One Piece Episode #1123 Release Date and Time

One Piece Episode #1123 Release Date and Time

One piece Delivered one of its best episodes yet with episode #1122, and considering all the recent announcements about the anime, it will generate even more excitement for episode #1123 than one would expect. Episode #1122 excelled on all fronts, whether it was animation or drama, and there was no better point for the Egghead Island interlude to end.

One piece Episode #1122 Continued III One piece Episode #1121 left off with Avalo Pizarro about to destroy the marines with the power of his oil-isle fruit. Kobe panicked as it looked like they were all doomed, but luckily, Garp's encouraging words were enough to push Kobe to keep fighting to protect everyone. What followed was a beautiful sequence of pure spectacle, and it's sure to have an even better follow-up in episode #1123 and beyond.

When does one piece episode 1123 release

Garp about to use Galaxy Divide

One piece Streams new episodes weekly on Crunchyroll and Netflix, which can be accessed through their apps, websites or third-party websites like Amazon Prime. While episode #1123 would normally have premiered on Saturday, October 19th, not only that One piece of fan letter Anniversary special air instead, but it was recently announced that One pieces anime Will be on hiatus until April 2025With a reedited version of the Fishman Island arc in its place. It is currently unknown what date and time episode #1123 will premiere, but once it is known, the information will be released as soon as possible.

What happened in One Piece Episode 1122?

Produced by Toei Animation; Directed by Yasunori Koyama

One piece Episode #1122, "The last lesson! Impact inherited," opened with a flashback of Coby and other Marine recruits receiving a lesson from Garp. Garp asked them what they would do if they had to choose between saving a baby and an old man, to which Coby agreed. That the right choice is to sacrifice himself to save both. Garp said that the right choice is to leave the old man and save the child, and while he was rejected by his friends, Garp frames the lesson as a metaphor for how they always need to prioritize the future of the Marines.

Back in the present, Garp tells Kobi, Helmeppo, and Grus that he would give them an opening to deal with Pizarro's attack and protect the Marines and civilians. Sure enough, Garp used whatever power he had left to deal a massive blow to Pizarro, giving Kobi's group enough time to weaken his arm. With Pizarro distracted and Helmeppo holding off other pirates, Kobe mustered all his strength and destroyed Pizarro's arm with a powerful hockey-infused punch.Regards then uses his powers to protect everyone from falling prey.

Coby, Helmepo and Grus returned to the ship to the sound of everyone singing Coby's praises, and the plan then became to pick up Garp and leave. However, Garp called them and told them to leave him, and with things so bad, they had no choice but to submit. Garp laughed as he called Coby and everyone else the future of the Marines, and the episode ended with the story that The world would be shocked by the stories of Garp being captured by the Blackboard Pirates and Luffy allegedly taking people hostage at Egghead Island.

One Piece's anime perfectly highlights Kobe's growth and power

Kobe training with battleship bags

Kobe was the star of One piece Episode #1122, and it did a perfect job of putting him in the spotlight. Episode #1122 and the entire Pirate Island storyline in general was all about building up to Kobe's triumphant moment of being the hero, and it had an amazing payoff in Kobe's Honesty Impact is an even bigger spectacle than in the manga. The anime did an even better job of highlighting how powerful Kobe became, and overall, it was great to watch.

More than physical strength, however, episode #1122 did a great job of showing how much Kobe has grown as a person. Episode #1122 has a lot to remind Kobi of how much of a weakling he used to be, and thanks to the revelation of Kobi doing Garp and Kuzan's Battleship Bags training leading to his Gravity Impact, One piece Episode #1122 completely satisfied Coby's arc of becoming a powerful marine after over 20 years. There is no doubt that Kobe will be a major player in the final saga, and episode #1122 showed why this makes sense on all fronts.

One piece has the perfect episode to break with

Cousin in episode 1122

The One piece Anime suddenly going on hiatus was a major surprise, but between some incredible storytelling around Garp and Kobi and even greater visuals and direction that are easily among the best anime, One piece Episode #1122 was the perfect episode for the anime to leave on before its hiatusAs its deep heights, combined with all the last dramatic shifts, make it a perfect stopping point. It could not have been a better way for One piece To complete his Egghead Island interlude, and whatever episode #1123 and beyond will be more than worth the wait.