellent proof that not every action needs to be purely focused on the action and fighting, which makes a rather refreshing change.

One piece is available from Crunchyroll and Netflix.